The Reincarnated Conqueror/C9 Lin Luoyan Was Performing a Show!
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The Reincarnated Conqueror/C9 Lin Luoyan Was Performing a Show!
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C9 Lin Luoyan Was Performing a Show!

Yu Beigu hardly recognized Lin Luoyan at this moment. She was impeccably dressed in a professional business suit, exuding confidence and a heroic aura with every glance.

Xu Dengjun, this year's most celebrated Soldier King from the Slagos Military School, is actually the elder brother of the woman before him. Yet, he is the true Soldier King of the entire Slagos Military District!

He is a near-legendary figure in the Slagos Military District. Naturally, Xu Dengjun wouldn't dare to cross his sister!

"Grandfather, who is she? She's so bold in our Xu family's presence!" Xu Yuwei glared at Lin Luoyan and her companions, voicing her displeasure.

From the moment Lin Luoyan and her group entered, they neither paid respects to their grandfather nor explained their visit. They simply stood there with stern faces, backing up the country bumpkin and continuously addressing the Xu family with cold remarks.

In all of Zliland, the Xu family is a household name. Even the mayor wouldn't dare such arrogance.

"Yuwei, she's a member of the Lin family. Lin Luoyan!" Xu Dengjun whispered to her.

"The Lin family? From Zliland?" Xu Yuwei echoed in astonishment. It made sense why they were so audacious – they were from the Lin family! But... "How does this young man know the Lin family? And... it seems that the brash woman is quite deferential to him?"

Xu Renke cast a deep look at Lin Luoyan, his eyes betraying a touch of annoyance.

The Lin family might be a leading clan in Zliland, but for a junior member to show such audacity in his presence? How could he, Xu Renke, let that slide?

Meanwhile, Xu Yuwei's gaze fell on Yu Beigu, and she couldn't help but sneer disdainfully, "No wonder he's so arrogant. Turns out he's just a pretty boy who relies on women..."

Her voice was soft but crystal clear. Yu Beigu responded with a nonchalant smile, seemingly unfazed by her words.

"Little girl, you truly don't recognize greatness when you see it," Lin Luoyan mocked with a smirk. She then stepped forward and gave a respectful bow to Xu Renke, saying, "Greetings, Mr. Xu. I am Lin Luoyan, representing my father in extending his regards to you. If my arrival has been abrupt today, I ask for your generous understanding."

Lin Luoyan spoke.

Upon hearing her words, the expressions of Xu Renke and those with him, including Xu Changyuan, lightened slightly.

"My dear niece, what brings you to our Xu family this time? Please, join us at the table. We can enjoy a meal and talk," Xu Renke said with a smile.

"Thank you, but I'll have to decline the meal. I've come specifically to extend an invitation to Mr. Yu to visit my Lin family as a guest."

Lin Luoyan then turned her head and smiled at Yu Beigu.

She bowed respectfully and said, "Mr. Yu, this is the official invitation from my Lin family! We would be honored to have you join us as our chief appraiser!"

The Xu family members were taken aback by Lin Luoyan's announcement, their eyes wide with disbelief.

The Lin family is the largest jade enterprise in Zliland, encompassing production, polishing, manufacturing, and sales, and is a colossus in the national jade industry.

The role of the Lin family's chief appraiser is synonymous with the pinnacle of expertise in jade appraisal!

This prestigious position is typically held by internationally renowned appraisers with at least a decade, if not two or three, of celebrated experience in the field.

What's more, this role comes with a multimillion-dollar annual salary!

Never before had there been word of a teenager assuming such a significant role!

And yet, the Lin family was proposing to offer this position to Yu Beigu!

The Xu family, including Xu Dengjun, were visibly astonished. But they quickly came to the conclusion that this might be a mere performance by Lin Luoyan, staged for their benefit.

After all, this position wasn't just about a hefty salary; it was a testament to the Lin family's brand and reputation.

The raw stones requiring the chief appraiser's evaluation were all incredibly valuable, some beyond monetary measure. A single misjudgment could result in not just financial loss but also tarnish the Lin family's esteemed reputation.

No matter Lin Luoyan's influence within the Scardash Consortium, it was improbable that the Lin family would allow her to trivialize such a crucial position for the sake of a charade!

With this realization, the Xu family members calmly remained seated, anticipating Lin Luoyan's inability to continue her act or expecting her to gracefully back down with some polite platitudes and move past the issue.

However, what unfolded next completely took them by surprise!

Indeed, Lin Luoyan had taken action. A man with the demeanor of a butler approached, cradling a red recruitment letter edged in gold. He extended it towards Yu Beigu with great respect.

"Chief Appraiser recruitment letter from the Scardash Consortium! Mr. Yu, would you be willing to accept an offer from the Yu family?"

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