The Sinister Lord's City Reign/C15 The Female Policewoman Is Gentle
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The Sinister Lord's City Reign/C15 The Female Policewoman Is Gentle
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C15 The Female Policewoman Is Gentle

After a long while, they finally broke the kiss.

"This is my woman!"

Ling Tianxie stated coolly as he gazed at Zhang Mei and her son.

Wang Xue, upon hearing this, nestled into Ling Tianxie's embrace, feeling both elated and bashful.

Yang Chenggang, witnessing the scene, was seething with jealousy. It was as if he could feel a vast green meadow sprouting atop his head, unable to believe this upstart dared to compete with him over a woman.

"Pfft, you think you can take me on, kid? What makes you think you're qualified? What can you possibly offer? I, Yang Chenggang, am young, worth millions, and I own a bar in East City. What do you have, you nobody?"

Yang Chenggang was convinced his bravado was impressively intimidating, sure to have frightened the youngster.

"Oh? Yang Chenggang of East City? What's the name of your bar?" Ling Tianxie inquired, with a hint of amusement.

"Heh, are you hoping to get a job at my bar? With your pretty-boy looks, I could introduce you to some wealthy ladies. Haha, if you're interested, come to the Nightclub in East City and find me. I see potential in you," Yang Chenggang said, dripping with sarcasm.

"East City? That saves me a lot of trouble," Ling Tianxie retorted, his tone laced with mockery.

He pulled out his phone and dialed a number.

"I'm Ling Tianxie. There's a bar called Night in East City. Take care of it for me. I'm at the Mingding Coffee Shop in Village in City right now..."

Wang Yufen and Zhang Mei looked at Ling Tianxie as if he were out of his mind.

"Haha, you must be delusional. You think you can handle me with just a phone call? Acting like some high-and-mighty heir..."

Before Yang Chenggang could finish his taunt, his phone began to ring. Puzzled, he saw it was the bar manager and answered.

"Mr. Yang, we've got trouble. A bunch of guys just stormed in and trashed our bar!"

The bar manager's voice was frantic as he relayed the situation to Yang Chenggang.

Yang Chenggang turned pale. With his bar destroyed, he was too afraid to even call the police. Businessmen dread getting tangled with street toughs; once you cross them, they'll harass you endlessly, and your business might as well be finished.

Ling Tianxie and Wang Xue sat in silence, while Yang Chenggang didn't dare approach. Zhang Mei, puzzled, was about to speak when Yang Chenggang quickly covered her mouth, waiting for Ling Tianxie's next move.

Wang Yufen, equally confused, spoke up, "You're quite bold in your speech, aren't you? Why not claim you can buy it all in a minute..."

Just then, a Land Rover screeched to a halt at the entrance, and a burly bald man with two associates hurried into the coffee shop. After scanning the room, he made a beeline for Ling Tianxie. This man was none other than Mr. Bald.

"Master Ling, I came as fast as I could after your call. I've instructed Black Snake to handle your request. He's already taken care of it," Mr. Bald said with a deferential tone as he approached Ling Tianxie.

"Mr. Bald, what brings you here? And who is this Master Ling?" Yang Chenggang stammered, nearly wetting himself when he saw Mr. Bald addressing Ling Tianxie with such respect. Mr. Bald was the big shot of East City, and here he was, treating this young man with utmost reverence. Yang Chenggang's legs turned to jelly as he recalled his earlier bravado.

"Who the hell do you think you are, prying into Master Ling's affairs?" Mr. Bald shot Yang Chenggang a menacing look.

"I... I once shared a meal with you," Yang Chenggang managed to say, his voice laced with anxiety, realizing he had bitten off more than he could chew.

"So, you're the one who crossed Master Ling? How do you plan to make amends? Spell it out," Mr. Bald demanded, glaring at Yang Chenggang. To him, Ling Tianxie was untouchable, almost divine.

