The Quantum Traveler/C3 Ants
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The Quantum Traveler/C3 Ants
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C3 Ants

"Saintess, welcome to Vertville City."

A man clad in the attire of the Exquisite Sect's outer disciples said with a sycophantic tone.

While speaking, he couldn't bring himself to meet the Saintess's gaze, as if her celestial presence was not to be defiled by an ordinary man like him.

"Ouyang Tian, as a disciple of the Exquisite Sect and a resident of Vertville City, remember the mission entrusted to you by our sect."

An elder standing beside Saintess Murong Yu spoke with a piercing look in his eyes.

Ouyang Tian nearly dropped to his knees in fright, hastily assuring, "Elder, rest assured, I haven't forgotten. Our sect has come to Vertville City to scout for disciples with exceptional talent."

The elder with the piercing gaze let out a cold laugh, "Really? Then explain to me, what's the significance of the Saintess's involvement with the Zhang family's good-for-nothing?"

Ouyang Tian's eyes brimmed with contempt, his heart seething with envy.

"Elder, such a worthless individual is hardly fit for the Saintess. If not to have everyone bear witness, why else would the Saintess bother to grace us with her presence?"

"Ha! Well said, Ouyang Tian. Besides the public spectacle, it's to ensure the Zhang family's disgrace is complete, prompting that fool to commit a folly. And when he does... hmph!" The elder's words dripped with lethal intent.

Ouyang Tian nodded, thinking to himself, If I could just find the chance to eliminate that waste, Zhang Bufan...

In their midst stood a young woman, robed in white and veiled, the Saintess of the Exquisite Sect, Murong Yu. Her frosty eyes remained impassive as she listened, deeming such a 'trash' unworthy of her notice.


"Ugh, what a nuisance. I merely squashed a mosquito, and now I'm at the ninth layer of the Foundation Stage? No more leveling up, absolutely not!"

Zhang Bufan was at a loss for words.

If he kept advancing at this rate and inadvertently reached the Golden Core Stage, he'd attract the Tribulation Lightning!

Should that happen, his untempered body would be obliterated into nothing but debris!

Far too risky!

"Leveling up too quickly isn't always a good thing!"

Zhang Bufan wore a look of frustration. Rather than continuing his cultivation, he chose to delve into the system's technique, the Heavenly Dragon Nine Transformations. He had assumed that each successful phase of the technique would simply boost his strength, but upon closer examination, Zhang Bufan was astounded to discover that it was, in fact, a formidable body-refining technique!

"Increasing strength is essentially transforming one's physique, isn't it?" he murmured to himself.

Being a man of the modern world, Zhang Bufan was clever, but mastering the Heavenly Dragon Nine Transformations without a mentor was out of the question. It took him a full day and night to unravel the intricacies of the technique.

"If I can master the Heavenly Dragon Nine Transformations, I'll enhance my physical power, and then I won't have to fear the Tribulation Crossing Lightning when I reach the Golden Core Stage!"

Zhang Bufan had been hesitant to level up before because, without any equipment, leveling up was meaningless. But now, the situation had changed. The Heavenly Dragon Nine Transformations served as his very own armor!

With his robust physique, he felt assured that he could withstand the Tribulation Crossing Lightning without perishing. Otherwise, he wouldn't dare to attempt breaking through to the Golden Core Stage, even if it was within reach.

Two days flew by in the blink of an eye.

During that time, Zhang Bufan steered clear of any nuisances, focusing solely on the Heavenly Dragon Nine Transformations. His dedication paid off as he finally grasped the essence of the technique's first form.

"Time to test my true strength!"

He eyed the man-sized rockery in the courtyard, itching to give it a go.


Grasping the rockery firmly with both hands, Zhang Bufan hoisted it up and shattered it to pieces!

"So this is power?"

Despite being prepared, Zhang Bufan was still taken aback by his own might. Had anyone else witnessed it, they would have been equally astounded. Without tapping into his spiritual force and relying solely on his physical strength, he had demonstrated a truly fearsome power.

"I've been here quite a while without exploring the town. It's time I did."

Zhang Bufan allowed himself a smile, knowing that even in cultivation, one must balance hard work with leisure.

It was then he realized that the Zhang family, while not on par with the Three Great Families of Vertville City, would have been considered exceedingly wealthy in his past life, judging by the expanse of their estate alone.

When people noticed Zhang Bufan, their gazes lacked any trace of respect, tinged instead with mockery.

Indeed, what good was being the Young Patriarch of the Zhang family if one was merely a Transcendence Stage Layer Three 'trash'? Without real power, a prestigious title was as insignificant as an ant in the eyes of others.

"Isn't this our Young Patriarch? Planning a little outing, are we?" A servant sneered at Zhang Bufan.

Another chimed in with a laugh, "I heard our Young Patriarch's engagement was called off, and he was so upset he passed out for three whole days. I almost thought he was dead!"

Even a clay figure has a breaking point, much less a fiery young man.

"Is this how you speak to me, as servants?" Zhang Bufan's voice was icy.

The two servants laughed. As attendants to the Great Elder, they had always considered themselves a cut above the rest. After all, with the Great Elder's high standing within the Zhang family, there were whispers that he would be Patriarch if not for Zhang Xiaotian's marginally superior strength.

"Young Patriarch, we're only speaking the truth. Is that not so?" One servant said, feigning nonchalance.

"And what of it? Kneel down!" Zhang Bufan stepped forward, his voice thundering with fury.

The original Zhang Bufan, hampered by his lack of talent, had always been meek, never daring to confront the servants' scorn.

But the Zhang Bufan of today was no longer that timid Young Patriarch of the past!

Now at the Foundation Stage Layer Nine, his every move exuded the presence of a formidable being. Even with his power concealed, his commanding aura was palpable.

The two servants were immediately taken aback. The Young Patriarch before them was not the same man they once knew.

"Zhang Bufan, you call yourself trash, yet you expect us to kneel before you? Do you realize we're at the fifth layer of the Transcendence Stage? Would you dare to lay a finger on us?" boasted the servant with a smug look.

I really don't dare!

Zhang Bufan was at a loss for words. With his skills, snuffing out these two pests would be as easy as snapping his fingers. However, doing so would inevitably lead to a level-up and a breakthrough to the Golden Core Stage, which would bring about its own set of problems—namely, the dreaded Tribulation Crossing Lightning.

"Why should I bother lifting a hand against mere servants? Believe me, if you refuse to kneel, I can make your end a miserable one. And what does it matter if you serve the Great Elder?"

"Let's not forget, my father is the head of the Zhang family, and as the Young Patriarch, do you really think the Great Elder would risk offending him for two insignificant pests like you?"

Zhang Bufan gave the two fools before him a chilling glance.

Hearing his words, the servants broke into a cold sweat. Zhang Bufan was right; they were in no position to provoke him.

"What's there to be so smug about? You were just lucky with your birth," retorted the servant, though his heart wasn't in it.

"If you value your lives, kneel. I'm counting to three."


"We'll kneel!"

The servants weren't willing to gamble on the chance that this 'trash' might complain to the Patriarch. It would spell certain doom for them!

With a thud, they both dropped to their knees before Zhang Bufan.

Zhang Bufan chuckled and remarked, "To me, you're less significant than ants."

Seething with rage yet powerless to act, the servants could only watch Zhang Bufan's triumphant demeanor and grind their teeth in frustration.

"Off you go, inform the Great Elder. Let's see if this 'trash' will still be so bold!"

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