The Sinister Lord's City Reign/C12 Treating Lo Yun's Illness
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The Sinister Lord's City Reign/C12 Treating Lo Yun's Illness
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C12 Treating Lo Yun's Illness

Ling Tianxie's heart ached as he observed his sister Ling Yueer's despondent mood, feeling somewhat helpless in the face of her sorrow.

Ling Yueer, noticing her brother's helpless demeanor, was reminded of a saying, "When a boy sets aside his pride, dominance, and stubborn independence for you... it's because he can't bear to let you down."

"Brother, I'm alright," she reassured him, seeing the concern etched on his face.

Ling Tianxie could tell that Ling Yueer's smile was strained, an effort to keep him from worrying, which only deepened his sense of heartache. He tenderly stroked her dark hair and planted a gentle kiss on her cheek. "I'll come to pick you up after school tonight," he promised.

By the time Ling Yueer came to her senses, all she could see was Ling Tianxie's retreating figure waving goodbye. She wandered back to her classroom in a daze, causing quite a stir among her classmates.

Unaware of the commotion he'd left behind, Ling Tianxie had already made his way to Ms. Lo Yun's office.

Ms. Lo, anticipating Ling Tianxie's quick return, had left the office door ajar. Inside, she was hunched over her desk, flipping through teaching materials with her left hand while her right hand rested on her abdomen, her face contorted in discomfort.

Ling Tianxie rapped gently on the door. "Dong, dong."

Upon seeing Ling Tianxie at the threshold, Ms. Lo attempted to rise to her feet.

Observing her movements, Ling Tianxie advised, "Ms. Lo, your condition seems quite serious. Please, stay seated. I'm not sure whether to admire your dedication or question your recklessness."

Ms. Lo's gaze fell upon the young man before her. Though barely eighteen or nineteen, his countenance lacked the usual youthful naivety, and his words resonated with her unexpectedly.

"Ms. Lo, I'm aware of your predicament and I can help you, though it may seem a bit forward. Would that be alright with you?" Ling Tianxie inquired with a serene composure.

"Really? It's just that..." Ms. Lo hesitated, her voice laced with skepticism.

Under normal circumstances, one would dismiss the claims of a young man, especially one she had met only twice, professing to cure her hidden ailment.

Yet, as Ms. Lo studied Ling Tianxie's youthful yet earnest face, his self-assured eyes instilled in her a measure of trust. Despite her embarrassment at discussing such a personal matter with a young man, she considered his offer.

"Ms. Lo, you're about twenty-three years old now, right? Your struggles with menstrual pain began when you were eighteen. You've always had a rather frail constitution, and during those days each month, the pain in your lower abdomen becomes excruciating."

Ling Tianxie observed Lo Yun's astonished face as he continued,

"As you get older, the problem is likely to worsen. You've probably consulted many doctors to no avail. I can tell you with certainty that your condition is quite severe."

Lo Yun was genuinely taken aback. This young man had described her condition with remarkable accuracy.

In the midst of her astonishment, Ling Tianxie declared, "I can alleviate your pain right now."

Without waiting for Lo Yun to respond, he turned and locked the door, then walked over to her, lifted her up, and placed her on the desk.

"Ah! What are you doing?"

Lo Yun exclaimed, startled by Ling Tianxie's actions.

"I'm treating you, trust me," Ling Tianxie assured her with conviction.

Seeing the sincerity in Ling Tianxie's eyes and the absence of any lewd intent on his face, Lo Yun felt reassured. Still, recalling his earlier admission that his methods might be somewhat forward, she couldn't help but inquire,

"Could you explain exactly what you're going to do?"

Ling Tianxie was feeling urgent; he was in dire need of the Profound Yin Qi. Lo Yun's menstrual pain was a result of an excess of Profound Yin Qi within her.

'Too much water overflows; a full moon wanes'—that's the principle at work here.

Lo Yun's physiological issues were due to an overflow of Profound Yin Qi.

