The Reincarnated Conqueror/C4 My Wealth Is in the Billions!
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The Reincarnated Conqueror/C4 My Wealth Is in the Billions!
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C4 My Wealth Is in the Billions!

As Yu Beigu's selected piece of jade was sliced open, Zhao Moqian's eyes instantly bulged in shock. "How is this possible!" she nearly leaped to her feet.

Others with expertise, including the jewelry store manager, couldn't hide the covetous gleam in their eyes. The quality of the jade revealed was unlike anything they had ever encountered. Though merely the size of a hen's egg, the value of this tiny jade piece far surpassed the combined worth of all the stones cut by those present.

"This is chalcedony!" Zhao Moqian gasped.

The connoisseurs among the crowd began to breathe heavily. The jade before them had surpassed the usual quality, nearing the legendary grade of chalcedony. Such a gem, regardless of size, was immensely valuable, especially one as large as a hen's egg.

Lin Luoyan was covering her mouth, her eyes brimming with disbelief.

Upon witnessing the chalcedony, Zhao Moqian felt faint.

"Brother, I'm willing to offer one million for this raw stone!" A scholarly middle-aged man with glasses stepped forward, his eyes ablaze with eagerness.

"What a joke. You think you can buy chalcedony of this caliber for a mere million? Young man, I'll give you five million for it—cash, check, or direct transfer," scoffed a man in his fifties, a jade aficionado.

"I'll bid 10 million! Sell it to me! Cash, check, online transfer—whatever you prefer!"

"15 million!"

"20 million!"

Realizing the significance of the find, the bids escalated rapidly. In a matter of seconds, the price soared to over 20 million. Such a spectacle would astonish countless onlookers if it occurred in the public eye.

Yet, wasn't everyone here already a multimillionaire?

"I'll bid 100 million, for the chalcedony and that pill," Zhao Moqian declared, her lips pressed together, her tone earnest.

Her words cast a hush over the room. 100 million!

To many, the chalcedony, no matter how rare, couldn't possibly fetch 50 million. And the pill, though recognized by some, was shrouded in legend—its authenticity doubted by all.

In comparison to a staggering 100 million in cold, hard cash, legends seemed like nothing more than ethereal fairy tales. Someone was ready to shell out 20 million for the chalcedony, and Yu Beigu was more than happy to part with it. But to think that someone was actually willing to fork over 100 million for the chalcedony and a pill that might possess the effects of legend? That guy must be struck by an incredible stroke of luck.

Zhao Moqian watched the plainly dressed young man before her with a sense of certainty. She was convinced that he wouldn't turn down her generous offer. Meanwhile, Lin Luoyan was utterly bewildered. In the blink of an eye, this unremarkable young man was on the verge of becoming an incredibly wealthy tycoon.

"No, I won't sell it," Yu Beigu said with a serene smile, stunning everyone around him.

After a brief pause, Yu Beigu continued with a smile, "Miss Zhao, I'm not interested in your Stone King. Just convert it to cash and transfer the amount to me."

"Fine. The two Stone Kings I have are worth about three million on the market. I'll cash them out for four million and transfer it to you. Also, I'd like to know, under what conditions would you consider selling your pill?" Zhao Moqian inquired, getting straight to the point.

"Hmm, selling the pill? It depends on my mood. I'm not in the mood for business right now," Yu Beigu replied with a nonchalant smile.

At his words, Zhao Moqian's eyes sparkled with anticipation. She sensed that he wasn't opposed to selling the Soulfire Elixir.

"In that case, could you provide me with your contact details? Or let me know where you're staying or working. I'd like to be the first to know when you decide to sell," Zhao Moqian proposed.

"Sure, I'll give you my phone number," Yu Beigu said, and they quickly exchanged business cards.

Back on the bus, Lin Luoyan was still trying to wrap her head around the situation. She glanced at the young man sitting calmly beside her, marveling at how he could face the prospect of such immense wealth with such composure, without a hint of panic.

As she observed the quiet teenager sitting beside her, she found it impossible to imagine how he could remain so composed in the face of a vast sum of money, without a hint of disarray. Moreover, this same young man had astutely selected a raw gemstone containing chalcedony with just a glance! She was increasingly puzzled by the enigmatic youth before her. Who was he, really?

In the meantime, Yu Beigu's account had swelled by four million. He promptly transferred two million to his father's account, as his mother urgently needed funds for her hospital treatment. He planned to reserve the remaining two million for future use.

As they neared Zliland, Lin Luoyan warmly invited Yu Beigu to visit the Lin family with her, but he declined gracefully. "May I be your friend?" she asked as they were parting at the station, just as a Rolls-Royce pulled up to whisk her away. Unbeknownst to her family, she had taken the bus to Zliland to experience life firsthand, and only upon her arrival did they send a driver to fetch her.

"Hmm, certainly," Yu Beigu replied amiably.

"Where are you headed? I can have the driver take you. You don't sound like you're from Zliland," she offered.

"No, thank you. I have some personal matters to attend to. I'll just hail a cab," Yu Beigu politely declined. His visit to Zliland was intended to conquer his inner demons, and he preferred not to let any extraneous factors disrupt his plans.

In a sumptuously decorated living room within a row of villas in Zliland's affluent district, two stunning women were seated. The elder appeared to be in her early thirties, exuding the charm of a ripe, juicy peach, enticing and captivating. She wore a well-tailored black lace dress, flesh-toned stockings on her shapely legs, and high heels that accentuated her petite feet. Her makeup was impeccable, her demeanor refined, making her the epitome of a polished canary.

The younger woman, though not much older than a teenager, was tall and strikingly beautiful, with a pair of long, shapely legs that were particularly eye-catching. She bore a striking resemblance to the older woman beside her, yet her aura was distinctly more aloof and haughty.

"Mom, what makes Yu Beigu worthy of being my fiancé?" the young girl, Xu Yuwei, asked with a hint of displeasure.

"My child, never repeat such words in front of your grandfather," the noblewoman Lu Xuan sighed, her brow furrowed in helpless resignation. It was clear that she, too, was quite unhappy about her daughter's arranged marriage.

Yet, the word of the patriarch was law, and who within the Xu family would dare to defy it? Even the mayor would address the old man with the utmost respect, calling him 'teacher' upon meeting him.

"The old master's judgment is impeccable. He would never let you fall into harm's way," Lu Xuan murmured, trying to reassure her daughter—and perhaps herself. Yet, her own conviction wavered.

Soon, the young man betrothed to Yuwei would arrive to formalize their engagement. But for some reason, Lu Xuan felt none of the excitement or joy that should accompany her daughter's impending nuptials.

Yu Beigu was a name that, aside from the old master, no one in the Xu family wished to even speak of.

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