The Reincarnated Conqueror/C12 Embarrassment!
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The Reincarnated Conqueror/C12 Embarrassment!
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C12 Embarrassment!

The entire Xu family was caught in an awkward moment.

Mr. Yu...

When did a mere youth earn the honor of being addressed as 'Mister' by the Lin family's daughter?

Not even Xu Yuwei's father, the CEO of a public company, Lin Luoyan, had ever referred to him with such reverence!

Yet, there she was, treating the young man from the rural county with utmost respect.

If the Xu family didn't realize at this juncture that the young man before them had an unknown, significant background, they would be nothing short of foolish.

As the Xu family members turned their gaze to Yu Beigu, the iciness on their faces thawed slightly.

"I came here today to formally dissolve my engagement with the Xu family. The message has been delivered, so let's be on our way," Yu Beigu said, casting a glance over the Xu family.

He had arrived with intentions that could have led to bloodshed, but he was not heartless by nature.

The unexpected intervention of Lin Luoyan had disrupted the potential for a violent replay of his past life's encounters with the Xu family. He was not one to insist on a trail of corpses to find satisfaction.

Moreover, in the cultivation of immortality, one must cultivate both character and spirit. If it was possible to avoid taking lives, he preferred not to annihilate an entire family.

Xu Renke caught the serene look in the young man's eyes and felt a shiver run through him as if he had been struck by lightning. Such a gaze was not common among ordinary people.

He had witnessed such a gaze only once before, in the midst of a gruesome battle.

The conflict was so vast it was deemed the meat grinder of a potential third world war.

By the war's end, both nations were seething with rage. It was during that conflict that he saw two individuals fighting fiercely, leaving a swath of devastation in their wake!

Ultimately, the Unhuman from Fecroyso prevailed, severing his adversary's arm. As he turned to survey the battlefield below, Xu Renke caught a glimpse of his opponent's eyes!

They held a look that regarded all life as insignificant, suggesting he could extinguish countless beings with a mere thought!

Such a gaze had profoundly shaken Xu Renke, who never expected to encounter such a person again in his lifetime.

Yet, there it was once more, that same penetrating stare!

Although the young man bore no aura of bloodlust and merely swept an indifferent gaze across the room, it struck Xu Renke's soul as if it had been hit by a thunderbolt.

It was that kind of gaze!

A divine scrutiny that seemed to pierce the soul!

In that moment, Xu Renke abruptly stood up, his face alight with agitation. He realized he might have made a grave error.

His lips quivered, as if he were about to speak, but Yu Beigu turned away, not sparing him a glance.

"Let's go," Yu Beigu said to Lin Luoyan.

"Alright! Alright!" Lin Luoyan responded.

She then turned to face the Xu family with a look of scorn, remarking, "The Xu family... really is something... haha."

Xu Yuwei watched them depart, biting her lip.

Gazing at Yu Beigu's determined departure, she was inexplicably filled with a sense of loss.

Xu Dengjun's fists were clenched, his eyes ablaze with fury.

Xu Changyuan, on the other hand, had an indecipherable look on his face.

Lu Xuan, Yuwei's mother, wore an expression of contemplation.

Xu Renke sighed deeply and slumped back into his chair, his eyes clouding over with confusion.

For some reason, he had the sinking feeling that the Xu family might have just missed a pivotal opportunity for ascension.

As Lin Luoyan turned to leave, the triumphant smirk playing on her lips seemed to herald something significant.

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