The Reincarnated Conqueror/C15 Jade Ring!
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The Reincarnated Conqueror/C15 Jade Ring!
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C15 Jade Ring!

Seeing Lin Manjun's confrontational stance, Yu Beigu's brow furrowed slightly.

"Fool!" Yu Beigu remarked icily.

Lin Luoyan, noticing her brother's expression, clutched at him in fear, "Brother, Mr. Yu meant no harm."

"Luoyan, let me test him. If he truly is an Unhuman, then I'll gladly apologize. But if he's not, then he'll learn that deceiving the Lin family comes with consequences," Lin Manjun said with a sneer, challenging Yu Beigu with his gaze.

Lin Manjun, the preeminent Soldier King of the Slagos military region, had been trained in the Lin family's ancestral Qi Gong from a young age. By ten, he had mastered the Bronze Skin Iron Bone realm, and at fifteen, he single-handedly defeated two special forces soldiers.

Now twenty, he had completed numerous perilous missions abroad, including a solo takedown of a South African mercenary leader, earning him a formidable reputation.

He was also the favorite to claim the top spot in this year's military region competition across the four major regions.

The teenager before him was merely sixteen or seventeen, yet he carried himself with a haughty air and had repeatedly criticized the Lin family's ancestral Qi Gong. Lin Manjun was infuriated when Yu Beigu had called him a fool.

"How could a young upstart like you possibly comprehend the profound and extraordinary nature of the Lin family's Qi Gong?" Lin Manjun scoffed.

"Brother, Mr. Yu's strengths don't lie in combat..." Lin Luoyan murmured.

"Oh? So, you dare to casually critique the Qi Gong techniques handed down from the immortals of the Lin family? Aren't you afraid of shortening your own lifespan?"

"Oh? Techniques of the immortals? Do you even understand what true immortal techniques are?" The guy had been relentlessly aggressive since he walked in, repeatedly offending him. Even the Lord of Heaven would lose patience in the face of such insolence.

Moreover, the dignity of an Immortal Emperor is not to be questioned or belittled by mere mortals!

Yu Beigu stepped forward with a cold smile, "Then let's see you use your Immortal Qi Gong against me. One punch each, life or death, do you accept the challenge?"

"Heh, I'll go easy on you. I won't kill you, but my punch will land you in the hospital for at least half a year!" Lin Manjun boasted with a smug smile. "How about it? I'll let you make the first move."

Yu Beigu surveyed the burly man before him with a detached gaze. The man's unique bone structure made him an excellent candidate for martial arts training.

"Fine," Yu Beigu replied with a faint smile, "but you won't get the chance to strike."

Lin Yiping observed the two young men vying for victory with a relaxed interest. He was intrigued about the source of Yu Beigu's confidence.

Lin Manjun was the renowned Soldier King from the Slagos military region. Even those unaware of his reputation could sense his dangerous aura, which was enough to intimidate the average person. Yet, this young man remained composed throughout, his eyes betraying not a hint of distress.

To Lin Yiping, such serenity couldn't possibly be feigned, which piqued his curiosity even further.

"If Mr. Yu wins this bout, I will gift him this supreme grade jade ring on my hand," Lin Yiping announced. "It was crafted by a Sage from Wudang during the Ming Dynasty and is invaluable. However, should my grandson Manjun win, he will receive the jade ring as well. This ring possesses mystical properties that can stabilize the mind, clarify thoughts, and even extend life while warding off diseases."

Yu Beigu had taken note of the jade ring on Lin Yiping's hand upon entering. It was indeed of supreme grade compared to Earth's chalcedony, and it even bore an intricately carved miniature magic circle for mental clarity.

The design of the magic circle bore a resemblance to the one beneath the recuperation area, suggesting a shared lineage. However, to Yu Beigu, who had once been the Lord of Heaven, such an item was trivial. Even the refuse he discarded back then was infinitely more valuable than the ring.

Lin Manjun, on the other hand, was visibly thrilled. He had long desired the jade ring. His grandfather had allowed him to wear it during training, and he had experienced firsthand its benefits in enhancing his Qi.

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