The Reincarnated Conqueror/C7 Facechanging!(last part)
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The Reincarnated Conqueror/C7 Facechanging!(last part)
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C7 Facechanging!(last part)

As Yu Beigu pondered, the car pulled up to its destination.

Xu Renke chose not to reside with his offspring, preferring the solitude of the ancestral home.

The area was dotted with traditional estates, primarily inhabited by retired government officials.

Among them were a few elders rumored to have formidable connections.

Encircling these stately homes were several affluent neighborhoods.

Every individual, young or old, emanating from these districts carried an air of opulence, including many of Xu Yuwei's classmates.

Upon disembarking, Xu Yuwei was visibly reluctant to stand beside Yu Beigu, embarrassed by his attire.

Yu Beigu, however, simply offered a nonchalant smile, unfazed by her discomfort.

"Yuwei, Aunt Lu," greeted Lin Shasha, Xu Yuwei's close friend, as she approached. She gave Yu Beigu a once-over and her eyebrows knitted together slightly. "And who might this be?"

At that moment, Yu Beigu was too engrossed in observing his surroundings to acknowledge her. He was revisiting a past life, one where he had been unceremoniously ousted from this very place. The memory of his destitution was etched deeply in his mind, as such memories often are.

Lin Shasha's mood darkened considerably when she realized she was being ignored.

"This is Yu Beigu. You could say he's... a distant relative of ours," Xu Yuwei interjected, attempting to smooth things over with Lin Shasha.

"He's from the countryside, isn't he?" Lin Shasha asked, barely concealing her disdain.

"Yes. He's the grandson of my grandfather's comrade-in-arms," Xu Yuwei clarified.

"Tsk, that explains the air of poverty," Lin Shasha remarked.

"Poverty? If I so desired, all of this could be mine. And if I chose, with a mere gesture, I could reduce it all to rubble!" Yu Beigu declared with an assertive tone.

"Tsk, whatever, Yuwei, I'm heading out. Bragging like that could throw out your back. What an oddball!"

Both Lu Xuan and Xu Yuwei blushed, their cheeks burning with embarrassment.

Their opinion of Yu Beigu plummeted further. Exchanging glances, the mother and daughter silently agreed that this young man was beyond consideration for marriage.

Yu Beigu completely disregarded the mother and daughter's scornful looks.

How could mere mortals comprehend? Besides, his purpose for coming here was to exact revenge on those who had once humiliated him!

He intended to purge his inner demons with blood!

Upon entering, he was greeted by a cobblestone path that led directly to the main house.

To the left was a round archway opening to a quaint garden, while to the right, the yard boasted several tea trees.

The entire courtyard exuded elegance.

Inside the house, flanking the door, stood a pair of large blue and white porcelain vases. Rosewood furniture adorned the space, and the walls were decorated with ink paintings and calligraphy.

The calligraphy was bold and powerful, clearly the work of a master, and indeed, it bore the signature of a renowned contemporary calligrapher.

At that moment, the hall was filled with numerous guests.

Seated at the center was an elderly man with reading glasses and a benevolent expression—Xu Yuwei's grandfather, Xu Renke.

"Grandfather, are you really going to make me marry this boy? I'd rather die than marry him!" Xu Yuwei couldn't hold back her dissatisfaction as she burst into the hall. "Do you have any idea what he boasted to my friends when we got out of the car? He claimed that if he wanted, everything here could be his, and just as easily, he could raze it to the ground if he became displeased!"

At this, everyone in the hall, including Xu Renke, turned to look at the shabbily dressed youth.

Each person present was a notable figure in Zliland.

Yuwei's uncle, for instance, was the chairman of the Zliland Chamber of Commerce, commanding respect from the city's wealthy elite. Her second uncle held the influential position of director of the City's Industry and Commerce Bureau.

And Yuwei's father was among Zliland's top real estate tycoons.

Aside from Xu Renke, none of these individuals had much regard for Yu Beigu, and now, as they scrutinized the young man before them, their expressions grew even more stern.

It's one thing for a boy to boast, but to do so with such audacity was utterly preposterous.

Not even the children of ministers would dare to make such outlandish claims, let alone a boy from a humble background.

Xu Renke's face was etched with disappointment. In the past, he had arranged a marriage with Yu Beigu out of gratitude for Grandpa Beigu's life-saving grace. But as the Yu family's fortunes waned, he had begun to regret his decision.

Xu Dengjun, the Xu family's rising star, had a promising future and had been infatuated with Xu Yuwei since childhood. The Xu family had long sought an alliance through marriage with the Xu family. Over the years, the elder's resolve had wavered.

Observing the young man standing proudly outside the door, showing no sign of deference, Xu Renke's disappointment was unmistakable.

"Come, sit down and have something to eat. We can discuss other matters later," Xu Renke suggested.

Everyone at the table, including Xu Yuwei, understood the subtext of the elder's words. Xu Yuwei's father, who was the most opposed to the marriage, was visibly pleased by the turn of events and eagerly invited, "Come over here and prepare some tea for your grandfather."

Yet, he never once gave Yu Beigu a direct glance.

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