The Reincarnated Conqueror/C1 Save the Beauty Who Had Lost Her Footing!
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The Reincarnated Conqueror/C1 Save the Beauty Who Had Lost Her Footing!
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C1 Save the Beauty Who Had Lost Her Footing!

On the bus to Zliland, seventeen-year-old Yu Beigu found himself seated by the window. He vividly recalled how uncomfortable he felt taking early morning buses in his past life—partly due to the drowsiness of the early hours and partly because he sensed potential trouble ahead.

He was a person reborn!

This was his second life.

And this life marked his first journey to Zliland.

His memories painted a picture of a similar state to what he was experiencing today, a state he hadn't felt in thousands of years.

The last time he felt such excitement was before he embarked on the path of cultivation in his former life.

Back then, he had traveled to Zliland seeking assistance from the Xu family.

The Xu family, where his future father-in-law resided.

At that time, a stunning woman in her twenties had been seated beside him.

To ease his mind, he cast a minor tranquility spell, allowing himself to avoid dwelling on these thoughts and prevent discomfort.

Reflecting on his last bus trip to Zliland, which occurred over eight thousand years ago, he felt a wave of nostalgia wash over him.

In that life, he was gravely ill. His mother and grandparents had a severe falling out, followed by a miscarriage that led to a dire need for hospital funds. With his father's company bankrupt and no spare money at home, their situation was dire. Amidst these hardships, he set out for Zliland to seek the Xu family's aid.

Though it was framed as a marriage proposal, it was, in truth, a plea for relief from the Xu family.

Yu Beigu was a man of pride and arrogance, but faced with his family's relentless misfortunes, he braved the potential scorn and humiliation from the Xu family in Zliland to save his faltering household.

Yet, in that previous life, Yu Beigu endured nothing but scorn in Zliland and ultimately failed to secure the aid he sought.

He was even expelled from the Xu family's home!

Like an abandoned dog, he was ejected by the Xu family's security.

Xu Yuwei, his betrothed from that past life, wouldn't even grant him a glance. She allowed her boyfriend to subject him to humiliation and a beating, which triggered a relapse of his illness. Shortly after returning to Brona, he found himself bedridden and paralyzed.

His parents had succumbed to illness not long before.

As he lay on the brink of death, an elderly Taoist arrived at his home and whisked him away, setting him on the path of ascension.

With fierce determination, he fought his way through the layers of heaven and earth, ultimately becoming a Lord of Heaven and ruling over the seventeenth celestial level.

Yet, he was plagued by numerous regrets and inner demons from his mortal life, which hindered his progress even after ascending to the realm of the Lord of Heaven.

During a period of intense meditation, destiny cruelly played its hand once more. His beloved wife betrayed him, conspiring with his nemesis to deliver a lethal strike while he was vulnerable, leading to his demise.

Miraculously, a thunderbolt resurrected his soul essence, sending it back eight thousand years to his ten-year-old self.

Over the last seven years, he had tirelessly worked to integrate with his divine soul, successfully merging one percent of it. This effort was all for today! He was no longer the mortal Yu Beigu of his past life.

He had become the Lord of Heaven, imbued with the spirit of the celestial ruler!

During these seven years, the divine soul of the Lord of Heaven had wrought incredible changes in him, transforming his physique dramatically.

Now, as he sat in the car, his thoughts were filled with the injustices and humiliations he had faced upon his arrival in Zliland in his previous life.

He was determined not to let history repeat itself.

In Zliland, he had two objectives: first, to exact retribution on those who had scorned him, grinding their faces into the dust; and second, to ascend to the highest heavens step by step, ensuring that his suffering parents would bask in the ultimate glory.

Lost in these memories, he noticed the young woman sitting beside him, likely in her late twenties or early thirties, who seemed a bit tipsy and was leaning in close to him.

She was dressed in a comfortable, loose-fitting T-shirt that ended about ten centimeters above her knees, showcasing her fair and shapely legs. While not strikingly beautiful, her features were attractive, with a subtle allure in her gaze.

That was the older sister from his past life!

Upon recognizing her, Yu Beigu felt as if he had grown twice as large.

Observing the older sister next to him, Yu Beigu noticed her bewildered state, her gaze clouded with confusion and barely concealed arousal. It was clear to him that she had been drugged.

He keenly noticed a middle-aged man in the row behind them, leering at the young woman beside Yu Beigu with undisguised desire, his eyes alight with a predatory flame.

Yu Beigu remembered this man; he seemed to be associated with the young woman, but they had argued before boarding the bus. The woman had taken a seat beside him in a huff, while the man had chosen a seat further back.

As the lucidity in the young woman's eyes diminished, Yu Beigu knew the drug was taking hold.

"Ah, just like in my previous life, I've encountered you once again," Yu Beigu muttered to himself as he deactivated his X-ray Vision with a self-deprecating chuckle. "In my past life, I was merely a mortal and couldn't assist you. This time around, I hope you won't be mistreated by the wicked."

With that thought, Yu Beigu discreetly touched the young woman's hand, channeling a gentle stream of vital spirit into her body.

The vital spirit swiftly purged the drug from her system, and her eyes regained their clarity as she came to her senses.

Embarrassed to find herself leaning close to the handsome young man beside her, the young woman quickly righted herself in her seat.

Yu Beigu, meanwhile, closed his eyes again, calmly waiting for his stop.

"Little brother, I'm sorry about earlier... Thank you for helping me..."

Hearing the young woman's soft voice, Yu Beigu paused in surprise.

She was just an ordinary person, yet she was aware that he had helped her, even in her compromised state?

But Yu Beigu quickly let go of his astonishment. She might not realize that he had helped her overcome the drug's effects.

"I've encountered meta-humans like you in the Xu family. I was drugged by that scoundrel... If it weren't for meeting you, I can't even begin to imagine what terrible things might have happened to me after getting off the bus..."

"Oh..." Yu Beigu was taken aback. "Have you encountered someone like me before?"

"Only once, but he wasn't as young as you are; he was an older Taoist hermit," the woman replied gently after a brief pause. "My name is Lin Luoyan. If it's not too much trouble, I'd like to ask for your help in getting me to the Scardash Jade Shop at the next stop. Would that be possible? Of course, I wouldn't expect you to do it for free. Lin's Group will provide you with a handsome reward."

"It's no trouble at all," Yu Beigu responded.

Lin's Group is a leading jade enterprise in Edochester.

Still, Yu Beigu didn't know what sort of role this woman played within Lin's Group.

But that didn't matter to him in the slightest.

When he fused with the essence of the Lord of Heaven, he gained some peculiar abilities, including X-ray Vision.

At the next station, Lin Luoyan prepared to disembark, and the man behind her rose to his feet as well.

Lin Luoyan cast a fearful glance at the man behind her.

She instinctively sought Yu Beigu's assistance, but upon comparing their statures, she hesitated. The middle-aged man at the back was tall and muscular, standing over 1.8 meters, while Yu Beigu was of average height and slender.

Her gaze quickly lost its hope.

"I'll come down with you," Yu Beigu offered, seemingly oblivious to the concern in her eyes.

"No, I should manage on my own. If there's any trouble, I wouldn't want you to get hurt. Besides, he wouldn't dare try anything at the service area," she said, declining his help.

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