The Reincarnated Conqueror/C19 The Shallowness in Your Eyes!
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The Reincarnated Conqueror/C19 The Shallowness in Your Eyes!
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C19 The Shallowness in Your Eyes!

Lee Qingyue paid no attention to the newcomer, instead stepping forward and fixing Yu Beigu with a fierce glare. "Listen up, kid, you're on my turf. I don't care where you get your confidence, but I'll use my strength to show you that you've crossed the wrong person!"

Yu Beigu regarded him as one might look at a fool. Was this man truly bold enough to act so arrogantly before him?

Shaking his head slightly, Yu Beigu watched Lee Qingyue with an amused, half-smile. As he was about to respond, two security guards arrived on the scene.

They glanced at Lee Qingyue, recognized him, and their expressions quickly shifted to one of respect.

Turning to Yu Beigu, they took in his cheap, casual attire and the Adidas shoes of dubious authenticity, their faces betraying a sneer of contempt.

"What's the situation, Young Master Lee?" the guards inquired.

"Does anyone here believe this man has the credentials to join our high-society gathering? Just look at him—does anyone of our standing immediately seek out the food upon arrival?" Lee Qingyue challenged.

Some onlookers chimed in with scorn, "What caliber of people attend this event? Look at this guy. If he didn't sneak in, I'll eat my hat."

"Ha! What if he didn't sneak in but got in by some other underhanded means?" another mocked.

"I bet he's just a street vendor. There's no way he's got an invite," someone else jeered.

"Tsk, tsk, can anyone just waltz in here for a free meal? He's in for it now. This year's host is the Lin family, one of the three major families, and he's already crossed Mayor Li's son. There's no way he's getting out of this without a scratch," speculated another, eyeing the spread of food before Yu Beigu and assuming he was there to freeload.

"Please present your invitation. Here, regardless of rank or status, if you meet the criteria, you receive an invitation," one of the guards stated.

"Heh, an invitation? That's never happening in this lifetime. But you see, I'm not here because I wanted to attend. Director Lin personally requested my presence," Yu Beigu replied with a sly grin, slicing another piece of steak and casually popping it into his mouth.

At that moment, he watched the so-called elite society's performance with a smirk on his face.

Upon hearing his words, faces around him were briefly etched with scorn.

Xu Yuwei, who had just been unilaterally dumped by Yu Beigu, had a particularly contemptuous glint in her eyes.

"Heh, if someone like him thinks he's got what it takes to join our gathering, he should take a long hard look at himself first. If he's really eligible, I'll livestream myself eating my words. Make sure you all catch that on camera!" someone chuckled.

Lee Qingyue's face was a picture of disdain and pride.

Lin Shasha's eyes brimmed with scorn as she glanced at Yu Beigu from the corner of her eye, her gaze clearly mocking him as if to say, "Haha, look at the trouble you're in now, country bumpkin."

Xu Yuwei observed the young man, whose composure remained unshaken, and felt even more justified in her public demand to call off their engagement.

The fact that so many people were defending her, publicly humiliating this rural braggart, filled her with a sense of triumph.

"I knew it, how could someone like him have an invitation?" Lin Shasha said disdainfully, "Security, what are you waiting for? Get him out of here!"

"How did you manage to get in here without an invitation?" The security guard's face turned stern as he regarded Yu Beigu as though he were a common thief.

They were responsible for the club's security, and somehow this uninvited guest had slipped through. What were the outside security personnel doing?

If they didn't handle this situation properly and their superiors found out, all the security staff would face collective punishment.

With this thought, their expressions darkened even further.

Luckily, the disturbance hadn't reached the real VIPs in the main hall. Otherwise, they would really be in for it.

"Heh, this kid's really in for it now," Lin Shasha said with malicious glee.

Watching Yu Beigu, Xu Yuwei felt as if the indignities she had endured were about to be avenged.

His previous arrogance had irked her to no end, but now, seeing him in a bind was as refreshing as devouring a tub of ice cream on a sweltering summer day.

Lee Qingyue feigned pity as he spoke, "You know, to go to such lengths just for a bit of food, I'm at a loss for words. But let's not be so foolish next time. There are some places you just shouldn't go." His demeanor was that of a superior chiding an underling.

"I haven't finished speaking yet," Yu Beigu interjected with a light smile. "I may not have an invitation letter, but I was, in fact, invited. You can verify this at the welcome desk by checking the guest list. It will all become clear."

"Invited in?" The security personnel were taken aback, then began to hesitate. They were accustomed to overseeing high-level events and could discern the composed confidence that Yu Beigu exuded, a quality not found in just anyone.

Disguise? It was unlikely. A teenager, no matter how cunning, couldn't fake certain qualities that only come with time.

So, they found themselves doubting.

"Who invited you?" one of the guards inquired.

"Lin Luoyan!" Yu Beigu declared as he deftly sliced off a claw from the Australian Dragon lobster.

"Director Lin?" The security guards were momentarily confused.

"Who is Lin Luoyan, and why would she invite him?" Lin Shasha scoffed. "Lin Luoyan is the managing director of Lin's Group. Can you imagine how busy she must be? Plus, I've heard he's from a small, underdeveloped town in Zliland. His grandfather and Xu Yuwei's grandfather were war buddies. He came to Zliland seeking aid from the Xu family.

"What possible connection could he have with the Lin family? And Miss Lin Luoyan—what stature she holds. How could she possibly know him?"

The crowd stirred as Xu Yuwei gave a confirming nod, setting the room abuzz.

Among the spectators, many had noticed Yu Beigu's poise. Those with more life experience suspected that Yu Beigu might indeed have been invited by someone of significance.

Yet, they were all mistaken, unaware of the intrigue that lay beneath the surface.

"Ah, so he's just a beggar?" someone muttered with a click of the tongue. "Miss Lin Luoyan would certainly not associate with someone like him."

At that moment, everyone was looking at Yu Beigu with scorn.

The young man appeared composed, but it was clear now that it was all an act.

Yu Beigu remained unfazed by the contempt, insults, and accusations leveled at him, simply watching Lin Shasha in silence.

This woman had shown disdain for his attire from their very first meeting, and now she seemed to be challenging him at every turn.

"Lin Shasha, is that all you can see—such superficial things?" Yu Beigu said, his presence intensifying as he spoke. Anger was evident in his demeanor.

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