The Quantum Traveler/C4 Two Birds with One Stone
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The Quantum Traveler/C4 Two Birds with One Stone
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C4 Two Birds with One Stone

As Zhang Bufan stepped outside, he took in the sights with a hint of wistfulness.

It had only been a few days, yet he felt as if he had grown accustomed to this world, even fond of it!

Here, power was paramount, and the so-called laws were merely rules set by the mighty—a stark contrast to the rules of his past life, and he found himself somewhat enthralled by it.

"With enough strength in my fists, who can touch me?"

Vertville City, while not the most bustling in the Eastern Sea Region, boasted a population of a million. The streets were lined with vendors, all peddling goods related to cultivation—pills, magical treasures, and techniques.

But these items were often just gimmicks to swindle people, exorbitantly priced and sometimes outright fakes.

Zhang Bufan couldn't be bothered to give them a second glance. He recalled that the game would eventually introduce a marketplace system, but since it wasn't available to him yet, he figured he must not have reached the necessary level of power. Perhaps once he attained the Golden Core Stage, he would gain access.

After wandering for a while, Zhang Bufan had no intention of making any purchases. Partly because nothing caught his eye, and partly due to his limited funds—a mere hundred low-grade spirit stones could hardly buy anything of value.

As Zhang Bufan was about to head back, a figure stepped in his way.

"Ouyang Tian?"

He recognized the man before him from his memories.

In Vertville City, the Ouyang family was among the Three Great Families. Ouyang Tian had been scouted by the Exquisite Sect in his youth and had joined their ranks to cultivate. Zhang Bufan was aware of this, but with his own modest talents, he wouldn't have been considered for even the most menial tasks within the sect, much less discipleship.

Snapping out of his reverie, Zhang Bufan eyed Ouyang Tian, who was grinning at him like a wolf sizing up a lamb.

Zhang Bufan's brow creased slightly. As a disciple of the Exquisite Sect, Ouyang Tian was expected to be in seclusion, cultivating. What could have brought him to Vertville City? Could it be...

"I was wondering who it was! Isn't that the infamous Zhang family's Young Patriarch, the notorious good-for-nothing of Vertville City?" Ouyang Tian bellowed with laughter.

"Is there a problem?" inquired Zhang Bufan.

"Hehe, there's a problem alright, and it's a big one!" A malicious grin spread across Ouyang Tian's face.

The bystanders turned their attention to the scene, murmuring among themselves.

"Looks like Zhang Bufan is in for it now! Ouyang Tian doesn't show up unless he means trouble..."

"Tell me something I don't know! The Ouyang and Zhang families are like oil and water. If Zhang Xiaotian advances to the Golden Core Stage, the balance among the Three Great Families is going to shift!"

"That poor sap, Zhang Bufan. If he had just stayed home instead of running into Ouyang Tian, he wouldn't be in this mess..."

The crowd buzzed with commentary, yet not a single person felt pity for Zhang Bufan.

He was considered too much of a lost cause, and with the Ouyang family being a powerhouse among Vertville City's Three Great Families, who would dare cross them?

"Hey kid, still stuck at Transcendence Stage Layer Three, are you? I've reached the first level of the Foundation Stage. How about I give you some pointers? You might just have a breakthrough in your cultivation," Ouyang Tian offered, his face twisted with a cunning sneer.

Zhang Bufan regarded Ouyang Tian warily, thinking to himself, "This guy's up to no good. If I refuse, I'll be the city's biggest joke!"

While Zhang Bufan's notoriety as the family's black sheep was well-known throughout Vertville City, no one had witnessed it firsthand.

Public humiliation at the hands of Ouyang Tian would seal his infamous status. More crucially, as a member of the Zhang family, it would bring shame upon his entire clan.

Zhang Bufan harbored little affection for the Zhang family, but he held a deep respect for his father, Zhang Xiaotian. Despite the mockery from everyone in Vertville City, including his own family, his father was the only one who had stood by him against all odds.

How could he let his father down now?

"What's the matter, scared to accept my challenge? If you're too cowardly to agree, then kneel and give me three resounding kowtows. I'll let you off the hook. How's that sound?"

