The Sinister Lord's City Reign/C1 Tianxie Returning
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The Sinister Lord's City Reign/C1 Tianxie Returning
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C1 Tianxie Returning

Atop Langya Mountain, the tallest peak in Mingjing City, a purple lightning bolt suddenly streaked across the clear sky. A ripple then disturbed the air. Out of nowhere, a youth with waist-length hair, clad in ancient attire, materialized on the mountaintop's clearing. Anyone present would have been convinced they'd seen a ghost in the light of day. The conjunction of the wild lightning, spatial ripple, and the youth in traditional garb was eerily out of place.

"Haha... What does the Heavenly Dao matter? What of the five supreme origin beings? It's not so easy to annihilate me, the Heaven Killing Evil Lord!" The youth's wild laughter subsided as he intricately wove hand signs and settled into a meditative pose.

"What's happening? I can't even introspect? The Spiritual Qi here is incredibly sparse. That's right, to escape the pursuit of the five supreme beings and the Heavenly Dao, I've exhausted all my Profound Qi, channeling it into the Origin Devouring Ring to make my escape. Have I ended up in some forsaken Secret Realm?" Ling Tianxie pondered, rising to his feet and noticing a stone tablet nearby.

His gaze sharpened, and his body quivered as he read the inscription "Langya Mountain" on the stone, with a faint line of text beneath it: "Steep mountain, ultimate peak, devoid of attachment. Ling Tianxie was here."

Indeed, this figure in ancient dress was Ling Tianxie, the one who had left the inscription. "After nine hundred years, have I truly returned to this world that feels both familiar and foreign?" Ling Tianxie whispered, his eyes brimming with anguish.

Nine hundred years ago, Ling Tianxie was a high school student whose family had been torn apart by tragedy, reducing a once joyful household of five to ruins. Overwhelmed by the loss of his parents, the inexperienced young man sought solace in death at Langya Mountain. Fate intervened, and beneath the cliff, he stumbled upon a formation that granted him the Origin Devouring Ring, propelling him into the True Profound Realm, where he remained for nine centuries.

After nine hundred years of arduous cultivation in the True Profound Realm, Ling Tianxie's sole aim was to transcend the Heavenly Dao! Having attained the Great Dao, he harnessed its origin to return to Earth, to the place he called home.

Ling Tianxie, a prodigy by nature, earned the title of Heaven Killing Evil Lord over those nine centuries.

He could have roamed the True Profound Realm without restraint, yet his heart yearned for Earth, his true home.

The True Profound Realm was a brutal place, survival of the fittest in its purest form.

Throughout those nine hundred years, Ling Tianxie kept his heart icy to endure. On his cultivation journey, he battled against various sect heirs and heiresses for the pinnacle of power.

During his ascent, Ling Tianxie was even ruthlessly exploited as a cultivation vessel by some formidable female practitioners.

Yet none of these trials could quench his unyielding spirit.

Ling Tianxie saw these experiences as mere trials to overcome before returning to Earth.

But just as he was on the verge of reaching the summit of the True Profound Realm, he was thwarted by the joint forces of the five great Origin Exalts and the will of the Heavenly Dao!

Left with no other choice, Ling Tianxie activated the Origin Devouring Ring.

Unexpectedly, he found himself back on Earth, completely devoid of Profound Qi.

The nine centuries of deceit and narrow escapes in the True Profound Realm had taught Ling Tianxie many harsh lessons, transforming him from a naive youth to a seasoned soul.

Reflecting on his past, the pain he had suppressed resurfaced, and he couldn't help but despise his former self.

How foolish he had been, he thought, not to question the mysterious circumstances of his parents' accident.

"Hahaha..." Ling Tianxie chuckled in self-derision.

After the car accident that claimed his parents, his father's company was swiftly usurped by Ling Congyun's so-called friend, Soong Daoling.

Moreover, the body of his mother, Zhou Lanxin, was never found, with the police dismissing the case with a mere mention of the scene being 'too horrific to behold'.