"I'll need to place my hand on your lower abdomen and legs," Ling Tianxie explained truthfully.

"Here's the situation: your body has an overabundance of Profound Yin Qi, which I can absorb. The abdomen is where this energy is concentrated, and there's a saying that cold originates from the soles of the feet, hence the need to make contact with these areas."

Despite whether Lo Yun fully grasped the explanation, Ling Tianxie urgently conveyed his need for the Profound Yin Qi and elaborated further.

Having finished his explanation, Ling Tianxie reached to adjust the clothing around Lo Yun's lower abdomen.

"Ah! I... I'll do it myself."

Lo Yun was startled. She had never expected Ling Tianxie to act so impulsively!

"Even though I've come to believe you, how can you, as a guy, just touch me like that? Shouldn't you at least give me a heads-up? And be a bit more gentle?" Lo Yun scolded herself internally.

Reflecting on her thoughts, Lo Yun chastised herself, "Lo Yun, Lo Yun, how can you entertain such brazen ideas!"

"Yeah, it's probably best if you handle it yourself."

Ling Tianxie gave an embarrassed smile, realizing he had been too hasty.

Noticing that Ling Tianxie showed no sign of looking away, Lo Yun snapped, "Could you turn around, please!"

"It's all going to be the same in the end," Ling Tianxie muttered under his breath as he turned around.

Behind him, the sound of rustling made the Yang Evil Qi within him surge, igniting a fiery desire.

Suppressing the intense heat, a testament to his nine hundred years of wasted cultivation, Ling Tianxie inquired, "Are you ready, Ms. Lo?"

"Yes... Yes, you can turn around now."

Lo Yun's voice was strained as she replied.

When Ling Tianxie turned back around, the sight before him made his pupils shrink, and he inwardly exclaimed, "Incredibly tempting!"

Lo Yun was now reclining on the desk, her starry eyes beneath black-rimmed glasses half-closed, a blush spreading from her cheeks to her ears. She had removed her blazer, revealing a white shirt that accentuated her full figure.

She wore white women's suit pants that hugged her waist, highlighting the alluring curves of her form.

Feeling the Yang Evil Qi within him surge uncontrollably, Ling Tianxie stepped closer to Lo Yun, reaching out toward her abdomen.

Struggling, he unbuttoned two buttons on Lo Yun's shirt, exposing her smooth, flat stomach, and placed his hand upon it.

At the first touch, he felt Lo Yun's body quiver.

Ling Tianxie employed the Red Soft Palm technique, his hand gliding over Lo Yun's abdomen.

"Hmmph..." Lo Yun's eyes brimmed with tears as she let out a soft moan.

Ling Tianxie attentively absorbed the delicate strands of Profound Yin Qi through his palm into his body.

It took a good fifteen minutes before he ceased the motion of his palm.

It was some time before Lo Yun regained her composure, realizing the hot palm on her lower abdomen had been removed. She shyly avoided Ling Tianxie's gaze, inwardly chiding herself for making such an embarrassing sound.

"Ms. Lo, you might want to take off your pants. You could wrap yourself in a blanket," Ling Tianxie suggested considerately.

"No, let's just leave it. It's too much of a hassle," Lo Yun declined, not daring to remove her pants. She had only agreed to the treatment because 'one shouldn't avoid a doctor when ill.'

The thought of being in contact with Ling Tianxie without her pants was mortifying to her.

Lo Yun was acutely aware that the once excruciating pain in her lower abdomen had subsided, replaced by a warm, lingering ball of Qi.

This was the Profound Qi that Ling Tianxie had infused into her to nurture her lower abdomen.

The Profound Yin Qi had been entrenched there for years, and to prevent any lasting effects, it was essential to help her recuperate.

Ling Tianxie was unsure how to proceed with Lo Yun's suit pants, which reached her ankles. Surely, he couldn't just reach inside?

