The Reincarnated Conqueror/C2 Don't Even Think about Ruining a Woman!
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The Reincarnated Conqueror/C2 Don't Even Think about Ruining a Woman!
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C2 Don't Even Think about Ruining a Woman!

"It's okay, having an extra person gives you extra courage," Yu Beigu said with a smile, not feeling the need to explain or boast about his indifference to the other person's size and strength.

"Kid, watch yourself when you're out and about," a burly middle-aged man muttered a warning as he walked past.

After disembarking from the car, Lin Luoyan made a beeline for the supermarket, where she quickly purchased a pack of sanitary pads before heading to the restroom.

Despite Yu Beigu having neutralized the poison, Luoyan was still feeling quite unwell from the drug she had been given. Now, with her clothes clinging to her well-cared-for skin due to sweating, she was experiencing a discomfort no woman would enjoy.

While Yu Beigu waited outside, he was surprised to notice a crowd gathered around a nearby jewelry store. In the midst of the onlookers, he spotted a familiar face.

The familiar person was none other than Cao Xueying, his beautiful class monitor from his sophomore year in junior high. Cao Xueying had been quite developed back then.

In the summer, she favored clothes with a nightclub vibe, which had made a lasting impression on him. Her long, white, and snug trench coat shone brightly in the sunlight, captivating all the boys who couldn't take their eyes off her.

The first time Yu Beigu had an ejaculation, it was the image of class monitor Cao Xueying that filled his mind. However, he hadn't seen her since their third year in junior high.

Now, in the crowd at the jewelry store, Yu Beigu saw Cao Xueying in the arms of a man in his thirties. She looked even more stunning than before, with heavy makeup and an air of arrogance, her maturity far surpassing her junior high days—she was the epitome of a lady of status.

It was summer again, and she was dressed in very light attire that showcased her excellent figure. Her trench coat was a dazzling white, drawing attention. The middle-aged man had his arm around her slim waist, gesturing and talking animatedly to the people around him.

Cao Xueying was wearing hot pants, but they were concealed by the trench coat, making it impossible to discern anything unusual.

Hot pants are a favorite among girls because they're cool and breezy. Plus, they have a special way of making legs look longer. Cao Xueying had a peculiar look on her face as she leaned on the man next to her. The people around them didn't seem to notice anything amiss, and the pair grew even more excited.

Back in junior high, Cao Xueying was known for hanging out with local troublemakers, and she was at the center of quite a few steamy school scandals. One rumor had it that she single-handedly took on three tough guys and came out on top – it was considered quite the feat!

Yu Beigu glanced at her with a look of disappointment before preparing to avert his gaze. But as he did, he couldn't help but notice the middle-aged man's hand becoming increasingly inappropriate, drawing the attention of some onlookers. Yu Beigu could even see Cao Xueying closing her eyes and biting her lip. He closed his eyes, unwilling to witness such a distasteful scene and felt deeply saddened by Cao Xueying's self-destructive behavior. Yet, knowing their paths were unlikely to cross, he had no desire to intervene.


"Damn it, there goes ten thousand bucks down the drain." The bustling service area did nothing to prevent Yu Beigu from hearing the various sounds around him. He spotted the middle-aged man cursing in front of a freshly cut pair of raw stones inside a jewelry store.

"Huh, so this mountain region produces jade. It makes sense that there's stone gambling," Yu Beigu mused to himself. The service area was crowded with people from all walks of life, a true den of hidden talents. It was no wonder the jewelry store used stone gambling to draw in the crowds.

Many tourists, looking for a bit of excitement during their rest stop, tried their luck at stone gambling, which made the jewelry store's business thrive. However, the stone gambling business was fraught with risks, and the inexperienced could be thoroughly taken advantage of.

"Miss, well done! You're really lucky," someone in the crowd shouted. With nothing better to do, Yu Beigu's attention was drawn to the commotion. He saw a young woman in her early twenties, jubilant as she had just uncovered a piece of pure jade the size of a thumb.

The people around couldn't help but look on with envy.

Jade, particularly pure jade, carries a hefty price tag. A piece the size of a thumb, once crafted into jewelry, could see its value soar.

Such a small piece could easily be worth tens of thousands.

Yu Beigu glanced at the remaining rough stones on the table. A brief spark of interest flickered in his eyes as he realized none contained jade.

In the world of stone gambling, if even one or two stones yielded jade, it was a sign the seller had some integrity.

At that moment, the crowd failed to notice the girl who had found the jade slip away. She followed someone from the store and then slipped inside.

Yu Beigu watched the scene unfold and surmised that the girl was likely a plant.

"Little brother, do you enjoy stone gambling too?" Lin Luoyan emerged from the restroom.

"It's alright, I'm mostly here for the spectacle."

"Places like this are often full of deceitful merchants looking to make a quick buck. Our next stop is the Zliland service station. There's a stone gambling shop run by the Xu family. I can take you there for a bit of fun. They're as reputable as my Lin family, known for playing by the rules in this business."

"Sure." Yu Beigu accepted her offer graciously.