Ling Tianxie was haunted by memories of his past cowardice, and his heart throbbed with intense pain. He had abandoned his dearly loving sister and his sweet little sister, fleeing to Langya Mountain where he irresponsibly chose to leap from a cliff.

He could only imagine the depths of despair and misery his sisters must have felt as he, the only man in the family, chose to run away. The news of his death would have been an even greater blow to them.

For 900 years, every time Ling Tianxie reflected on this, his heart felt as though it was being sliced open with a knife.

Now, Ling Tianxie was overwhelmed with a sense of urgency, but his heart was also swept up in worry and fear.

After 900 years, Mingjing City must have transformed beyond recognition.

Could it be that his sisters had long since returned to the earth?

As if responding to Ling Tianxie's sorrow, the Origin Devouring Ring on his left index finger began to glow with a purple light.

Suddenly, the purple glow from the ring transformed into a wisp of purple qi that shot straight toward Ling Tianxie's forehead.

Ling Tianxie's mind was engulfed in chaos as the purple qi penetrated his forehead, coursing through his entire body.

The purple qi ravaged everything in its path—his soul at his forehead's center, his meridians, bones, dantian... all were destroyed.

Moments later, as Ling Tianxie lay unconscious, the purple qi reversed its flow, meticulously repairing his shattered meridians, bones, dantian, and soul. His bones and meridians now radiated an eerie purple glow, and the purple qi finally settled back into the soul within his forehead.

Ling Tianxie could distinctly feel a surge of purple qi detonating deep within his muddled mind.

Then, a Dao Art emerged within his soul, known as the 'Hongmeng Dao Scripture.'

"Profound Arts disperse, Origin Devouring hidden. Purple Qi emerges, Evil Eye focuses. Destroy and then establish, to construct the Divine Body..."

Ling Tianxie whispered to himself, reciting the opening lines of the 'Hongmeng Dao Scripture.'

"What incredible fortune is this? When I first received the 'Origin Devouring Ring,' it contained a small world, yet no living beings could exist within it. I merely used it as a storage ring, never imagining it held such a legacy!"

The opening of the Dao Scripture precisely mirrored my own experiences. It's understandable, really; who would willingly dismantle their own cultivation unless they were backed into a corner? Without doing so, it's likely they'd never access this legacy in their lifetime.

This twist of fate turned out to be a stroke of luck for me. Not only did I return to Earth, but I also acquired this supreme Dao Scripture. It's as if destiny has smiled upon me! With the aid of this Dao Scripture, I'll ascend to the pinnacle much more swiftly!

Ling Tianxie clenched his fists and immersed himself in deep contemplation, seeking further enlightenment.

Yet, as time progressed, Ling Tianxie's astonishment grew.

The Hongmeng Dao Scripture is undoubtedly one of a kind!

It encompasses not just cultivation techniques but also alchemy, weapon forging, Array Dao, and a plethora of extraordinary records.

At present, however, Ling Tianxie had completely dissipated his Profound Arts. Lacking the support of Divine Soul Power, he couldn't access the later entries of the Dao Scripture.

"The creator of this Dao Scripture must be a being of supreme stature!" Ling Tianxie mused.

He referred to the creator as a person because the script within the Dao Scripture was in the standardized simplified characters of C Country!

Whether the previous owner of this Dao Scripture ascended to godhood or sainthood remains unknown, but one thing is for sure: they were undoubtedly from Earth.

A sly grin crept across Ling Tianxie's face.

Regardless, what's crucial now is to begin cultivating the 'Hongmeng Dao Scripture' to regain my strength. Even though Earth's spiritual energy is sparse and unlikely to harbor beings with heaven-reaching Profound Arts, I must amass power to dominate unchallenged!

With that resolve, Ling Tianxie commenced his cultivation following the introductory passages of the 'Hongmeng Dao Scripture.'

It was then that Ling Tianxie realized he no longer felt the frailty of before.

It seems that during my unconscious state, my body was transformed by the purple light. In mere moments, the purple light not only ravaged but also refined my body. My strength has now reached the initial 'Body Refining Realm.' The question remains, how do I proceed with the so-called 'Forming Evil Eye and Building the Divine Body' as mentioned in the Dao Scripture?

