The Record of Slaying Ghosts/C17 Send a ghost into the ground
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The Record of Slaying Ghosts/C17 Send a ghost into the ground
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C17 Send a ghost into the ground

His grandmother's old voice was like the cry of a hawk above the ninth heaven, clear and bright and ancient, like a warm winter sun, breaking through the cold beside him.

The leaves on the ground seemed to be blown up by a strong wind, the grass and trees were swaying, the wind was sharp, the incoming leaves hit me so hard that I couldn't open my eyes.

I tried to open my eyes and saw my grandmother stand up. The square mark was gone, replaced by a dagger.

She thrust her dagger into the ground, her white hair blowing in the air, and the sound of her mouth reached me.

"Those who defy the heavens will die, those who dare to charge forth will die!"

Hearing the first sentence, the leader paused and took a few steps back, as if he was afraid.

Luo Yiyi was also stunned. Liu Li, who was still in the middle of the pile of corpses, couldn't hear me clearly and asked me in a loud voice what had happened.

Her granny's somewhat cloudy eyes shone brightly as she spoke nonstop.

"Knife in the Underworld, by my True Sun!"

"Urgent like the law!"

The leader was already trembling from head to toe and wanted to retreat in panic, "Send a ghost to the ground … Send ghosts to the ground... is actually sending ghosts to the ground! "

Luo Yiyi was also shocked, as if she had not expected her grandmother to use such a method.

At this moment, the corpse around me had already stopped moving due to the panic of the leader. Liu Li was able to escape from the pile of corpses and walk to my side while pulling on his clothes.

"What's going on? What did Senior Ye do? " At this moment, his clothes were tattered, as though he was begging for food. However, one could vaguely see his strong figure underneath the clothes. How did I get back to how he was able to stay in the pile of corpses for so long?

"Grandmother's fighting," said Luo Yiyi in a low voice.

Liu Li's eyes widened as he asked, "What formation?"

"Deliver ghosts …" "Entering the earth," Luo Yi Yi looked at her grandma with a complicated expression.

Liu Li went silent when he heard this. He just fixed his gaze in the direction of his grandma.

In the strong wind, Grandma was like a god, staring at the leader who was running away.

"What is it?" I couldn't help but ask when I saw their abnormal reactions.

"All Dharma users have the power of 'entering the earth' even when they have the power to cure the yin. Those who have the power of the yin will have their yang decayed, while those who have the power of the great sun will not be able to survive in the underworld," Luo Yiyi read out.

"What do you mean?"

"The meaning is, grandma is using her yang energy to fight against these Yin Sha. If you lose, you die on the spot; if you win, these guys won't be able to reincarnate." Liu Li couldn't hold back anymore and told me everything.

There were too many corpses of these evil cultivators that they could not handle. If they were to continue fighting, they would only be able to exhaust their energy. Moreover, these corpses were supported by that man's evil magic and could not be cut apart.

"Then why didn't you stop her!" A trace of rage flashed in my eyes. To think that my grandmother would do such a dangerous thing, and they even told me to hold them back!

"I'm sorry." Liu Li turned his head away, not looking at me.

I wanted to say something, but she put her arm around my shoulders and said, "Don't be like that."

"Do you think Grandmother used this kind of life-or-death magic because she was unprepared?" Luo Yiyi gave me a deep look. "She's Ye Hong, a person whose heart is as red as a mountain. She's such a prideful person."

I was stunned for a moment. The grandmother that I was once familiar with seemed a little strange in my eyes.

I don't know about my grandmother's past. In my impression, she was always smiling and kind. At most, she was angry when my grandfather was drunk.

I couldn't relate my grandmother to pride at all.

"Your grandmother was a prodigy back then, and no one could threaten her," Luo Yiyi said with a look of reverence, "So anyone who wants to threaten her must be prepared to be crushed like dried weeds."

"How do you know that?" Liu Li tilted his head as he asked doubtfully.

"Because she's my idol," Loewy said.

From the start of the battle, the leader had not moved. The few of us didn't know what to do, so we could only stand there.

As time passed, the air began to distort, and streams of air began to entangle above his head.

Liu Li pointed at the top of his head and said, "This is the clash between Yin and Yang. Your grandmother is fighting against all these corpses by herself."

There was an explosion, a blast of air, and we shivered.

Without saying a word, Luo Yiyi stabbed the dagger into her side, also stabbing my own dagger into the ground.

Liu Li took out a set of talismans from his bosom and placed them between his daggers. I could only look at them in confusion.

"Come in!" Liu Li raised his head and saw that I was still in a daze. He anxiously pulled me in.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" I asked quickly.

"Yin and Yang collided, causing the air to blow up and people to die." Liu Li pulled me in and continued to lay down his talisman, "An explosion signifies the disappearance of a yin fiend. There are so many yin fiends here, if all of their yin and yang energy were to explode, we would stand outside without dying or being crippled!"

Just as I put down the last talisman, Liu Li pulled me to the ground and squatted down. The air above my head instantly exploded and the thick leaves that covered the ground previously were now like locusts dancing madly in the air, covering the sky and the earth.

It's no exaggeration to say that if I open my mouth, the leaves will probably fill me up.

Fortunately, Liu Li and Luo Yi Yi had made the necessary preparations and I stood in the middle of the circle. No matter how chaotic the situation outside was, I would only need to brush away the leaves on my face from time to time.

The explosions in the sky were like firecrackers, continuing unceasingly. I was puzzled over why the fighting was so intense, but not a single person in the town woke up.

Fortunately, this situation did not last long.

After a minute or so, the wind died down.

I looked around and it was much cleaner now. The fallen leaves had all been swept away, and even the dust on the ground had been swept away, as if it had just been cleaned.

We squatted down for a while, and when we saw that nothing was wrong, we dared to get up.

As soon as I got up, I ran to Grandmother's place, not caring what happened to the pile of corpses behind me.

"Grandmother …" Are you alright … " I ran to Grandmother, but hesitated, not knowing what to do.

When Grandma heard my words, she moved her body slightly and pulled out the dagger with force of her arm.

The moment the dagger was pulled out, the sound of a heavy object landing on the ground rang out behind him.

I turned my head and saw that the corpses had all fallen, one by one, like cut leeks, densely packed together.

Gran sat down cross-legged, panting a little. I quickly reached out to support her.

Grandmother reached out and patted me, indicating that she was fine. She pointed to the leader. "I left him behind. You guys can go ask him."

Liu Li and Luo Yiyi pulled up their daggers as they approached the leader.

The leader seemed to be in a state of shock. He saw the two approaching but didn't react.

When the two of them arrived in front of him, he suddenly moved.

"I made a mistake this time," the leader said darkly. "Behind Senior Ye's cultivation, this junior will admit defeat."

"Just admit your defeat and be more honest and let us torture you. If we say who you are, we might be able to reduce the amount of pain you suffer," Liu Li held onto his dagger and said while rolling his eyes.

"You? "Not qualified," the leader said disdainfully.

"Who cares if I'm qualified or not." Liu Li also rolled his eyes and reached out to grab that person.

Gran suddenly tightened her grip on my hand and shouted, "Be careful!"

Hearing this, the two rolled to the side and avoided the attack.

In the next second, the leader's body exploded!

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