The Sinister Lord's City Reign/C13 Hongmeng Purple Fire Hongmeng Profound Qi
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The Sinister Lord's City Reign/C13 Hongmeng Purple Fire Hongmeng Profound Qi
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C13 Hongmeng Purple Fire Hongmeng Profound Qi

Ling Tianxie conducted a thorough internal examination and everything became clear to him. His dantian was constantly enveloped in dense purple Qi because he had advanced to the early stage of the Profound Connecting Stage.

Following the baptism of the Hongmeng Purple Qi, Ling Tianxie’s Profound Qi had transformed into a purple hue. It was no longer appropriate to call it Profound Qi; he named it Hongmeng Profound Qi.

Now at the Profound Connecting Stage, Ling Tianxie could effortlessly wield the Hongmeng Profound Qi, no longer needing to condense it as before. He could also summon the Hongmeng Profound Qi to protect himself at any moment.

The Purple Lotus at his brow was not an ordinary lotus but a flame shaped like a cluster of lotus flowers.

"Hongmeng Profound Qi and Hongmeng Purple Fire."

The Hongmeng Profound Qi had the power to heal diseases and avert calamities, while the Hongmeng Purple Fire could purify and annihilate malevolent forces.

At that moment, the Origin Devouring Ring on his left index finger stirred. With a mere thought, Ling Tianxie found himself in the Ring Space. It was his first venture into this miniature world. Another thought instantly transported him to his Treasure Storage Pavilion, where he discovered that all the Divine Pills and Divine Weapons he had collected over the years had lost their divine essence. Had they been absorbed by the Hongmeng Dao Scripture during the Nine Nether Inheritance?

Unbeknownst to Ling Tianxie, a small white fox was stealthily observing him from a corner.

Having absorbed Lo Yun's Profound Yin Qi, Ling Tianxie's strength had significantly increased, ensuring he had even more formidable power to protect his sisters.

"Don't let our future down? Does that mean we will meet again someday?"

Ling Tianxie was increasingly looking forward to meeting the person who had bequeathed him the Hongmeng Dao Scripture and the Hongmeng Purple Qi.

He felt a profound sense of gratitude towards Lo Yun. Without her contribution, he couldn't fathom how long his breakthrough would have taken, unless he resorted to the dishonorable act of absorbing Profound Yin Qi from others.

Once Ling Tianxie had finished assessing the changes in his body, he opened his eyes and surveyed his surroundings.

His gaze inadvertently swept toward the changing room, revealing a vision of pure white.

"Yikes! That's going to leave a mark."

Ling Tianxie quickly averted his Evil Nether Eye, intending to make a swift exit.

Upon reflection, he decided to leave a note on Lo Yun's desk, scribbling a message before departing.

With a mischievous grin, Ling Tianxie wondered how the sophisticated beauty would react to his words.

Lo Yun cautiously opened the changing room door a crack, and not seeing Ling Tianxie, she breathed a sigh of relief and stepped out.

She had been listening for any noise outside before venturing out, especially for the sound of the door, to avoid an awkward encounter with Ling Tianxie.

Seated at her desk, Lo Yun was lost in thought until she realized it was nearly time for class and started to organize her lesson plan.

A note caught her eye, presumably left by Ling Tianxie. Curious, she picked it up to read.

"Please accept my apologies for today's offense. I shall visit in the future to remedy the root of the problem. Also, quite large, quite white, quite perky, quite enticing. Sincerely, Ling Tianxie."

Initially, Lo Yun thought he showed some remorse, but as she read on, her eyes blazed with fury, and her body began to shake with anger.

Lo Yun had intended to discuss Ling Yueer with Ling Tianxie, but before they could even start, he had already taken liberties with her.

Now, she felt bewildered, reflecting on the many 'firsts' she had just experienced: being carried princess-style, having her abdomen touched by a man, having her feet massaged, and being seen in a vulnerable state...

"That jerk!"

