The Reincarnated Conqueror/C20 You Stepped on the Wrong Person!
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The Reincarnated Conqueror/C20 You Stepped on the Wrong Person!
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C20 You Stepped on the Wrong Person!

Lin Shasha's brow furrowed as Yu Beigu's sudden display of authority caused her to involuntarily choke back her words.

Two security guards promptly approached. "The situation is clear, so come with us," they said, their faces etched with sternness.

Without giving Yu Beigu another glance, one guard barked, "Leave immediately."

"Daring to infiltrate an event at Greenhaven Manor isn't something we can easily overlook. We'll detain him for trespassing on private property and see what the police have to say."

Pitying gazes fell upon the solitary young man.

Who would dare advocate for him now? Against the likes of Lee Qingyue, Lin Shasha, Xu Yuwei, and Greenhaven Manor, even those with substantial influence would need to weigh their options.

Lin Shasha remained silent, yet the satisfaction in her eyes intensified.

Xu Yuwei snorted, feeling vindicated, and looked at Yu Beigu with a smug, challenging gleam in her eye.

Meanwhile, the onlookers silently shook their heads. The attendees here were all wealthy or distinguished, but even in Yu Beigu's shoes, they would likely face a dead end.

Lee Qingyue didn't spare Yu Beigu a glance, exuding an air of nonchalance.

With a dismissive strike, he had Yu Beigu underfoot. For him, this was a trivial matter; Yu Beigu was hardly a match for him.

Standing tall, Lee Qingyue sneered at Yu Beigu, "Kid, like I said, we're not on the same level. You want to challenge me, but I only need a single word to send you packing. And you? What can you do now?"

Someone in the crowd echoed Lee Qingyue's sentiment, yelling for Yu Beigu to 'get out.'

Yu Beigu stood alone, eyes cast downward, motionless, his thoughts inscrutable.

To the onlookers, it appeared he had resigned himself to his fate, just as Lee Qingyue, Lin Shasha, and Xu Yuwei's faces bore triumphant grins.

Then, a chilling voice cut through the air, "How audacious of you! Do you realize who he is to the Lin family?"

"You can all leave, but Mr. Yu is a VIP whom I've gone to great lengths to invite. You spoiled brats only know how to bask in the shadow of your parents' wealth. What reason could there possibly be to ask Mr. Yu to leave?!"

The voice was unmistakable; it belonged to Lin Luoyan, the preeminent business prodigy of Edochester, a name known throughout Zliland. At that moment, every face in the room registered shock.

Lin Luoyan's declaration resonated powerfully. Anyone could be dismissed, but not the young man before them—certainly not him.

Just then, a statuesque beauty with perfect proportions, long legs, and an air of icy glamour strode forward. Towering in her limited-edition LV high heels, she stood tall among the men, her commanding presence compelling everyone to look up to her.

Upon her arrival, the daughters of wealth in the room instinctively avoided her gaze. She was the undisputed queen among women, a true warrior in female form, outshining men in strength and resolve. She represented the pinnacle all women aspired to but could never reach.

Naturally, there were those who didn't recognize her. "Wow, isn't she stunning?" one onlooker remarked. "Such an air of distinction, but she's speaking up for Yu Beigu. Could she really be the benefactor behind that pretty boy?" sneered another.

His companion, recognizing her immediately, paled and hastily covered the loudmouth's mouth. "Have you lost your mind? You dare gossip about her? She could have you thrown into the river by tomorrow! That's Lin Luoyan, the legendary business genius of the Lin family!"

"The Lin family's legendary genius?" The mocker's face blanched as realization dawned. Recalling his earlier words, he was petrified into silence.

In that moment, the room was filled with a sense of awe, as if no one was a stranger to her reputation. But soon, all of Edochester would come to know Yu Beigu and the name of Master Yu. Those who currently looked down on Yu Beigu would soon tremble, for within half a year, the entire city would quiver under Master Yu's influence.

"Director Lin?"

Upon seeing Lin Luoyan, the two security guards' previously icy expressions melted into concern. A sense of foreboding quickly settled in their chests.

One of them managed a strained smile and said, "Oh, what brings you here so early? We assure you, there will be no issues inside the venue!"

"Hmph, the guests I, Lin Luoyan, invite," she retorted with a cold huff, "Mr. Yu is my most esteemed guest. Are you planning to throw him out and call the police?"

At Lin Luoyan's words, the security guards' faces visibly paled.

He realized he had seriously misjudged the situation!

But how could someone who the Lin family's esteemed daughter publicly declared as their most valued guest be so young and dressed so plainly?

No, it wasn't just plain—it was downright cheap!

Had the world's elite really become this unassuming?

Sweat beaded on the foreheads of the security guards, their backs soaked through with anxiety.

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