The Quantum Traveler/C9 He Had Gone too Far!
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The Quantum Traveler/C9 He Had Gone too Far!
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C9 He Had Gone too Far!

Early the next morning, Murong Yu arrived at the Zhang family residence, representing the Exquisite Sect. Accompanying her were three Golden Core Stage guardian elders, as well as the patriarch of the Ouyang family, Ouyang Shan.

The Zhang family was on high alert, with everyone seated with the utmost decorum, cautious not to offend the formidable Exquisite Sect.

"Zhang Xiaotian, the Saintess is here to call off the engagement with your worthless son!" Ouyang Shan declared, his voice dripping with scorn.

Seated at the head of the table, Zhang Xiaotian gazed at Murong Yu and spoke deliberately, "Saintess, our fathers arranged this engagement. My father once saved your father's life, which led to their alliance. Isn't it somewhat ungrateful to dissolve it now?"

His words incensed Ouyang Shan and the guardian elders. "Zhang Xiaotian, if you continue with such talk, expect no mercy from us!" one elder warned.

"Elder, have I spoken falsely? My father saved the Saintess's father. If she lacks gratitude, so be it, but to annul the engagement and slander my son is too much," Zhang Xiaotian retorted, his voice rising with anger.

"Ha! Your son, Zhang Bufan, is nothing but trash. What insult could he possibly suffer?" the guardian elder retorted with a cold laugh.

Zhang Xiaotian, choked with rage, was at a loss for words.

The Great Elder, Zhang Shusong, intervened hastily, "Please, Saintess and elders, temper your anger. Our patriarch has always favored his disappointing son, but rest assured, I will ensure the boy is brought before you."

"Indeed, the Exquisite Sect is the most powerful in Vertville City. It's Zhang Xiaotian who has held us back!" chimed in the other two elders, eager to have Zhang Bufan publicly sever the engagement with the Saintess, hoping to avoid the wrath of the Exquisite Sect.

Zhang Xiaotian fixed a chilling stare on the Zhang family's elders, his eyes brimming with murderous intent. Their actions threatened not just his son's dignity but the honor of the entire Zhang family and his own standing as patriarch.

"Why haven't you brought that waste here to face the Saintess's judgment?" Ouyang Shan bellowed in rage.

The three elders nearly dropped to their knees in fright.

After all, Ouyang Shan was at the Golden Core Stage—far beyond their league.

"There's no need; I've arrived."

At that moment, Zhang Bufan's voice echoed from outside the hall.

Upon laying eyes on him, Ouyang Shan itched to rip Zhang Bufan to shreds for the sake of his son.

"Looks like you've got some backbone after all, not just a turtle hiding in its shell," Zhang Bufan taunted. "But if you're thinking of avenging your son, save your breath. You're no match for me."

Ouyang Shan was left speechless, and the crowd buzzed with astonishment.

"Has this guy lost his mind? Can't he see that he's facing the Saintess of the Exquisite Sect, whose power has already reached the Golden Core Stage?"

"Does he really think such bravado will impress the Saintess? He's delusional!"

"Ouyang Shan, the head of the Ouyang family, is also a Golden Core Stage powerhouse. Wouldn't it be a cinch for him to eliminate this nobody?"

The onlookers couldn't help but laugh uproariously at Zhang Bufan's audacious statement.

Ouyang Shan's face darkened to the extreme as he fixed a deathly glare on Zhang Bufan. "You're utterly clueless, aren't you? A mere ant at the Transcendence Stage Layer Three claiming I'm not your match?"

"Ouyang Shan, stand down."

As Ouyang Shan was about to strike, the Saintess, who had remained silent until now, finally intervened.

With a venomous look at Zhang Bufan, Ouyang Shan stepped aside.

Murong Yu observed Zhang Bufan, who in turn appraised her, nodding thoughtfully.

"What a shame," he clicked his tongue.

Murong Yu's eyebrows knitted together as she asked icily, "A shame? What are you talking about?"