Lo Yun's face paled with rage as she crumpled the note and tossed it aside.

As the bell for class rang, she grabbed her teaching materials, ready to leave. Yet, almost subconsciously, she smoothed out the crumpled note and slipped it into her purse.

While teaching her class, Lo Yun couldn't shake the feeling that Ling Yueer, seated in the front row, was giving her peculiar looks, as if Lo Yun had snatched her favorite toy.

From the moment Lo Yun entered the classroom, Ling Yueer's mood soured. She had seen Lo Yun wearing pants in the office, but now she had changed into a skirt. Ling Yueer always thought of Ms. Lo as quite traditional, believing she would never wear a skirt without a pair of flesh-toned tights.

Moreover, Lo Yun's cheeks were flushed, and her gait was buoyant.

Ms. Lo had just been with her brother!


Ling Tianxie was making his way through the deserted school, a place notorious for being a haven for delinquents. As he entered, the lax security guards didn't even give him a second glance.

With all the students in class, the guards merely glanced at him before returning to their cigarettes and idle chatter, paying him no mind. Ling Tianxie silently shook his head at the poor learning environment.

Upon exiting the school gates, he spotted a Land Rover parked nearby, with Mr. Bald and Black Snake standing next to it. Mr. Bald's arm was in a sling.

As Ling Tianxie approached, Black Snake quickly exchanged a few words with Mr. Bald, and then both men approached Ling Tianxie with expressions of respect.

Mr. Bald was feeling anxious. He had taken on a job the day before, and because the target was so significant, he had led the operation himself. He had anticipated an easy payday but hadn't counted on Ling Tianxie's intervention. After being floored by Tianxie, Mr. Bald realized the young man's formidable strength.

Catching a dagger barehanded without a scratch was a signature move of an Innate Martial Artist. The call from Black Snake had left him both thrilled and fearful.

The prospect of meeting Ling Tianxie, such a significant figure, was exhilarating, yet there was also a sense of fear. He wondered how it was possible for someone to suddenly appear in such a remote place as Langya Mountain, fearing that Ling Tianxie might have some connection to Qin Keqing.

This was a man who could easily snuff out his life without a second thought. After much deliberation, prompted by Black Snake's implication that the young man needed his assistance, he decided to take the chance.

It was an opportunity he couldn't pass up; he had no intention of spending his entire life in the East City District.

"Sir, I'm Mr. Bald. No, no, just call me Bald. May I have the honor of knowing your name?" Mr. Bald approached Ling Tianxie, his voice tinged with nervousness.

"There's no need for pretense if you're not a scholar. Relax, be casual. My name is Ling Tianxie. I just need your help with a couple of small matters," Ling Tianxie replied, internally scoffing at the man's attempt to seem cultured.

He had sought out Mr. Bald for two reasons: firstly, because Mr. Bald was the big fish in this part of town, and secondly, because Ling Tianxie was out of money.

"Then I shall address you as Master Ling. What can I do for you?" Mr. Bald visibly relaxed, sensing that Ling Tianxie's straightforward manner meant no need for formalities.

"The first matter I've already entrusted to Little Snake. The second is to borrow 100,000 yuan from you. Think of it as a debt of gratitude from me, Ling Tianxie. Does that work for you?" Ling Tianxie asked calmly.

Mr. Bald was overjoyed. To protect a student on his turf and lend out 100,000 yuan in exchange for a favor from an Innate Expert was like a windfall from heaven!

"Absolutely... I'll have someone bring the money right over! Master Ling, please give me a moment," Mr. Bald responded eagerly.

Black Snake was quick to offer cigarettes and water, fawning over him like a loyal servant.

Mr. Bald's underling was efficient, arriving within five minutes. Ling Tianxie accepted the newspaper-wrapped money, quickly verifying the correct amount.

"Master Ling, it looks like you have business to attend to. I'm free at the moment and would be happy to drive you," Mr. Bald offered, showing his keenness.

