The Sinister Lord's City Reign/C11 Give Ling Yueer to Me
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The Sinister Lord's City Reign/C11 Give Ling Yueer to Me
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C11 Give Ling Yueer to Me

Compared to his older brother, Wen Hanwu could truly grasp the horrifying nature of this finger hole. Despite years of martial arts practice, he could only manage to leave a shallow mark.

"Only a Grandmaster Expert can project their Profound Qi like this! Mingjing City might just be witnessing the rise of a dragon!" exclaimed Old Master Wen with a sigh.

Wen Hanwu expressed his concerns, "Dad, could this individual threaten the safety of Mingjing City? If they harbor ill intentions, it could be disastrous!"

After a moment of contemplation, Wen Weiguo replied, "I've heard that within the C Country Martial Dao, there's a public agreement: any martial artist who indiscriminately kills common folk will face the collective wrath of their peers."

"Still, the skills of this Grandmaster are truly formidable!" Wen Weiguo gave the tree trunk a shove, and the massive tree that required two people to encircle it toppled with a thunderous crash, the severed end as smooth as if it had been sanded.


Meanwhile, Ling Tianxie had just arrived back at his place. As he was about to ascend the staircase, Wang Xue, who had been lying in wait, pulled him aside.

Wang Xue had been up early, listening for any signs that Ling Tianxie might have gone for a jog, and had stationed herself on his inevitable path. Seeing Wang Xue with dark circles yet still looking adorable, Ling Tianxie couldn't resist pinching her soft cheek gently.

Wang Xue, delighted by Ling Tianxie's affectionate gesture, became self-conscious about her appearance and quickly lowered her head, not wanting him to see her like this.

The excitement of being Ling Tianxie's girlfriend had kept Wang Xue up until three in the morning. Ling Tianxie stepped forward, took Wang Xue's hand, and channeled his Profound Qi to rejuvenate her body.

Instantly, Wang Xue felt invigorated, her fatigue vanishing in an instant. "Babe Xue, your dark circles are gone."

At the sound of Ling Tianxie calling her 'babe,' Wang Xue's heart fluttered with a mix of shyness and joy.

"Mr. Tianxie, you're so cheesy."

"Then do you like it?" Ling Tianxie asked, gazing into Wang Xue's bright eyes.

"Yes, I... I like it," she replied.

With that, Wang Xue closed her eyes slightly and rose onto her tiptoes.

Ling Tianxie understood her intentions immediately. He swept her into his arms and pressed his lips to hers.

After a lengthy kiss, they finally parted.

"Mr. Tianxie, I took the day off. Do you have any free time today?" Wang Xue asked, still catching her breath.

Ling Tianxie, seeing the tearful sparkle in her coy eyes, knew she wanted to spend the day with him.

"Yes, I need to stop by Yue'er's school this morning, but I can spend the afternoon with you. Is that okay?"

Wang Xue, beaming with joy, bounced up the stairs.

Upon returning home, Ling Tianxie found his sister had already brought breakfast, and his younger sister was finishing up her morning routine.

"Tianxie, I've spoken with your school. They've agreed to reinstate your enrollment. If everything goes smoothly, you could return to classes the day after tomorrow," Ling Yufei told him with a bright smile.

Ling Tianxie wasn't particularly interested in school at the moment, but seeing his sister's joy, he agreed. She wanted him to continue his education, so he would.

Ling Yufei quickly ate her breakfast and, after a few instructions, dashed off to work.

Watching his sister hurry away, Ling Tianxie felt a pang of sadness.

Ling Yueer, now ready, urged Ling Tianxie to hurry up and get ready himself.

Having reached the Qi Condensation Stage, Ling Tianxie was unaffected by dust and merely went through the motions of freshening up.

After breakfast, he and Ling Yueer headed out together.

As they reached the bottom of the stairs, Ling Tianxie felt his little sister tug on his pinky.

He gave Ling Yueer a tender smile and hoisted her onto his back, her tiny feet swinging with glee.

The bus station in the Village in City was overflowing with people.

Carrying Ling Yueer, Ling Tianxie navigated through the throng at the station.

Their unusual pairing caused quite a stir among the onlookers.

But amidst the commotion, Ling Tianxie had already guided his sister onto the bus, leaving behind a crowd of frustrated men and women.

The bus had long since departed, leaving behind a group of frustrated men and women.