Atop Langya Mountain, Ling Tianxie sat in meditation, exploring inwardly with a deliberate slowness. Eventually, he submerged his consciousness into the Divine Soul located at his brow's center, where he encountered a dense purple qi burning fiercely like flames.

"This purple qi is truly extraordinary! My Divine Soul should have ceased to exist after I dispelled my cultivation. Yet, under the influence of this purple qi, I've acquired a Divine Soul even in the Body Refining Realm. However, without the Divine Soul Power, I'm unable to probe the surroundings. This purple qi is indeed defying the heavens!" Ling Tianxie marveled aloud.

Having roamed the True Profound Realm for nearly a millennium, Ling Tianxie had never encountered anything so astonishing.

"With this technique, I am destined to surpass the Supreme Being and escape the confines of the Heavenly Dao."

Ling Tianxie stilled his mind, directing his consciousness towards the purple qi.

As the purple qi wrapped around his consciousness, the will of the inheritance within the purple qi began to unfold clearly in his mind.

"This purple qi is actually one of the three strands of Hongmeng Purple Qi that originated before the Chaos World! What's this? A legacy vision?"

Within the vision, Ling Tianxie beheld the silhouette of a figure whose power was unmatched, and he heard a voice speak.

"I am the Nine Nether Evil Lord. By receiving the Nine Nether Inheritance, you shall take on the mantle of the Nine Nether Evil Lord and fulfill our shared destiny!"

Ling Tianxie jolted. What did he mean by fulfilling our shared destiny? It sounded unexpectedly heartfelt!

Unbeknownst to Ling Tianxie, the Hongmeng Purple Qi was subtly transforming.

In an instant, a portion of the Hongmeng Purple Qi converged above his eyes, while the remainder settled deep within his soul.

The surrounding Spiritual Energy of Langya Mountain was swiftly drained by Ling Tianxie.

The Heaven Earth Spiritual Energy that entered his body transmuted into Profound Qi, accumulating at his dantian.

Ling Tianxie trembled as his cultivation leaped from the early Body Refining Stage directly to the Qi Condensation Stage!

This breakthrough filled Ling Tianxie with elation.

With his newfound strength at the Qi Condensation Stage, he was poised to be a formidable presence in the Last Dharma Times, with few who could stand as his equal.

Ling Tianxie was confident that with the increase in his strength, he would be able to wield the Hongmeng Purple Qi at will. As he quietly sensed the transformation in his eyes, he came to understand the gift of the Hongmeng Purple Qi.

Upon opening his eyes, a faint purple light shimmered within them. The baptism of the Hongmeng Purple Qi had not only elevated Ling Tianxie's cultivation to the Qi Condensation Stage but had also granted his eyes a divine ability—the Evil Nether Eye.

This revelation thrilled Ling Tianxie beyond measure. To his knowledge, not even the five supreme beings of the True Profound Realm had managed to cultivate such a divine ability. Divine abilities were categorized as either innate or acquired. Ling Tianxie possessed an innate divine ability, having been blessed with the rare opportunity of the primordial Hongmeng Purple Qi—a chance that was incredibly hard to come by.

Others with innate divine abilities were either people or creatures born with unique constitutions, naturally endowed with such powers from birth. In contrast, acquired divine abilities were those developed through profound cultivation or inherited through the powerful bloodlines of ancestors, allowing the continuation of divine abilities cultivated by forebears.

Innate divine abilities were truly one of a kind, and Ling Tianxie's excitement at this moment was palpable.

Having organized his thoughts, Ling Tianxie's concern for his sisters prompted him to spring into action, swiftly descending the mountain. To an onlooker, with each step he took, he would instantly reappear ten meters away, as though he was traversing space itself.

Before long, Ling Tianxie reached the midpoint of the mountain. His keen senses allowed him to hear the raucous laughter of men from a distance, interspersed with the scolding voice of a woman.

With a few more swift movements, Ling Tianxie approached the source of the noise. He looked up to see five burly men encircling a woman, laughing boisterously. The woman, however, was seated on the ground with her back to Ling Tianxie, her face obscured from view.

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