Ling Tianxie couldn't be bothered with such a minor nuisance. Yang Chenggang hastily wrote a check for one million yuan and bolted with Zhang Mei.

Ling Tianxie passed the check to Mr. Bald, instructing him to share it with the hardworking associates.

Mr. Bald was perceptive; he knew Ling Tianxie wasn't one to easily forgive Yang Chenggang. In Ling Tianxie's book, it wasn't just about coveting his woman—verbal insults were also off-limits. Sensing the chill in Ling Tianxie's eyes, Mr. Bald signaled his subordinate to take action.

Ling Tianxie was never one to play the good Samaritan. Through the Heart Knowing Nature Watching technique, the malevolence in Yang Chenggang's heart was crystal clear.

At the moment, Wang Yufen was taken aback, her gaze towards Ling Tianxie shifting perceptibly.

Despite Wang Yufen's repugnant behavior, Ling Tianxie approached her with a greeting. After all, she was his prospective mother-in-law.

Ling Tianxie covertly transferred five million into Wang Xue's bank account, urging her to purchase a house near her school.

He was determined to find a better home for his sister and sister-in-law; the thought of Wang Xue living in the Village in City was unsettling to him.

"Xue, once you've bought the house, send me the address. Leave the Village in City behind and don't go back. I'll be moving out too. I'll come to see you the day after tomorrow when I go to school," Ling Tianxie instructed Wang Xue, who nodded in agreement.

"Baldy, could you escort Xue and Mrs. Wang for me?" Ling Tianxie asked Mr. Bald.

"Master Ling, rest assured, I'll ensure the Third Sister-in-law arrives safely," Mr. Bald assured him, thumping his chest.

Ling Tianxie's brow furrowed at the mention of 'Third Sister-in-law.' Meanwhile, Wang Xue felt a sudden surge of emotion.

Checking the time, it was two in the afternoon. Ling Tianxie decided to head to the medicinal herb market to procure some premium herbs.

The wail of sirens caught his attention. As Ling Tianxie watched the police car racing towards him, it came to a halt right before him.

The car door swung open, revealing a striking figure. The woman stood at 1.7 meters tall, her long hair pulled back into a ponytail, framing her slightly masculine features. Her delicate jade nose, luscious pink lips, and stunning figure were accentuated by her police uniform, which struggled to contain her ample chest. Her legs were long and slender, leading to a shapely, pert rear.

Ling Tianxie couldn't help but take her in with his eyes.

She was a bundle of nerves and excitement, unable to fathom that the young man before her was an underworld boss.

Newly inducted into the police force, the chief, wary of her family connections, had steered her clear of dangerous assignments, opting instead to assign her clerical duties with the Criminal Police Team.

She had just received an emergency call transferred by the operator, and her desire to prove herself was overwhelming. Consequently, she took it upon herself to respond to the call without backup. With the aid of the Heavenly Eyes system, she quickly located Ling Tianxie.

"Freeze! You've illegally assembled members of an underground force to threaten Qin's Group employees. I'm arresting you on charges of illegal assembly, participation in an illegal organization, intimidation, and I suspect extortion as well," she declared, reaching for her handcuffs.

"You've got the wrong person, right?" Ling Tianxie was bewildered, feeling like he was being mistaken for a terrorist.

"You are Ling Tianxie, aren't you?" she pressed on, undeterred by his reaction. She was convinced that the young man before her was the ringleader of the underground forces.

"Yes, I'm Ling Tianxie. Is there an issue?" Ling Tianxie guessed the policewoman had made an error.

"You've just confirmed it. You've assembled over three hundred members of the Bald Gang in the East City District of Mingjing City to threaten and intimidate Qin's Group staff. I've reviewed the call logs; Mr. Bald, the head of the Bald Gang, only dispersed his men after receiving a call from you," she said with a triumphant look, thrilled at the prospect of capturing a major figure in the criminal underworld.

Ling Tianxie was now nursing a headache. What on earth had that idiot Bald done?