Ling Tianxie climbed into the car and instructed Black Snake to head to the city center. In the Land Rover, Black Snake took the wheel, while Mr. Bald didn't presume to sit beside him, leaving Ling Tianxie to sit alone in the backseat.

"Am I that frightening?" Ling Tianxie inquired, observing the two men's overly cautious demeanor.

Black Snake and Mr. Bald shuddered, fearing they had upset Ling Tianxie and were too afraid to respond.

Seeing their reaction, Ling Tianxie, at a loss for words, changed the subject. "Where's the largest medicinal herb market in the city center?"

"Master Ling, you've come to the right person. I often go there to pick up some... supplements for virility," Mr. Bald boasted, eager to impress but inadvertently revealing too much.

Beside him, Black Snake struggled to suppress his laughter, his skewed facial features twisting into an even more ludicrous expression.

Ling Tianxie's thoughts drifted to Qin Keqing, the voluptuous woman involved in the Village in City project, which had tragically led to her parents' car accident.

"Why did you kidnap Qin Keqing yesterday?" Ling Tianxie prodded, seeking Mr. Bald's motives.

At Ling Tianxie's words, Black Snake was so startled he brought the car to a halt, while Mr. Bald's forehead glistened with nervous perspiration.

"Master Ling, we were just hired to do a job and got paid for it. Please, have mercy on us!" Mr. Bald pleaded, his body shaking with fear.

He recalled their earlier intentions, which had been far from honorable. In his mind, Qin Keqing was this master's woman.

"I have no intention of killing you. I just want to know who hired you. What do you know about the Village in City project's secrets?" Ling Tianxie pressed, his patience waning.

"It was Ling Congfeng from Zhiyuan Group who instructed us, offering a million..." Mr. Bald stammered, divulging all that he knew.

At the mention of Ling Congfeng's name, a chill flickered in Ling Tianxie's eyes. Zhiyuan Group was his father's creation.

Now, Ling Tianxie grasped the full scope of the incident.

The same old schemes, he mused.

"Heh, dear uncle, our reunion is imminent."

Upon reaching the medicinal herb market, Ling Tianxie, accompanied by Mr. Bald and Black Snake, spent a hundred thousand to acquire an assortment of low-level herbs and numerous small porcelain bottles.

Upon returning to his residence, Ling Tianxie was accompanied by Mr. Bald and Black Snake, who seemed quite intrigued by his choice of living quarters. They couldn't believe that someone like him would stay in such a place.

Mr. Bald handed Ling Tianxie a new phone, having already discreetly saved his own number in it. He insisted that if Ling Tianxie ever needed someone to run errands, he should not hesitate to call.

Without any pretense, Ling Tianxie accepted the phone and promptly sent text messages to his sisters and Wang Xue. To him, returning a favor was trivial compared to the value of a phone or money.

After seeing off the pair, Ling Tianxie stored the medicinal herbs in the Origin Devouring Ring and settled back into his home.

Meanwhile, in a lavish office, a middle-aged man with a scholarly demeanor sat in an executive chair. Across from him stood another middle-aged man, his complexion sickly pale from a life of indulgence in alcohol and debauchery.

"Ling Congfeng, you fool! How dare you kidnap Qin Keqing without authorization? Do you realize that your rash actions could have tipped off our adversaries?" the seated man bellowed, his face contorting with anger.

"President Soong, I apologize. I thought that by intimidating a woman, she would easily relinquish control of her company. I didn't anticipate such a blunder," the pale man replied, his face etched with fear.

The scholarly man let out a cold laugh. "Haha, Qin Keqing may be a woman, but the forces backing her are not to be underestimated. I hope this hasn't drawn their attention. From now on, without my consent, if you continue to act recklessly and become a liability, don't expect any mercy from me."

With just a glance, Ling Tianxie could identify these two individuals. They were none other than Ling Congfeng and Soong Daoling, close associates of Ling Congyun.

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