The Reborn Son-in-law/C1 Embarrassing Me in front of My Face
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The Reborn Son-in-law/C1 Embarrassing Me in front of My Face
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C1 Embarrassing Me in front of My Face

Boom! Boom! The sound shook the valley. As the bus rolled down the cliff, it continued to explode. Finally, it split into countless fragments and fell into the bottom of the river.

At the bottom of the river, it was silent and dark. The man struggled to swim upwards. Eleven black lights chased after him closely. Suddenly, it was dawn.

In the morning of the First Hospital.

The beautiful young nurse walked into a critically ill ward with a file splint.

"Day 19 in a coma, no signs of waking up..." She took a pen to record, "Huh? Is it manually operated?"

The man laid on the hospital bed and tried his best to open his eyes. He watched as the nurse in white ran out.

Hmm, the white stockings on her legs were a little hooked.

She thought of something, but it was as if she had exploded. Her hands and feet could not move at all.

After a while, a woman wearing a light blue OL suit and high heels followed the doctor into the room.

So beautiful!

Her fair skin, beautiful long legs, and long hair are my favorite dishes! It's just that the way he looks at me is very cold, very unfriendly.

"Doctor, what's wrong with him now?"

"There are no problems with all the data. He just woke up and needs to rest for a while. He can be discharged tomorrow under normal circumstances. If he needs to be observed in the hospital for two days, he can be discharged," Wang Yao said.

Such a beautiful girl, what exactly is she?

Oh! That's right, this is my wife Xu Chunzi! She received the certificate.

"You scared me. I thought I was in hell. Someone came to collect me." Tang Jiutian was lying on the bed, but he couldn't say anything. His head was hurting.

"Thank you, doctor."

"It's okay. To be honest, your husband is really lucky. There are 12 people in a car and 11 people died. His external injuries are not even serious. What a miracle. You guys talk. Call me if you need anything."

After the doctor finished checking, he walked out. Before he went out, he couldn't help but look at this beauty a few more times. It couldn't be helped that she was really too beautiful.

F * ck! Sneaking at my wife! Be careful, I'll poke your eyes!

Just as Tang Jiutian was lying down and pondering, a man in a suit walked in.

"Chunzi, the hospitalization fees have been paid."

"Senior, thank you. There is a total of 200,000 yuan. This money, I will definitely return it to you in a month."

"There is no need to be so polite with me. Hmm?" As he spoke, the man in the suit used his finger to lightly scratch Xu Chunzi's nose. Not only did she not dodge, she even blushed!

"Me! F * ck, laozi is awake okay! Although I can only squint my eyes, I can't move! "You guys are flirting in front of me!" Tang Jiutian was lying on the bed, extremely angry, but he couldn't show it. His entire body could only move his eyes. Right now, he wished he could pinch this idiot to death with his eyelids.

"Senior, I am really grateful to you today. I have to go to the company later. I will treat you to a meal some other day, or I will pay you a visit to thank you."

Deng, visit? It turned green and green.

Tang Jiutian felt very uncomfortable right now. It was as if he could see the entire world turning green. Green curtains, green windows, and green grasslands stood on the green prairie, smiling at him while holding a green lollipop.

"It's a small matter. Junior sister, I'll treat you to a meal someday. You can't reject it. " The suited man grinned.

"I'm going to kill you two..."

Tang Jiutian just laid there. His head hurt and he fell asleep.

The next day, Xu Chunzi came to pick up Tang Jiutian and bring him home.

In the Volkswagen Polo, Tang Jiutian pursed his lips and looked at Xu Chunzi who was driving. He was very unhappy.

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Tang Jiutian did not mean what he said. He was very, very hurt. He had just woken up from a serious car accident yesterday and saw that his wife had been molested.

Today, Xu Chunzi was wearing a light green dress with black silk stockings and red high heels.

What did she mean? Her eyes were covered in green? And then life became red and prosperous?

"Tang Jiutian, you'd better behave yourself. If you cause any more trouble, you might as well die outside. Once it's settled, everything will be settled!" Xu Chunzi spoke first.

When Tang Jiutian heard Xu Chunzi's words, his heart was burning with anger. This was cursing me to die earlier. So that he could give her and that pretty boy a place to live. That pretty face of hers had been blinded for nothing, and her heart was so vicious!

"Don't worry, I will cherish my little life very much." As long as I, Tang Jiutian, am here, you can forget about anyone else's name appearing on your spouse bar!

Xu Chunzi heard Tang Jiutian's strange voice and sighed.

Tang Jiutian was her husband and also the son-in-law of Xu family. Ever since this person entered Xu family, he had become her nightmare. She had been forced to marry at such a young age and even had to work hard to support this wastrel who spent money randomly. If it wasn't for him... He wouldn't be a deputy general manager who had to ask the dean for help for two hundred thousand yuan of medical expenses.

"Tomorrow is the family's seasonal meeting. The people who come are all powerful figures. When the time comes, I will trouble you to restrain yourself a little. If you offend anyone, I will not have the ability to save you."

"Oh." Tang Jiutian heard his wife's cold tone and felt extremely aggrieved. He spoke gently to a pretty boy. When it came to his husband, he was either scolding or warning him. His husband was unhappy!

In no time, the car drove into an old neighborhood and stopped under an old residential building.

The two of them got out of the car separately. Xu Chunzi threw the keys to the house to Tang Jiutian.

"You can go back by yourself. You have been delayed for half a day because of your matter. There are still a bunch of urgent matters waiting for me to deal with in the company!"

Tang Jiutian stared at Xu Chunzi. He remembered the vulgar manner of the man in the suit in front of his wife. He was very angry!

"Your stockings are torn."

"Where are your eyes looking?" Xu Chunzi looked at Tang Jiutian, who looked like a loser, angrily. She turned around and took a new pair of stockings from the drawer.

"Do you need help?"

"Get lost." Xu Chunzi looked at his eyes and got angry. She had never let Tang Jiutian touch her during the few years she was married. That was why she turned a blind eye to Tang Jiutian going out and fooling around. How could this scumbag man be worthy of her? She really didn't know what her grandfather was thinking.

"Alright. Then I'll go up. If you need anything, just call me. If you need anything."

Tang Jiutian emphasized the word "need." Then he squatted down and went upstairs with his luggage. He had to rely on his wife to support him.

After entering the room, Tang Jiutian casually threw his luggage away and sat on the sofa in the living room. Hmph, angry!

Suit man? He knew the sand sculpture. It was called Sun Chong. It was said that he had chased Xu Chunzi for a period of time in university. However, after graduating, he directly left the country and only returned after half a year. Xu Chunzi married him after graduation.

Recently, Sun Chong's father had been promoted and Xu Chunzi was becoming less and less popular with the family. This grandson took the opportunity to gather again.

Damn it, seducing my wife, and in front of me!

No way, no way. Aiyo, I'm so angry that my head hurts! That bastard.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he got! The more he took a step back, the more he thought about it!


Just as Tang Jiutian was thinking about how to take revenge on Sun Chong, his head suddenly hurt. It was as if he had been hit by something, and he fell asleep on the sofa.

After an unknown amount of time, it was already dark outside.

Tang Jiutian sat up from the sofa and looked at his surroundings. It was familiar and strange.

He found the mirror again and looked at himself in the mirror.

Under the dim light, he kept sweating.

His hands were shaking.


Something's not right.

I'm not called Tang Jiutian!

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