The Sinister Lord's City Reign/C18 Innate Stage
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The Sinister Lord's City Reign/C18 Innate Stage
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C18 Innate Stage

After hearing Ling Tianxie's response, Qin Keqing gazed intently at his face for a solid ten seconds before her expression blossomed into a smile, reminiscent of a flowering crabapple tree.

"Yes, Mr. Tianxie, I trust you."

"I trust that there's indeed something wrong with your body. It's probably your lecherous nature that's to blame, isn't it?" Liu Shanshan quipped, her lips curling into a small smirk that belied the sarcasm in her words.

"You're playing with fire, you know. Watch out, or I might just devour you," Ling Tianxie warned with a mischievous grin, whispering into Liu Shanshan's ear.

The heat of his breath made Liu Shanshan's cheeks flush red, her heart fluttering with an unfamiliar sensation. Unaware, Qin Keqing missed the exchange.

"Ling Tianxie, what exactly do you mean by offering to help me deal with the Village in City issue?" Qin Keqing inquired.

"The Village in City project is a setup. Soong Daoling of Zhiyuan Group is the puppet master. You both need to tread carefully. If you run into any trouble you can't handle, feel free to reach out to me," Ling Tianxie explained without reservation.

"Ah?" both women gasped in unison, realizing the scheme was likely targeting Qin's Group.

"How do we get in touch with you?" they asked together, still recovering from their surprise.

"1801980xxxx, that's my number. If you find yourselves missing me, don't hesitate to call," Ling Tianxie offered, already climbing into his Land Rover.

Qin Keqing and Liu Shanshan exchanged glances, each hiding a hint of guilt. It's only natural to feel uneasy when keeping secrets from a close friend.

They watched as Ling Tianxie settled into the bald man's car and drove off into the distance, their minds gradually refocusing.

Half an hour later, outside East City Second Senior High School, the bald man couldn't contain his excitement. "Master Ling, that Solid Body Pill of yours is miraculous. My arm healed after just one dose. Black Snake and I each took one, and now we've both reached the Acquired Peak in strength," he said, his ambition clearly awakening.

"Spit it out then," Ling Tianxie prompted.

When Ling Tianxie heard the bald man's words, he immediately knew there was more to it than met the eye. People like the bald man, who mingled in the criminal underworld, were never short on grand ambitions. His previous decision to lay low was merely due to insufficient power.

"Master Ling, we're considering expanding the gang. What are your thoughts?" The bald man inquired cautiously, well aware that Ling Tianxie was not someone to be trifled with.

"Baldie, you don't need my permission. Go ahead with your plans. I'll step in if necessary, but only once," Ling Tianxie replied, internally shaking his head at the man's lack of audacity and wisdom. He might rule over a corner of East City, but he lacked the makings of a true kingpin.

Ling Tianxie's favor was a valuable commodity, to be used wisely. He clearly understood the bald man's ulterior motives, which were born out of fear of Ling Tianxie's martial prowess.

Having promised to pick up his sister from school, Ling Tianxie found himself with time to spare, strolling alone across the Second High School's sports field. He settled on the horizontal bar, lighting a cigarette, and pondered his true nature.

As he watched the smoke curl from the cigarette, he remembered that his initial reason for smoking was to look cool. Only later did he grow fond of the sensation. Why then did it now feel so bland? And if it was so unfulfilling, why continue the habit?

Was it habit? Nostalgia?

Indeed, like the habit of smoking, he had grown accustomed to the life of carnage in the True Profound Realm. That wasn't who he truly was. Why long for the past?

During his nine hundred years in the True Profound Realm, he hadn't been cultivating the 'Path of the True Self' but rather shackling himself. With an imperfect mindset, it was no surprise he hadn't broken through to the pinnacle.

The past version of himself had pursued whatever his heart desired. That was the real me, the same me from before, where following my desires was the essence of my true self.

Sitting here now, quietly smoking on the horizontal bar, that's the genuine me.

With a thunderous surge, Ling Tianxie's spirit roared to life.

Ling Tianxie had reconnected with his true self, awakening the Divine Soul Power within his spirit, which instantly permeated the surrounding hundred meters.

In the Realm of Oblivion, one sees the mountains as mountains and the waters as waters. In the Realm of Selflessness, the mountains are no longer mountains, and the waters are no longer waters. In the Realm of the True Self, the mountains are still mountains, and the waters are still waters.

