The Reincarnated Conqueror/C11 Too Many Secrets!
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The Reincarnated Conqueror/C11 Too Many Secrets!
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C11 Too Many Secrets!

The Lin family was prepared to pay a steep price to secure his services, suggesting they were privy to certain secrets.

"Chalcedony?" Yu Beigu murmured to himself.

Indeed, he was in dire need of chalcedony.

The spiritual energy on Earth was too weak. Possessing chalcedony would significantly facilitate his forthcoming endeavors.

"Mr. Yu, the Lin family extends a genuine invitation to you. Should you have any reservations, please voice them. My grandfather has assured me that any request you make will be met to the fullest extent by our family."

Lin Luoyan's demeanor conveyed profound reverence when she mentioned her grandfather.

The Xu family members exchanged puzzled looks upon hearing her words.

The patriarch of the Lin family was a living legend in Zliland—a man who had led his family to the pinnacle of success.

Xu Renke observed the young man, who stood confidently with his hands clasped behind his back, his face betraying no emotion. He suddenly realized that he might have underestimated the seemingly haughty youth.

If one could have dismissed his earlier behavior as mere showmanship, the invocation of the Lin family legend now complicated matters. Such a figure was not someone to be casually referenced for effect.

That individual's significance was profound.

Xu Yuwei, though inexperienced, sensed intuitively that Lin Luoyan was not merely putting on a show.

For reasons she couldn't fathom, Yu Beigu's dismissive remark—that a daughter of the Xu family was unworthy of the Yu family's dragon—struck a chord, igniting an inexplicable mix of sadness and indignation within her.

Why was she considered unworthy?

"Fine, I accept the Lin family's proposal! But it will only be for one year," Yu Beigu finally conceded.

The butler couldn't help but furrow his brow at this declaration, perceiving the young man's attitude as excessively presumptuous.

The position of chief appraiser for the Lin family was coveted by appraisers nationwide, yet this young man spoke as if he were bestowing a favor upon the Lin family.

Having served the Lin family for well over a decade, he felt a deep connection and loyalty to them.

To him, the Lin family's elder was an absolute icon and the epitome of a legend.

Did this young man not grasp the significance and influence represented by the Lin family patriarch?

Yet, observing the fleeting ecstasy in Lin Luoyan's eyes, his bewilderment deepened.

Could it be that the young lady had fallen for this fellow? But there was an eight or nine-year age gap between them!

Moreover, he could discern that the astonishment in the young lady's eyes had little to do with romantic affection.

He couldn't help but ponder the origins of this youth.

Yu Beigu's ability to spot chalcedony within a heap of stones thought to be worthless had taken Lin Luoyan by surprise.

His immense strength also earned her admiration, though she hadn't dwelled on it.

After informing her grandfather, he insisted that Yu Beigu must be brought to the Lin family at any cost.

The elder had suggested that Yu Beigu might be an exceptional individual, or perhaps the disciple of one.

Lin Luoyan, influenced by her grandfather's belief in the existence of such remarkable people, was deeply fascinated by the legends surrounding them.

Naturally, she had someone look into the rogue who had drugged her, only to discover he had contracted a rare condition known as yin retraction disease.

This ailment, typically affecting men, causes the genitals to progressively atrophy and lose function.

The incidence rate was incredibly low, with this being the sole case nationwide. Recalling Yu Beigu's words about the rogue no longer being a threat to women, Lin Luoyan sensed an abundance of secrets veiled within him.

Still, the young man's bold words left her somewhat offended.

In her view, not even an exceptional person would dare such arrogance before the Lin family.

She chalked it up to youthful impudence.

"Mr. Yu, today the Lin family will extend our hospitality to you," Lin Luoyan said with a smile, her eyes narrowing. "By the way, I'm curious about your reasons for visiting the Xu family..."

With that, she turned her gaze toward the Xu family members, her expression tinged with curiosity.

She found it quite peculiar. A man like Mr. Yu, no matter where he went, should have been welcomed as an honored guest. Yet, from the moment she stepped in, she couldn't help but notice a sense of hostility emanating from the Xu family towards Mr. Yu.

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