"Honey, let's stop fighting. I was wrong. Come with me." A burly man suddenly appeared and roughly grabbed Lin Luoyan, attempting to drag her out of the service area.

"Back off! I don't know you." Lin Luoyan's face drained of color in fear.

The man paused, taken aback. He scrutinized Lin Luoyan, puzzled as to why the drug hadn't taken effect.

Had the drug worked, she would be swooning over any man by now, completely at his disposal.

Yet, there she stood, lucid and clear-eyed, showing no signs of impairment.

"Damn it, did that con artist sell me fake drugs?" He inwardly cursed the dealer.

"Release her," Yu Beigu demanded, his voice icy.

"Scram!" The man dismissed the slender Yu Beigu with a curse.

Upon hearing the remark, a cold glint flashed in Yu Beigu's eyes. His fusion with the spiritual energy of the Lord of Heaven had imbued him with the ruthless and detached demeanor of an immortal cultivator. The untouchable and lofty status of the Lord of Heaven only served to heighten Yu Beigu's coldness and arrogance.

"What's the matter, can't handle it? Kid, do you think my fist, big as a casserole, couldn't kill you with one punch?" The man boasted, flaunting his left fist in a taunting display before Yu Beigu.

"Ah! It hurts... it hurts!" The man's bravado lasted less than two seconds before the young man in front of him seized his wrist. With a swift joint lock, Yu Beigu forced the man to kneel on the ground, his left hand twisted awkwardly against his upper back.

A high school-aged youth had effortlessly subdued a burly man over six feet tall. Lin Luoyan's eyes sparkled at the sight. The young man's attack was so rapid that she hadn't even caught the full sequence before the man was kneeling, utterly powerless to resist.

The man wailed like a pig being led to slaughter, realizing he had bitten off more than he could chew. "I beg for mercy, I beg for mercy. I haven't done anything to her, please, boss, spare me!" he pleaded.

"Spare you?" Yu Beigu said with a slight smile, then let go and delivered a kick to the man's rear, sending him sprawling in the dirt.

"Just... just let him go like that? If we don't take someone like him to the police, who knows how many other girls he might victimize!" Lin Luoyan exclaimed in alarm.

The middle-aged man, upon hearing this, scrambled to his feet and dashed into the crowd, terrified that Yu Beigu would change his mind or actually heed Lin Luoyan's suggestion to hand him over to the police. That would surely land him behind bars.

"I never said I'd let him go," Yu Beigu said with an easy smile, forming a mystical hand gesture and flicking his finger before turning to stride towards the bus.

"He won't be able to harm any more girls. No treatment will cure his impotence," Yu Beigu declared, still smiling faintly.

"Uh..." Lin Luoyan's cheeks flushed slightly upon hearing those words. She gazed intently at the back of the young man in front of her, finding him increasingly enigmatic.

Could this young man truly not be the reincarnation of some ancient creature?

The middle-aged man who had fled into the crowd let out a breath of relief. But suddenly, he felt an intense pain shoot through his groin, followed by a violent contraction, before everything returned to normal.

Without dwelling on it, he quickly made his escape from the place that had instilled such fear in him.

Upon reaching the service station in Zliland, Lin Luoyan led Yu Beigu directly to a jewelry store.

Outside the store was a bustling stone gambling scene, with crowds layered three deep. Lin Luoyan, however, signaled to Yu Beigu to ignore the commotion and they proceeded inside. She presented her red work card to the staff, and a supervisor immediately came forward to escort them further into the store.

Approaching a large private room, the clamor of voices inside was audible even before they reached the door.

"Damn, that's just rotten luck. She snagged those few small Stone Kings for a steal. That Miss Zhao from the Zhao family is a real pro, hoodwinking the Stone King yet again," a greasy middle-aged man in his forties sneered as he watched the young woman in the center of the crowd reveal a fist-sized piece of jade with a single cut.

"Old Qian, you sound pretty sour. In our line of work, who doesn't know that consistently winning the Stone King takes more than just luck?" another man retorted.

"Heh, it's all about gambling on stones. It's luck first, stone second. She's just got good fortune," Old Qian grumbled, unconvinced.

"Well, her luck seems to be far better than yours."

"Off with you, go play elsewhere," Old Qian snapped, his mood sour.

He had invested hundreds of thousands, yet he hadn't earned nearly as much as that Miss Zhao.

It left him feeling quite bitter.

"Wow, another piece of jade cut out! Miss Zhao truly has a magic touch! She never misses!"

"Wow, this piece of jade might be smaller than the last, but the quality is even better. Its value is definitely on par with a Stone King."

In just a brief moment, Miss Zhao, the girl at the center of the crowd, carved out another piece of jade.

Unseen by those around her, as she examined the raw stone, two hair-thin strands of faint blood energy traveled from her abdomen, specifically the dantian area, to her eyes.

As this blood energy surged into her eyes, a subtle shade of red emerged within the depths of her gaze, creating an eerie effect.

It was then that she abruptly turned her head to look towards Yu Beigu and Lin Luoyan.

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