The Reincarnated Conqueror/C22 How Can I Bear It?
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The Reincarnated Conqueror/C22 How Can I Bear It?
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C22 How Can I Bear It?

"We may have seriously underestimated that young man," Xu Changyuan mused, a veteran of many trials who had never encountered such a situation. His daughter's account had left him inexplicably shaken. In a reflexive gesture, he rubbed his forehead and slumped into his leather chair.

Who exactly was Lin Luoyan? She wasn't very old, but Xu Changyuan would never peg her as a meek woman. In his eyes, Lin Luoyan was undoubtedly Zliland's most brilliant business prodigy. A genius of her caliber wouldn't sacrifice her family's interests for a man. And from his experience, Lin Luoyan was certainly not one to be indiscriminately charitable. The thought soured his expression further.

What value did that brash country boy possess to warrant such attention from the Lin family? The Lin family's third generation consisted of five members: four men and one woman. Yet, curiously, only Lin Manjun seemed to have a public profile, while the other three grandsons were shrouded in mystery. Even more peculiar was the decision to appoint Lin Luoyan as the heir to Lin's Group, a move typically reserved for a family without male heirs. This deviation from tradition was highly abnormal within the Lin family.

Lin Manjun not being the successor was understandable. His potential military achievements were projected to rival those of any Lin family heir. Recognized as Slagos's most gifted soldier in a decade, Lin Manjun, the Soldier King, had the potential to rise to the rank of major general by thirty. With such a promising future, the Lin family would not pressure him to abandon his military career for the corporate helm of Lin's Group.

The other three grandsons remained enigmatic, their whereabouts and activities known to few. As for Lin Luoyan, the future Head of the Lin family, she commanded respect across the entire economic belt of Zliland, holding her own among the region's elite. In her presence, even someone of Lee Qingyue's stature seemed inconsequential.

"Who was that person just now? How does he know Director Lin? And Director Lin seemed to be very courteous toward him," whispered a cute-looking girl.

"I'm not sure, but judging by Lin Luoyan's solemn demeanor, I'd say that young man's background is no ordinary one. Otherwise, Lin Luoyan wouldn't have shown such respect," a young man behind her remarked.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Lee Qingyue and his group really offended that young man, and he doesn't seem like someone to mess with. If he decides to retaliate, what will Lee Qingyue and the others do?"

At that moment, Lin Shasha's complexion was pale with regret.

She had just been scolded by the future Head of the Lin family from Slagos!

Had it been anyone else, she would have lashed out long ago.

Who had ever bested Lin Shasha from the time she was young?

Yet, she hadn't dared to utter a single word in response.

Who would dare provoke someone like Lin Luoyan, a second-generation member of the Lin family? It's a mystery how that country boy managed to gain such powerful support.

Lee Qingyue, meanwhile, was stone-faced and silent, seething with resentment internally.

He had initially thought it was a minor nuisance he could easily dispose of, but the recent events suggested he might have stirred up a significant problem.


At this moment, Lin Shasha and the others were still visibly shaken, struggling to process the recent events.

They had assumed Yu Beigu was incapable of fighting back, but to their surprise, when pushed to the brink, Yu Beigu had managed to deliver a perfect counterblow.

"Who was that woman just now? She had such a commanding presence and seemed to hold a high status. Even Lee Qingyue and Greenhaven Manor couldn't hold sway over her?"

"What puzzles me the most is that despite his plain attire, that woman treated him with great respect. And it seems like Lee Qingyue and his group are aware of the man's background. What's the story there?"

"In our Zliland elite circles, there's no mention of this man. And the woman's status appears quite elevated, yet why have I never seen her before?"

At their level, they were only familiar with the name Lin Luoyan; meeting her was out of the question. Witnessing Lin Luoyan's fierce glare and the way everyone from Greenhaven Manor rushed to apologize, even Lee Qingyue didn't dare to make a wrong move, was astonishing to them.

In the crowd stood Zhao Ying, a young woman alongside Lin Shasha, known as the big sister among the rich second-generation girls. Her eyes narrowed as she whispered in disbelief, "That woman looks so familiar. Could it be Lin Luoyan from the Lin family?"

The other girls' expressions shifted instantly upon hearing this. The Lin family from Slagos carried an impressive reputation, and as the direct granddaughter, Lin Luoyan was practically royalty among the wealthy elite, far beyond their own families' tens or hundreds of millions in assets.

"Could that shabbily dressed kid actually be friends with Lin Luoyan? And judging by her demeanor towards him just now, she seems to regard him quite differently. Could he have some unknown background?" they wondered, prompting many to reconsider whether their judgment of others had been too superficial.

Zhao Ying's view of Lin Shasha subtly changed. Lin Shasha was more of an outsider in their social circle, and Zhao Ying wasn't particularly fond of this somewhat opportunistic girl. Now that Lin Shasha had clearly crossed that enigmatic young man, Zhao Ying began to question whether to include her in their group.

Lin Shasha, noticing the shift in Zhao Ying's gaze, became visibly flustered. "Sister Ying, I was just trying to stand up for my best friend," she stammered.

Meanwhile, the other girls quietly withdrew from Lin Shasha, gravitating towards Zhao Ying. Zhao Ying gave Lin Shasha a cold look and said dismissively, "This has nothing to do with us." With that, she turned her back and walked away without another glance, the others following suit.


"Greenhaven Manor is actually an asset owned by my cousin. I apologize for my oversight; I never anticipated it would lead to such an unpleasant incident for you," Lin Luoyan expressed with regret.

Yu Beigu responded with a light chuckle, "Well, I should be thanking you for stepping in when you did."

His tone seemed exceedingly polite, yet Lin Luoyan felt her heart constrict abruptly.

Had Yu Beigu been just any regular individual, Lin Luoyan would have taken his words at face value without a second thought.

However, Yu Beigu was far from ordinary. He was the man who, with a single punch, had managed to knock out Lin Manjun, the renowned Soldier King of Slagos, who himself had dedicated over a decade to mastering the ancestral Qi Gong.

Could someone of such extraordinary caliber truly swallow his pride?

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