The Reincarnated Conqueror/C8 Marriage Annulment!
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The Reincarnated Conqueror/C8 Marriage Annulment!
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C8 Marriage Annulment!

The entire Xu family was congregated around Xu Renke. Not one person acknowledged Yu Beigu's presence.

"I remember your name is Beigu, right? Come over here and join us for dinner," Xu Renke eventually called out, seemingly recalling past affections.

Yet, his gaze upon Yu Beigu was tinged with disappointment. He then looked at his striking granddaughter and couldn't help but feel some regret for his past haste.

Yu Beigu's grandfather had once saved his life, but as the years had passed, the sense of gratitude had nearly faded away.

"Dad, if the news of this arranged marriage gets out, Yuwei will never be able to marry," Xu Yuwei's father, Xu Changyuan, murmured under his breath.

Old Man Yu was visibly taken aback by these words. Catching sight of Xu Yuwei's large, pleading eyes, his resolve wavered completely.

The bonds of comradeship paled in comparison to family ties.

Of course, his main issue was his disapproval of Yu Beigu.

Yu Beigu observed the family with a detached gaze.

It had been the same in his previous life.

His grandfather's act of saving Xu Renke had paved the way for the Xu family's current prestige. Yet, when he had come to them years later, they had all turned their backs on him.

But now was not the time for confrontation; the key player had yet to make his entrance.

Xu Dengjun would be arriving shortly.

In his previous life, upon learning of Yu Beigu's intentions, Xu Dengjun had beaten him severely and discarded him like a worthless pillow.

After returning home, Yu Beigu had fallen ill and never recovered.

The protagonist was due to arrive any moment.

"Grandpa Xu! Dengjun has come to visit!" A robust and resonant voice echoed from outside, piercing the tranquility of the house.

A young man, towering at 1.8 meters with a physique as formidable as a tiger, strode in.

"Brother Dengjun!" Xu Yuwei's eyes sparkled at the sight of him.

In just half a year, Xu Dengjun's skin had taken on an enviable healthy bronze tone, his muscles pronounced, exuding an aura of virile masculinity.

Yet, despite his ruggedness, his handsome features and the spirited look in his eyes remained as striking as ever.

Yu Beigu, on the other hand, stood at just over 1.7 meters tall, his frame slender. Next to Xu Dengjun, he looked as frail as a scrawny chicken!

The Xu family's demeanor changed markedly when Xu Dengjun walked in, a stark contrast to their reaction to Yu Beigu.

Xu Changyuan's eyes sparkled at the sight of Xu Dengjun's shoulder badge.

The significance of that badge was profound!

It was a privilege reserved for the champion of the military district competition!

It also symbolized the bearer's potential for advancement!

Xu Dengjun, in particular, was adept in his speech and actions, and he had earned considerable favor with the military district's leadership. His prospects seemed boundless.

He was the son-in-law Xu Changyuan had his eye on.

But what about Yu Beigu, standing still as a statue at the doorway?

Did a country bumpkin like him aspire to marry Xu Changyuan's daughter? It was as ludicrous as a toad lusting after swan meat—a sheer fantasy!

Xu Renke, upon comparing the two men, saw Xu Dengjun as towering, while Yu Beigu was reduced to a mere stone, eclipsed by Xu Dengjun's radiance!

"Ah, Yu Yue, it's not that I wish to renege, but Yuwei's expectations are simply too lofty. She wouldn't give your grandson a second glance," Elder Xu thought with a sigh, his decision firmly made.

"Grandfather Xu, Uncle Xu, Uncle, Uncle San!" Xu Dengjun strode over to the dining table as if he were in his own home, taking a seat next to Xu Yuwei.

The Xu family members willingly cleared a space to accommodate them.

Most of the Xu family were delighted to see Xu Dengjun, yet the sight of the young man at the door brought a hint of embarrassment to their faces.

"Who is this …?" Xu Dengjun inquired, his curiosity piqued by Yu Beigu at the entrance.

Xu Changyuan, looking rather uncomfortable, explained, "He's the grandson of your grandfather's comrade-in-arms …"

Simultaneously, he gave Yu Beigu a meaningful look, cautioning him to keep silent.

"Yu, I'm aware that your family is facing hardships. Here's what I'll do: I'll have Little Li give you 100,000 yuan to help out with your household expenses," Xu Changyuan offered astutely. He had surmised Yu Beigu's intentions were not only to seek a marriage alliance but also to solicit financial assistance.

With his insider knowledge as the CEO of a publicly traded company, he was undoubtedly aware of the Yu family's circumstances.

So, he tried to dismiss Yu Beigu with money.

Yu Beigu's gaze grew increasingly icy.

In his previous life, he might have actually been driven away.

One hundred thousand dollars? They were treating him like a beggar!

Just as Yu Beigu was about to explode with anger, his phone rang.

Without a glance, Yu Beigu hung up.

But the phone rang again!

Once more, without looking, Yu Beigu dismissed the call.

His frosty stare swept over the members of the Xu family, finally resting on Xu Renke's face. His voice was chilly as he spoke,

"Once upon a time, my grandfather saved your life. Today, your son has repaid that debt with a mere one hundred thousand dollars."

A deathly hush fell over the room.

At his words, everyone in the Xu family, including Xu Dengjun, was seething with rage.

Xu Yuwei's face flushed with anger as she stood up, her eyes red with fury. She stared at Yu Beigu and exclaimed, "Yu Beigu, your grandfather may have saved my grandfather, but what of it? One hundred thousand isn't enough? How about one million? If that's not sufficient, the Xu family will offer you five million! But once you take the money, I expect you to leave and stop leveraging past favors in such a disgraceful manner!"

Yu Beigu looked at her livid face and let out a cold, mocking laugh, "Ha, some people's lives mean nothing to me. My true purpose today is to cancel our engagement! The arranged marriage between your grandfather and mine is now null and void.

The daughter of the Xu family is not fit to join the Yu family as its dragon!

I am here to call off the engagement!"

"Call off the engagement!"


Xu Yuwei's eyes reddened further, her whole body shaking with anger. "You're here to call off the engagement? Who do you think you are? I never consented to marry you in the first place. By what right do you have to cancel our engagement?"


In that instant, Xu Dengjun rose to his feet.

His bear-like build loomed large as he stood, an imposing figure with bulging biceps and a chest that radiated power.

At that moment, he glared at Yu Beigu with a menacing look.

"Today is the grand reunion of Grandpa Xu's family. Who let this lowlife cause such a ruckus? Just watch how I deal with you!"

With those words, he advanced towards Yu Beigu.

"Let's see who dares lay a finger on Mr. Yu!" A woman with a slender waist and impeccably proportioned figure, dressed in a stylish suit, silently appeared at the doorway, respectfully standing behind the defiant young man.

Upon seeing this striking woman, the Xu family members, whether it was Xu Changyuan, his uncle Xu Changfeng, or his younger brother Xu Changjing, all involuntarily adopted a grave expression.

Even Xu Dengjun paused in his steps!

The newcomer was none other than Lin Luoyan, the eldest daughter of the Lin family and the future heiress of the Lin family in Zliland!

She was also Zliland's most legendary female business prodigy!

Xu Renke observed Lin Luoyan and then glanced at the proud youth before him, his eyes betraying a dawning realization of the source of the young man's confidence.

The rest of the Xu family members also seemed to grasp the origin of the youth's self-assurance.

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