"The real shame is that you, a Saintess and Golden Core Stage expert, have such a lacking figure. It's a huge letdown," Zhang Bufan remarked, his face a picture of disappointment.

To the uninformed, it might seem Zhang Bufan was making a profound point!

Little did they know, Zhang Bufan was flirting with disaster!

"Zhang Bufan, you worthless fool! How dare you insult the Saintess of our sect! Your life ends today!"

The onlookers were in shock.

This fool has truly lost his mind!

Murong Yu held back the guardian elder poised to strike and fixed a cold gaze on Zhang Bufan.

"Zhang Bufan, I'm here to annul our engagement. You'll agree to it whether you like it or not. If you refuse, your entire Zhang family will pay the price!"

Murong Yu loathed the man before her, yet she preferred to wait until the engagement was officially called off.

"The engagement will not be broken, and you can't harm a single member of the Zhang family!" Zhang Bufan declared with unwavering certainty.

"Zhang Bufan, even now, you have the audacity to spout such nonsense. Just agree to what the Saintess demands, or you'll doom the entire Zhang family!" The Great Elder, Zhang Shusong, bellowed.

Could the Zhang family truly stand against the Exquisite Sect?

"If you refuse, I won't need the Saintess to act; I'll end you myself!"

"Agree now, and don't be the cause of our downfall!"

Once the Zhang family's three elders spoke up, the rest of the family quickly echoed their pleas.

"You three old curs, as Zhang family elders, you're nothing but craven traitors, siding with outsiders. You're the ones who should die!" Zhang Bufan shouted in fury.

The three elders had never expected such insolence from someone they deemed a mere Transcendence Stage Layer Three trash, especially in front of others. They felt utterly humiliated.

"I'll kill you myself!"

The Great Elder, Zhang Shusong, erupted in anger. His spiritual force, at the Eighth Level of the Foundation Stage, surged wildly as he lunged at Zhang Bufan.

"How dare you attack my son? You're asking for death!"

Zhang Xiaotian's furious roar thundered as he struck with his palm, sending the Great Elder Zhang Shusong reeling back.

"Zhang Xiaotian, your son has lost his mind. Have you lost yours too? Crossing the Exquisite Sect means death for us all!" Zhang Shusong seethed with rage.

Zhang Xiaotian scoffed, "My son speaks the truth. You, as Zhang family elders, are nothing but spineless, disgraceful opportunists. You bring shame upon our name!"

"Bufan, feel free to do as you wish today. Your father fully supports you!"

Murong Yu's gaze upon Zhang Xiaotian was icy as she spoke, "Uncle Zhang, are you truly willing to make an enemy of the Exquisite Sect?"

"Your Exquisite Sect was the one to show ingratitude first and to oppress us excessively!" retorted Zhang Xiaotian.

Murong Yu's face contorted with displeasure to the extreme.

"To the guardian elder, take down Zhang Xiaotian!"

"As you command, Saintess!"

One of the guardian elders channeled his spiritual force, his presence transforming dramatically, leaving everyone around struggling to catch their breath.

In an instant, the guardian elder was upon Zhang Xiaotian, unleashing a razor-sharp flying sword aimed straight for his head.

"Bring it on!" Zhang Xiaotian bellowed with laughter.

"Monumental Strike!"

Zhang Xiaotian thrust his hands forward, halting the flying sword as if they were a pair of iron axes. His spiritual force burst forth unrestrained, emanating an aura akin to the guardian elder's. Though slightly less potent, it bore the unmistakable pressure of the Golden Core Stage.

The Zhang family's three great elders witnessed this and their faces turned ashen.

"Zhang Xiaotian, you've actually advanced to the Golden Core Stage!" A wave of dread washed over Zhang Shusong.

Today, if Zhang Xiaotian lived, it would be he who perished!


Seizing the moment of deadlock between Zhang Xiaotian and the flying sword, the guardian elder struck once more, aiming to end his life.

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