Ouyang Tian was certain that Zhang Bufan wouldn't dare accept his challenge; his intent was to shame him thoroughly. By doing so, word would surely reach the Exquisite Sect and the Saintess, and he would be hailed for his grand achievement!

The onlookers couldn't help but snicker at the spectacle.

"Zhang Bufan, you might as well kneel and bow your head! It'll save Young Master Ouyang the trouble of intervening!"

"Poor thing, this loser is too terrified to even utter a word."

"If I were in his shoes, I'd be on my knees in an instant!"

Nobody believed Zhang Bufan had the guts to accept. Merely at Transcendence Stage Layer Three, he was no match for Ouyang Tian at the Foundation Stage, let alone any of them, who could easily end his life.

"If I were to refuse Young Master Ouyang's kind offer, wouldn't that be ungrateful?" Zhang Bufan said earnestly, "Alright, I accept!"

Zhang Bufan's response left everyone stunned!

Ouyang Tian was utterly bewildered. Had the boy lost his mind?

Or had fear driven him insane?

"You... you've accepted?" Ouyang Tian stammered.

"Of course. Who knows, maybe I'll achieve a breakthrough," Zhang Bufan replied, the picture of innocence.

Ouyang Tian burst into laughter, his eyes brimming with condescension.

Under normal circumstances, he wouldn't dare to lay a finger on Zhang Bufan without cause. Among the Three Great Families of Vertville City, the Ouyang family was at the bottom, with the Zhang family just above them.

Should he harm Zhang Bufan, and Zhang Xiaotian retaliate, the Ouyang family would be in a dire situation. But at this moment...

"Zhang Bufan, do you have the courage to repeat that in front of everyone?"

"I, Zhang Bufan, stand by my agreement with Young Master Ouyang and welcome his instruction. Let everyone bear witness!" Zhang Bufan declared boldly.

The crowd erupted into chaos!

Zhang Bufan could have backed out without reproach, but instead, he reaffirmed his stance, even asking for witnesses. Was he signing his own death warrant?

Ouyang Tian let out a cold, mocking laugh. "This guy has lost his mind! Advice? He's after my life!"

With everyone here as my witness, even if I were to kill him, the Zhang family couldn't say a thing. They'd only have Zhang Bufan to blame for bringing it upon himself!

"Listen up, Zhang Bufan," Ouyang Tian said, his eyes glinting with a deadly intent, "if I happen to injure you, or... if I end up killing you, there will be no room for regrets."

The crowd was visibly shaken by his words. Clearly, Ouyang Tian harbored a sinister motive; he was plotting to end Zhang Bufan's life!

Ouyang Tian's actions were not just about challenging the sect and the Saintess, but also about throwing the Zhang family into chaos. With the family in disarray, Zhang Xiaotian would pose no threat to the Ouyang clan.

It was a classic case of hitting two birds with one stone!

"That's a given," Zhang Bufan replied with a nod. "But tell me, Young Master Ouyang, if I were to accidentally injure you, you wouldn't seek revenge, would you?"

Ouyang Tian was taken aback.

"What did you just say? You, injure me?" Ouyang Tian looked at him as if he were seeing a lunatic.

Zhang Bufan simply nodded.

Ouyang Tian's laughter erupted, tears nearly forming in his eyes, and the rest joined in the raucous mockery.

"He's insane! Truly insane! How could someone at the mere Third Layer of the Transcendence Stage ever harm Young Master Ouyang of the Foundation Stage?"

"I can't believe it. The Zhang family's good-for-nothing is actually an idiot!"

"I'm starting to feel sorry for him. Truly pitiful."

Many in the crowd shook their heads, lamenting Zhang Bufan's foolishness.

Forget the Third Layer of the Transcendence Stage; even at the Third Level of the Qi Refining Stage, anyone would be signing their death warrant facing Ouyang Tian of the Foundation Stage!

It was no wonder Zhang Bufan was still considered worthless, spouting such nonsense!

"Absolutely not," Ouyang Tian declared. "Let them all bear witness: even if I die, I will not seek revenge against you!"

Zhang Bufan nodded, "Then I'm relieved."

Ouyang Tian's confusion was evident, but Zhang Bufan wasn't finished.

"Because, I truly intend to kill you!"

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