They had arrived at Ling Yueer's school. Before they could even get through the gates, they were accosted by a group of rough-looking delinquents, with the red and green light gang led by Wang Pengfei prominently in their midst.

Ling Tianxie wasn't looking for trouble, but he certainly wasn't afraid of it either. Taking Ling Yueer by the hand, he followed the group into a secluded alley.

Black Snake was in a foul mood. Just yesterday, he had been ready to enjoy the company of a beautiful woman and was on the verge of making a cool million from some photos. Instead, a peculiar kid had shown up, causing him to lose both the woman and the money, not to mention having his arm brutally broken.

After getting patched up at the hospital, he received a call from one of his underlings who had been beaten up. Black Snake was here for revenge, but more than anything, he wanted to blow off some steam.

He was sitting in a diner, enjoying his breakfast, when he noticed his henchmen leading someone into the alley across the street. His eyes brightened when he spotted an exceptionally pretty little girl among them. Signaling his men, he headed for the alley.

Wang Pengfei was feeling particularly bold today, having brought his big brother along for backup—a man who was the top lieutenant of Mr. Bald in East City.

This was a dead-end alley, with no escape. Today, he was determined to beat this kid until he was helpless.

Jealousy flared in Wang Pengfei as he watched Ling Yueer cling to Ling Tianxie's hand. He concocted a plan to humiliate Ling Tianxie in front of her.

"Kid, kneel down and kowtow three times to me, then hand over Ling Yueer. Maybe then I'll consider letting you go. If not, we'll beat you until you're unable to fend for yourself," Wang Pengfei boasted.

Ling Tianxie had no desire to engage in a war of words with these petty thugs.

"Is it going to be one-on-one, or am I taking on all of you by myself?"

Black Snake, who had just arrived, overheard Ling Tianxie's challenge and couldn't help but laugh at the kid's audacity. With a cigarette dangling from his lips, he fiddled with a lighter in one hand while his other arm hung in a sling, looking rather comical.

"Brilliant, just brilliant, truly badass. I've been dominating the East City District for decades, and yet, this is the first time I've come across someone who can outdo me in swagger. Kid, you've got my attention."

Black Snake's voice preceded him.

Ling Tianxie's lips twisted into a sly grin upon hearing the voice he recognized.

"Little snake, we meet again."

With an alluring smile, Ling Tianxie turned to face the newcomer with a mocking glint in his eyes.

Black Snake swaggered over with an exaggerated strut. Hearing the audacious youngster call out his name, he wondered if it was someone he knew.

Upon turning around, Ling Tianxie realized it was none other than the hero he had just met the day before!

"You... It's you! Ah! My apologies, my apologies... I must have taken a wrong turn."

Black Snake's words came out tangled in his nervousness, and the cigarette fell from his mouth as he inwardly cursed his luck.

"Why did it have to be this scourge! Ling Tianxie's ancient attire from yesterday was etched in his memory, and even though he was dressed differently today, that face was unmistakable!"

Black Snake and his boss, Mr. Bald, were both martial artists in the Acquired Middle Period. Yet, they were effortlessly taken down by Ling Tianxie with just a few moves, without any chance to fight back!

"Upon closer inspection, I realize this is someone I simply cannot provoke!" Black Snake wanted to make a quick exit. What impressed him most was Ling Tianxie's ability to disarm an opponent barehanded, a feat only an Innate Expert could achieve! He knew better than to cross paths with such an individual.

Fear etched on his face, Black Snake asked, "Big... Big Brother, I'm just a bystander, can you let me go?"

"Haha, Big Brother, your acting is truly masterful. Your movements and tone might be slightly over the top, but they really highlight your exceptional comedic talent."

Wang Pengfei commented to Black Snake as if he were revealing a prized secret.

"Little Snake, Yellow Hair here already called you his big brother, and now you claim to be just a passerby. Are you trying to pull one over on me?"

Ling Tianxie watched the two buffoons, his smile laced with amusement.

Black Snake was on the verge of a breakdown. How on earth did he end up with such an idiotic underling?

Without hesitation, Black Snake charged forward, delivering a sharp slap to the face before sending Wang Pengfei tumbling to the ground with a kick. Seeing Wang Pengfei about to speak, Black Snake swiftly followed up with two more kicks.

The other underlings exchanged bewildered glances, unsure of what to make of the situation.

"Are you satisfied now, guy?" Black Snake asked Ling Tianxie, his tone dripping with sycophancy.