Lo Yun, realizing her predicament and wanting to avoid removing her pants, quickly pulled up the legs to reveal her fair calves.

Ling Tianxie respected her wishes. To him, Lo Yun was invaluable. Despite having absorbed the Profound Yin Qi from her lower abdomen, the Yang Evil Qi in his body was insufficient to handle even half of the absorbed Profound Yin Qi.

His hand now rested on Lo Yun's pale calves, and as he employed the Red Soft Palm technique to quicken the absorption, she involuntarily let out a soft moan.

When Ling Tianxie moved to remove her shoes, a somewhat lucid Lo Yun immediately objected.

"Don't take off my shoes, please! That's not... it's not okay!"

Ling Tianxie looked on, bemused by her hesitant manner, then glanced at Lo Yun's feet, elegantly encased in flesh-toned socks and black half-high heels.

"There's no odor," Ling Tianxie assumed that Lo Yun was concerned about foot odor.

"No... It's not that..." Lo Yun faltered once more.

Coming from a family steeped in scholarly tradition, Lo Yun held very traditional views. Although she had rationalized Ling Tianxie's touch on her lower abdomen and calf as a necessary part of healing, she regarded her feet as a symbol of modesty and would never remove her shoes in public.

Unaware of her sentiments, Ling Tianxie had other matters to attend to. He swiftly took hold of Lo Yun's foot, removing her shoe and sock with quick movements. Grasping her ankle with his left hand, he began to work with his right.

"Hmm..." Lo Yun was in a daze, feeling as though she had been violated against her will. She whimpered softly, her gaze fixed on Ling Tianxie in a stunned silence.

When Lo Yun snapped out of her daze, she noticed her shoes and socks were back on. Had it all been a dream? No, the violation was real!

Feeling deeply aggrieved, Lo Yun couldn't help but burst into tears.

Ling Tianxie, puzzled by her reaction and wishing he could silence the whimpers, wondered what was amiss.

Having absorbed the Profound Yin Qi, Ling Tianxie kept his Evil Nether Eye active to rapidly gather Yang Evil Qi.

Now, understanding Lo Yun's distress through Heart Knowing Nature Watching, he decided to shift the focus.

"Ms Lo, class is about to start. You should hurry and change your pants," Ling Tianxie suggested, steering the conversation elsewhere.

Regaining her composure, Lo Yun shot Ling Tianxie a cold glare, now realizing why he had insisted on her removing her pants earlier.

As a sense of dampness overcame her, Lo Yun's attempt at aloofness crumbled, and she blushed deeply as she dashed to the changing room.

Thankfully, her private office was equipped with a small changing area, even though it lacked a restroom.

Watching Lo Yun scurry off, Ling Tianxie sought a tranquil spot for himself, and this office seemed perfect.

Focusing inward, he felt the energy in his dantian. He was managing the fusion of Yin and Yang Qi as before: half flowed into his dantian, while the other half was drawn into the Hongmeng Purple Qi deep within his soul.

The sensation of fullness in the dantian signaled the successful transition to the late Qi Condensation Stage!

Ling Tianxie was ecstatic. He had truly stumbled upon a treasure this time. Although he had encountered Lo Yun previously, he hadn't known how to harness the Profound Yin Qi then.

The breakthrough was still in progress, inching closer to the Profound Connecting Stage. Yet, without an influx of external spiritual energy, the process was bound to settle down.

"Alas, I was just one step short."

Ling Tianxie couldn't help feeling a bit disappointed. The amount of spiritual energy needed for a major realm breakthrough was immense.

Suddenly, the Hongmeng Purple Qi, which had been dormant deep within his soul, stirred to life.

A portion of the Hongmeng Purple Qi split off and divided in two, soaring towards his third eye and dantian.

With the Hongmeng Purple Qi's infusion, his dantian shattered its previous limits in an instant. At Ling Tianxie's forehead, the Hongmeng Purple Qi coalesced into a Purple Lotus, radiating an enchanting purple glow.

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