The Reincarnated Conqueror/C10 The Little Secret of the Lin Family!
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The Reincarnated Conqueror/C10 The Little Secret of the Lin Family!
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C10 The Little Secret of the Lin Family!

The Xu family members regarded Lin Luoyan's actions as mere theatrics. They wore expressions of detached amusement, as if privy to an inside joke, yet they were genuinely surprised when the recruitment letter was handed to Yu Beigu.

"Cousin Lin, this isn't something to jest about!" Elder Xu chided with feigned concern.

Despite the debt of gratitude he owed to Yu Beigu's grandfather for saving his life, Elder Xu harbored doubts about Yu Beigu's ability to shoulder such a significant responsibility.

In his view, Yu Beigu was nothing more than an average person. He suspected that the Lin family's decision to offer him this crucial role was solely Lin Luoyan's doing, unbeknownst to the rest of her family. Thus, he felt a sense of obligation to intervene, hoping to prevent Lin Luoyan from making a mistake.

He was convinced that once the impulsiveness subsided, Lin Luoyan would surely appreciate his candid assistance.

Throughout, he had assumed that Lin Luoyan, driven by personal sentiment, was using Yu Beigu to make a statement against the Xu family.

Despite his age, it never crossed his mind that Lin Luoyan and the influential Lin family would treat such a vital position so frivolously.

The butler, initially hesitant, was swayed by Lin Luoyan's resolute demeanor. With a reluctant resolve, he handed the offer letter to Yu Beigu.

"Mr. Yu?" Elder Xu's gaze sharpened, sensing Lin Luoyan's unwavering resolve.

Xu Changyuan and his daughter, Xu Yuwei, watched the unfolding scene with mixed emotions. Yet, a trace of malicious glee lurked behind Xu Changyuan's facade.

The Lin family's seemingly rash decision was bound to lead to their downfall, or so they thought.

The others mirrored these sentiments, while Xu Changfeng, the Xu family's eldest, observed the stoic Yu Beigu with a curious glint in his eyes, anticipating the drama's next turn.

"This isn't part of my plans—I have no desire to work for someone else," Yu Beigu stated calmly.

"Mr. Yu!" Lin Luoyan's expression turned to one of urgency upon hearing his response.

Upon seeing Yu Beigu, the butler clearly disapproved of entrusting such a significant role to a young man. Yet, upon hearing the news, his expression shifted to one of palpable relief.

Still, he harbored confusion: why would the master consent to such folly from the young Miss?

At the Xu family's residence, the mood shifted from somber to animated.

The flaw in the plan, it seemed, lay with Yu Beigu.

Xu Dengjun chuckled, "You don't even have the intention or plan to work for someone else. Quite the confidence you have there. It's a shame, though, the position the Lin family offered is too high for you to dare accept, isn't it?"

Xu Yuwei remarked, "He's definitely one to boast!"

Xu Changfeng added, "I see I was right after all. It was all just a performance for our benefit. But the Lin family is truly declining, resorting to such a foolish move! Ever since their chief appraiser passed away, they've been unable to find a suitable replacement. In their desperation, they've turned to a naive teenager to fill the role. If word gets out, it could tarnish Lin Yiping's reputation. This will surely be voted the most ridiculous event in Zliland this year!"

Xu Renke sighed, "Well, at least the young man from the Yu family has some sense of self-awareness. Accepting a position beyond one's capabilities can harm not just others, but oneself as well."

Lin Luoyan, anxious and ignoring the others, instinctively drew closer to Yu Beigu and earnestly said, "Mr. Yu, you wouldn't be working for our Lin family! If you agree to take this position, we are willing to offer you an additional 10% commission!"

Following her plea, Lin Luoyan presented an even more enticing offer.

The Xu family members watched the scene unfold with icy detachment. To them, it was all just a charade.

They couldn't fathom any logical reason for the Lin family to hire such a young man.

Yu Beigu was ready to decline with a shake of his head.

Having cultivated for thousands of years, he was above such worldly concerns.

As for wealth, if he so desired, not just millions, but even billions would be within easy reach.

"Mr. Yu, our Lin family owns ten jade ore mines, two of which have been confirmed as Level A high-quality sources. We've already extracted a significant amount of chalcedony from them. If you're willing to serve as our chief appraiser, we can provide you with a steady supply of chalcedony!" Lin Luoyan, upon noticing Yu Beigu's reaction, steeled herself and put forth another proposition.

"Hmm..." At that moment, Yu Beigu was genuinely intrigued.

However, what captivated him wasn't the offer itself, but rather why Lin Luoyan was so tenacious and willing to invest heavily to recruit him as their chief appraiser. Moreover, for her to propose such a generous offer, it must be with the backing of someone influential within her family.

At just seventeen years old, the fact that the Lin family was prepared to offer such favorable terms to enlist a young man like him suggested they must be privy to some confidential information. Clearly, the Lin family was harboring some secrets.

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