The Reincarnated Conqueror/C18 I You Can't Afford to Offend Me!
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The Reincarnated Conqueror/C18 I You Can't Afford to Offend Me!
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C18 I You Can't Afford to Offend Me!

The social gathering took place at Zliland's most iconic landmark: atop Greenhaven Mountain. Nestled within the luxurious private club of Zliland, the event was hosted at the esteemed Greenhaven Manor. Yu Beigu recalled that the manor sat atop an underground Dragon Vein, which lent the area a serene atmosphere.

In this lifetime, he had devised a plan to establish a Soul Gathering Circle, using Azure Dragon Lake and Greenhaven Mountain as pivotal anchors, with the aim of encompassing half of Edochester. The spiritual energy of Zliland alone might not suffice for his cultivation needs.

Perched on the mountainside, with the Dragon Vein beneath and set amidst a scenic area, the manor's environment was naturally tranquil and refined.

Yu Beigu had strolled through Zliland, feeling like a changed man. Returning to life for a second time, he experienced a wave of emotions. As the event drew near, he hailed a taxi to Greenhaven Manor.

Upon arrival, he was greeted by a parking lot brimming with luxury vehicles and even helicopters. Next to the helicopters, the luxury cars seemed insignificant.

"Zliland is the heart of Slagos. Regrettably, I never had the chance to enjoy its beauty in my past life. If it hadn't been for Lin Luoluo's kindness, I might not have survived the journey back to Brona. This time around, I intend to repay her generosity," he mused.

After entering the manor, Yu Beigu checked in with the guards and the etiquette hostess, who then ushered him inside with great respect. It was clear that the manor was a creation of Zliland's artistic genius, Bai Juyi.

Master Bai excelled at crafting expansive vistas through intricate details, revealing the universe within the sleeve. The clubhouse, though vast, was brilliantly illuminated, each corner meticulously showcasing its harmonious design.

Inside, guests mingled, each exuding an air of distinction. The attendees were a mix of the affluent and influential, typical of such high-society gatherings where networking was key.

In the upper echelons, connections were currency, while in the lower strata, loyalty prevailed. Without either, one was essentially at the bottom of the social ladder.

The women here, regardless of age, were all adorned in opulent attire, each exuding a sense of solemnity with their fashion choices. Yu Beigu, however, stood out upon his entrance, as he was the only one dressed casually. His arrival instantly drew the curious glances of many attendees.

Before the social gathering commenced, Yu Beigu noticed Lin Luoyan had not yet arrived. He decided to make his way to the buffet and began to eat without mingling with the other guests. Yu Beigu chose a plate of lobster and intestines, recalling from his past life that although high-end foods often featured in novels, they were not to his taste. He had a preference for the likes of intestines.

As he was about to eat, a cold, scornful voice cut through the air, "Hey, isn't that the pretty boy?" The mocking tone caused those around Yu Beigu to pause and shift their attention towards him.

Yu Beigu looked up to see Lin Shasha, with her almond-shaped eyes, rouged cheeks, and prominent figure. He remembered her well; she was his fiancée's best friend who had inexplicably mocked him during his visit to the Xu family, calling him a country bumpkin.

"Mind your language," Yu Beigu said, his brow furrowing slightly.

"Hehe, you do realize that a place like this isn't meant for pretty boys who live off women," Lin Shasha sneered, convinced that Yu Beigu was nothing more than Lin Luoyan's kept man. She glanced at his attire, which in her eyes, was worth less than her shoes, and her gaze filled with contempt.

The onlookers' eyes sparkled with intrigue as they turned their attention to Yu Beigu, their gazes filled with speculation.

Despite their better education, the upper echelons of society were not much different in nature from ordinary people. Scandals involving wealthy women with younger lovers and powerful men with mistresses were the bread and butter of high society gossip, and such topics were always welcome in conversation.

Many around him were now assessing Yu Beigu, wondering which affluent woman he might be associated with. Yu Beigu could feel his temper rising.

Lin Shasha, before him, was oblivious to decency. She had the audacity to utter such defamatory remarks.

"What's the matter, not pleased?" Lin Shasha taunted, her eyebrows arched like a haughty hen, "Where's your patron now? Hehe, could it be that you've been cast aside after being played out?"

Lin Shasha ultimately refrained from revealing Lin Luoyan's name.

"Lin Shasha, what's the matter?" At that moment, a tall and handsome man approached.

"Ah, Young Master Lee!" Upon recognizing the newcomer, Lin Shasha instantly reverted to her demure, girlish demeanor. "There's this country bumpkin here who once humiliated Yuwei, thinking he could get away with it because he had powerful backers. I'm here to set things straight on her behalf."

Lin Shasha feigned a sense of righteousness, well aware that Lee Qingyue, the young master, admired those with a strong sense of loyalty.

"Oh?" Lee Qingyue's brow furrowed slightly as he cast a displeased glance at the young man before him.

He and Xu Yuwei had been classmates since elementary school and had maintained a close relationship through high school.

Moreover, he had always harbored feelings for Xu Yuwei. Though he had never confessed, he cherished these feelings deep within his heart.

Observing the poorly dressed young man, Lee Qingyue's frown deepened.

"How did you manage to get in?" he abruptly inquired. "This mixer may appear to have no barriers to entry, but in reality, it's not a place for just anyone.

"Moreover, it would be quite shameful to gain entry through a sugar daddy.

"I'd wager no true man would stoop to such a thing, right?"

Lin Shasha's eyes sparkled at his words. "That's debatable. Nowadays, a man's integrity isn't necessarily stronger than a woman's. Perhaps he's quite content being kept by someone?"

Then Xu Yuwei turned her gaze to Yu Beigu.

Watching the young man calmly enjoying his meal at the table, a sense of serene contentment seemed to stir something within her.

"If you didn't get in through a sugar daddy, then surely you must have an invitation?" Lee Qingyue pressed.

"Invitation? I don't have one," Yu Beigu replied nonchalantly, cutting a piece of medium-well steak with his knife and fork and savoring it.

"Did you sneak in?" Lee Qingyue prodded.

Yu Beigu's eyes narrowed slightly, but he remained silent, continuing to focus on his meal.

Witnessing this, a flicker of coldness crossed Lee Qingyue's eyes.

The man had the audacity to blatantly ignore him!

Others in the vicinity, including Lin Shasha and various offspring of the wealthy and powerful, noticed Lee Qingyue's darkening expression and couldn't help but smirk inwardly.

This young man from the countryside likely has no idea of Lee Qingyue's formidable reputation. His arrogance is about to bring him a world of pain.

Xu Yuwei's face subtly shifted as she observed Yu Beigu.

Lee Qingyue might appear upright and amiable, but within the circle, it's common knowledge that he's a ruthless character.

What's even more significant is Lee Qingyue's exceptional strength.

Rumor has it that from a young age, Lee Qingyue trained in the ancient art of the Eight Extremes Fist under the tutelage of an Unhuman, acquiring fearsome power.

Though not part of the military establishment, his prowess is said to be so great that even Xu Dengjun regards him with caution.

In their generation's elite, Lee Qingyue and Xu Dengjun are recognized as the most formidable fighters.

"Nobody is allowed to make trouble here!" The disturbance caught the attention of the security personnel. Two muscular young bodyguards approached.

Lee Qingyue paid them no mind, instead stepping forward and fixing Yu Beigu with an intense stare. "Listen up, kid. You're on my turf. It doesn't matter where your confidence stems from, but I'm going to show you with my own two hands that I'm not someone you can afford to cross!"

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