The Reincarnated Conqueror/C14 Don't Speak Nonsense!
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The Reincarnated Conqueror/C14 Don't Speak Nonsense!
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C14 Don't Speak Nonsense!

These Pseudo Soul Gathering Circles appear to be some sort of incomplete Soul Gathering Circle. In many instances, the individuals who constructed the formations failed to restore them properly, leading to the spiritual energy being absorbed in a disjointed manner.

Upon encountering Lin Luoyan's grandfather, the elderly gentleman was immersed in the art of calligraphy.

"Grandfather, I've brought Mr. Yu with me," Luoyan said, her voice carrying a cheerful tone.

Zhang Guo, upon hearing this, set his brush aside and warmly appraised Yu Beigu with a smile. However, as his gaze fell upon Yu Beigu, a faint shade of disappointment flickered in his eyes. Yu Beigu lacked the particular aura Zhang Guo was hoping to see.

Zhang Guo had been practicing the family's inherited Qi Gong since he was young, and at the age of thirty-five, he had unexpectedly awakened his Qi sense. According to Zhang family lore, once their Qi Gong reached a certain level, one could unlock this Qi sense. This ability enhanced their five senses and provided them with a keen intuition for danger.

Thanks to his Qi sense, Zhang Guo had narrowly escaped several life-threatening incidents in his younger years and had even used it to save a prominent figure. This was the Zhang family's secret to securing their elite status in Zliland.

By the time he reached fifty, his Qi sense had intensified, enabling him to discern extraordinary individuals among crowds. Yet, the young man before him seemed no different from an ordinary person, lacking the unique aura fluctuations characteristic of an Unhuman.

When Yu Beigu laid eyes on Zhang Guo, he immediately noticed a pea-sized concentration of Qi sense three inches below the old man's abdomen. Despite being in his sixties, the elder's vitality was more robust than that of athletes in their twenties or thirties.

However, Yu Beigu saw that although Zhang Guo's Qi was abundant, it was misplaced, not residing within the dantian. As a result, when the blood energy completed its cycle through his body and returned to the Qi Sea and dantian, it was thrown into disarray by the Qi sense.

While this wasn't immediately hazardous, over time the disruption of the Qi could lead to increasingly chaotic circulation of blood energy. The old man wasn't particularly old yet, but after he crossed the age of seventy, the misalignment of the Qi sense with the dantian was likely to become problematic.

"Do you often experience soreness in all of your joints?" Yu Beigu inquired.

"Hmm? Can the young gentleman also diagnose illnesses?" The elder expressed surprise but nodded in agreement. "I've been devotedly practicing the Zhang family's ancestral Qi Gong for years, so I shouldn't be suffering from joint pain. I've even been to the hospital, and they found no arthritis or related conditions. Yet, the pain in my joints has been worsening year after year."

"Maybe once I deepen my Qi Gong practice, this peculiar ailment will heal itself," Zhang Guo said with a chuckle, stroking his beard.

Yu Beigu shook his head, unconvinced. "Your joint pain is a result of practicing your ancestral Qi Gong incorrectly."

"Big talk for someone so young!" A towering man, roughly 1.8 meters tall, entered the villa with a scoff. "Do you realize that the Zhang family's ancestral Qi Gong was bestowed upon our forebears by a genuine immortal? I've been training since childhood, and by the age of fifteen, I could single-handedly take down two special forces soldiers. You shouldn't spout such nonsense."

A formidable and fierce aura preceded the man as he approached.

"Big brother!" Lin Luoyan exclaimed with delight.

The newcomer was Lin Manjun, the most legendary Soldier King of Slagos, who had recently been abroad. It was a surprise to see him back.

"Grandfather!" Lin Manjun greeted with respect, then turned to Yu Beigu and asked, "And who might this presumptuous young man be?"

Lin Luoyan attempted to defuse the tension. "Brother, this is Mr. Yu. He's quite an extraordinary individual."

"Extraordinary? In what way? Is he just spouting drivel?"

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