Unbeknownst to Ling Tianxie, Bald had been seeking forgiveness from his 'sister-in-law.' Bald had always believed Qin Keqing to be Ling Tianxie's partner and had taken his gang to Qin's Group to seek her pardon, thinking that showing up in force would demonstrate their sincerity. He was unaware that Qin Keqing was not present at the time.

Later, acting presumptuously on Ling Tianxie's behalf, he ordered his men to deliver flowers, sending over fifty bouquets before he received a call from Ling Tianxie and headed to the Tea Cauldron Coffee Shop. The sight of a group of intimidating men delivering flowers naturally terrified the receptionists, who promptly called the police, especially since each bouquet bore a note signed by Ling Tianxie.

After a reasonable analysis and a bold hypothesis, she felt justified in her belief that Ling Tianxie had orchestrated this organized underground group activity.

"Miss Officer, do you have a warrant for my arrest?" Ling Tianxie inquired, looking at her.

"I... Of course, I do!" she stammered, her response tinged with uncertainty.

"Look, you're just a clerk; you don't even have the authority to make an arrest," Ling Tianxie pointed out, his understanding clear thanks to his 'Heart Knowing Nature Watching' ability.

She was taken aback. "How did you know? Uh, I..." She quickly covered her mouth, realizing her slip.

"Miss Officer, may I go now?" Ling Tianxie asked, growing impatient as she remained silent, still trying to make sense of the situation.

'Heart Knowing Nature Watching' allowed him to perceive her current thoughts, but it didn't extend to probing memories or deeper thoughts.

As Ling Tianxie attempted to leave, she stepped in front of him with a long stride and challenged, "Ling Tianxie, are you resisting arrest?"

Ling Tianxie thought to himself, 'She's just a clerk and she's trying to arrest someone?' He brushed aside the arm she had used to block him and turned to walk away.

"Hey! Are you assaulting an officer?" she exclaimed indignantly, lifting her long leg in his direction.

Ling Tianxie caught sight of the leg and swiftly grabbed her ankle, pressing her against the police car.

She let out a whimper as the weight of his body pinned her down.

Just then, another police car arrived. The door swung open, and three people emerged: a middle-aged man and two younger men.

One of the young men, with a hawk-like nose and a dark look, caught sight of Ling Tianxie and the woman's compromising position, his eyes flashing with malice.

"Meng Rou, have you lost all sense of discipline? Not only did you leave the station without authorization, but you're also causing a scene in public, bringing shame to the police force!" Zhou Tao, the middle-aged officer, reprimanded her sternly.

Meng Rou realized the impropriety of her actions with Ling Tianxie, and given the public's penchant for spectacle, a crowd of onlookers had already gathered.

"Let go of me right now, you filthy thug!"

Wen Min frantically tried to escape Ling Tianxie's grasp.

However, Ling Tianxie released her with an indifferent expression and casually dusted off his clothes.

To bystanders, it appeared as though Ling Tianxie was disdainful of Wen Min.

A woman's fury can be irrational, and Wen Min was incensed at his contemptuous attitude.

"I haven't even begun to look down on you. What's with that look... and those gestures?"

Wen Min was truly enraged. This man had taken liberties with her, making it seem as though she was the one who had been forward.

"Mr. Ling, we suspect you're involved with an underground organization... We hope you'll cooperate with our investigation. Liang Zhenyu, Lin Xuewang, take him back to the police station."

Zhou Tao addressed Ling Tianxie before instructing the two young officers.

Liang Zhenyu, the man with the hawkish nose, heard the command and, along with Lin Xuewang, moved to escort Ling Tianxie to the police car.

As he reached behind Ling Tianxie, a chilling smile crossed his sinister face. He clenched his right fist and aimed a punch at Ling Tianxie's lower back.

Liang Zhenyu had it all planned out; his current position was perfectly blocking Zhou Tao's view.

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