"Your little brother demanded that I kneel and kowtow, and even suggested I hand over my sister to him. Kneel down now, and I'll let it slide this time," Ling Tianxie responded icily.

Ling Yueer tiptoed to give Ling Tianxie's calf a playful kick before addressing Black Snake, "I'm not his sister; I'm his wife!"

"Being defeated by you, I, Black Snake, will kneel," Black Snake conceded, fully aware of Ling Tianxie's formidable strength.

The underlings were left dumbfounded, wondering what their boss was up to.

Ling Tianxie had no time to waste. Observing his restless subordinates, he decided it was time to assert his dominance.

Concentrating Profound Qi at his fingertip, he unleashed the Human Killing Finger technique, piercing the nearby wall with a single jab.

Black Snake and his underlings gasped in shock, their legs quivering.

Wang Pengfei was so terrified that he wet himself.

The solid wall of green bricks and cement was effortlessly penetrated by Ling Tianxie's finger.

Facing Black Snake, who was visibly shaken, Ling Tianxie stated, "Little snake, agree to two conditions, and I'll spare you."

"Absolutely... I'll agree to anything," Black Snake replied, nodding vigorously.

"First, my wife is studying in East City. If even a single hair on her head is harmed, you'll answer to me! Second, I have some business at Second High School. Wait for me outside," Ling Tianxie commanded, his voice brooking no argument.

"Rest assured, I'll take care of it. No one in East City would dare trouble your wife," Black Snake assured him.

"I've already told you, I'm your wife," Ling Yueer said as she gave Ling Tianxie another kick.

Ling Tianxie, however, wasn't the least bit annoyed. He affectionately took Ling Yueer's hand and they walked away together.

"This young lady is definitely not someone to mess with!" thought Black Snake and his followers.

Ling Tianxie was a man who could kill a group of people with just a flick of his finger, yet this young lady could kick him anytime she pleased.

Black Snake quickly made a call to Mr. Bald. If he could befriend someone of such stature, it would be an incredible stroke of luck!

Once connected, Black Snake eagerly relayed the events to Mr. Bald, especially the part about Ling Tianxie piercing a wall with his finger, which made Mr. Bald gasp in astonishment.

Black Snake's storytelling was so vivid that Mr. Bald felt as if he were right there witnessing it all.


As Ling Tianxie walked through the campus of Second High School, he was feeling quite troubled. He was in need of Profound Yin Qi, and having five girls around him was putting him under a lot of pressure.

He managed a forced smile all the way to Teacher Ling Yueer's office door.

"Knock, knock, knock."

At the sound of knocking, Lo Yun opened the door, grimacing with pain in her lower abdomen.

Seeing Lo Yun's pale face and sensing the faint smell of blood, Ling Tianxie immediately understood what was wrong.

Ling Yueer noticed Lo Yun's pallor too and quickly stepped forward to support her.

"Ms. Lo, are you feeling alright?" Ling Yueer asked with concern.

"It's nothing, just feeling a bit under the weather," Lo Yun replied with a strained smile, shaking her head.

Then Lo Yun turned her attention to Ling Tianxie.

"Didn't I request that your parents come? Why is he here?"

"Ms. Lo, this is my brother, Ling Tianxie," Ling Yueer explained.

"Even if he is your brother, you should have asked your parents to come," Lo Yun said, suspecting that Ling Tianxie was a troublemaker and that Ling Yueer didn't want her parents to learn about her possibly dating at a young age, so she had Ling Tianxie pose as a guardian.

"My parents were in a car accident three months ago," Ling Yueer said, her voice tinged with sadness.

"Oh? I'm so sorry, Ling Yueer. I should have been more aware of your family's circumstances," Ms. Lo expressed with sincere regret.

Tears brimmed in Ling Yueer's eyes as she thought of her parents. "Ms. Lo, may I take my sister to her class first? We can discuss this matter later."

Seeing Ling Yueer's downcast demeanor, Ms. Lo felt a pang of compassion. "Ling Tianxie is quite attentive as a brother. He's avoiding the subject of family to spare Ling Yueer further heartache," she reflected, her opinion of Ling Tianxie softening.

Ling Tianxie gently took Ling Yueer's hand and led her toward the classroom, his heart aching for his sister's sorrow. "After all, Yueer is just a sixteen-year-old girl. She may seem playful and cheerful, but she's incredibly thoughtful," he mused to himself.

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