The Reincarnated Conqueror/C6 Change Your Face!(part I)
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The Reincarnated Conqueror/C6 Change Your Face!(part I)
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C6 Change Your Face!(part I)

Chapter Five: A Change of Face

The young man's profile was quite handsome and easy on the eyes.

Yet, Yu Beigu's feigned composure irked Xu Yuwei. What young man wouldn't be ecstatic at the prospect of marrying her?

"Keep pretending, haha. To think you've earned the fortune to marry me through countless lifetimes of luck. But you, with your luck, marrying me? In your dreams!" The more Xu Yuwei observed Yu Beigu, the more annoyed she grew.

Neither of them spoke during their journey.

Yu Beigu simply closed his eyes, tuning out the visibly upset girl beside him.

"If Grandfather truly intends to marry me off to this fellow, I'd rather die." Xu Yuwei couldn't fathom why, but the more she saw of the young man before her, the less she liked him.

Meanwhile, Yu Beigu, with his eyes closed, was brimming with excitement.

He sensed that his breakthrough was imminent.

Over the years, he had been fusing with the essence of the Lord of Heaven. His body had been transforming under this powerful influence and was now on the verge of a significant metamorphosis.

The essence of the Lord of Heaven could shatter an ordinary person's soul with the slightest contact. Luckily, this soul essence belonged to Yu Beigu himself.

Now, having merged nearly one percent with his own Lord of Heaven essence, he felt like a snake ready to shed its skin, every cell in his body approaching a pivotal point of transformation.

In the deep silence of the night, Yu Beigu could even hear a faint rumbling within himself.

This sound, emanating from each cell, was imperceptible on its own. But together, the collective noise was like the roar of thunder.

Yu Beigu knew this signaled his entry into the Foundation Building Realm.

The Foundation Building Realm allowed for feats like plucking flowers and whisking leaves, killing without a trace.

Once he achieved Foundation Building, Yu Beigu was confident there would be no one in all of Zliland with greater combat prowess than himself.

However, reaching the Foundation Building Realm was crucial. At this juncture, it was necessary to select the most potent cultivation technique to serve as his primary practice.

The more powerful the cultivation technique, the greater the potential achievements and realms an Immortal Cultivator can reach. "From what I remember of my past life, I can't be the only Immortal Cultivator on Earth. If I were, I wouldn't have encountered my master," Yu Beigu realized.

Yet, in this era of widespread internet access, where information is abundant, it's curious that there's no mention of Immortal Cultivators. It's quite thought-provoking.

Nevertheless, it's clear now that I'm not the only Immortal Cultivator on this planet, and that's something I can be sure of.

What does this imply? It means that even as Yu Beigu approaches the Foundation Building stage, he cannot afford to become complacent.

Setting aside the potential existence of other cultivators, just considering his current state, he's still vulnerable to modern weaponry. Only once he attains the Abstinence Realm will the threat of firearms diminish significantly.

Zliland is geographically favorable, yet the spiritual energy in the air is disappointingly sparse. As I'm on the cusp of Foundation Building, I need to find a serene spot to make my breakthrough. Attempting it in the hustle and bustle of the city could draw unwanted attention from the police or those with nefarious intentions.

Moreover, the chalcedony I acquired from my stone gambling endeavors is infused with spiritual energy, which will be invaluable for absorption during my breakthrough.

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