At this moment, Ling Tianxie was taking the first step on the Path once more, this time in the perfect state of the Realm of the True Self. Gone was any trace of aloofness; he now exuded the friendly aura of the boy next door, his mindset reverting to the unrestrained boldness characteristic of an eighteen-year-old.

Suddenly, a basketball hurtled toward Ling Tianxie. With a swift motion, he caught it firmly in his grasp.

"Kid, toss me the ball," a young man dressed in a basketball uniform called out as he jogged over to Ling Tianxie.

"Come and get it yourself," Ling Tianxie retorted, unimpressed by the other's lack of courtesy.

"Hey Jin, doesn't that guy look like the one who was kissing Ling Yueer in the hallway this morning?" a boy with a receding hairline remarked to his crew-cut companion on the basketball court.

"Holy smokes, it is him. Let's go check it out," Zhang Jin said, scrutinizing Ling Tianxie and recognizing him.

Meanwhile, Ling Tianxie was not about to be intimidated.

"You think you're tough, huh? Bring that ball over here, or I'll have you picking up your teeth off the floor," Li Jun threatened, eyeing Ling Tianxie's nonchalant demeanor, itching to put him in his place.

"I'd like to see you try. If you'd asked nicely, I would have handed it over. But it seems you've forgotten how to speak politely," Ling Tianxie shot back after hearing the other's boastful challenge, and then he swung down from the high bar.

At that moment, a girl seated by the classroom window on the third floor of the school building caught sight of Ling Tianxie. She was Jin Beibei, a classmate of Ling Yueer.

"Yanyan, look, isn't that Ling Yueer's boyfriend? He seems to be getting into it with Zhang Jin and his crew," Jin Beibei whispered to her deskmate, Liu Yan.

"It's true, Zhang Jin and his teammates from the Basketball Team are all tall and strong. Our guy might be at a disadvantage here."

Liu Yan was a bit concerned, considering it was her good friend's boyfriend who was involved.

"Ling, your boyfriend is getting into a fight out on the field. Come quick, you've got to see this!"

Jin Beibei's voice carried as she called out to Ling Yueer.

Fortunately, it was self-study time after the class meeting, so the teacher was absent.

Now, the entire class had taken notice, crowding near the windows to get a look.

On the field, as Zhang Jin and Lee Jiawei approached, they overheard the exchange.

"Listen up, punk, you're asking for a beating. Hand over the ball and apologize, and I might just let you off easy."

Zhang Jin, who harbored a secret crush on Ling Yueer, was furious when he saw Ling Tianxie kiss her in the corridor earlier that morning. Running into Ling Tianxie now, he seized the opportunity to give him a hard time.

"There are indeed many who can beat me, but you're not among them," Ling Tianxie retorted without a hint of politeness.

"Damn, Brother Jin, look at this kid's arrogance. Let's take him down together," Lee Jiawei goaded, after hearing Ling Tianxie's bold claim.

The trio exchanged knowing looks, and in the next instant, they launched a barrage of punches and kicks at Ling Tianxie.

Without tapping into any Profound Qi, Ling Tianxie effortlessly fended them off. The three were simply no match for him, especially since their technique was nothing more than basic brawling.

Despite not using Profound Qi, Ling Tianxie's years of life-and-death combat had honed his body's agility and coordination to an intimidating level.

He looked down at the three men sprawled on the ground with a sense of disdain.

"Don't think you're tough just because you know a few martial arts moves. At best, you can fight. But on the basketball court, I'd crush you," Zhang Jin retorted, resorting to his own strengths after realizing he was outmatched in combat.

Ling Tianxie couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of the three men, looking like petulant schoolchildren refusing to admit defeat.

"Alright, then I'll play until you concede. Weren't you eager to take me down? Come on... beg for it."

Ling Tianxie taunted the trio with a sardonic grin.

"Wait, let's make this interesting. If you lose, you have to break up with Ling Yueer and let her become my girlfriend."

Zhang Jin, thinking he was clever, believed he could achieve two goals with one move.

"Scram, kid! You think you can outsmart me, a mere middle schooler?"

Ling Tianxie stepped forward and delivered a swift kick to Zhang Jin's rear, sending him tumbling face-first to the ground.

Intimidated by Ling Tianxie's martial prowess, Zhang Jin could only suppress his rage, his face turning red, yet he didn't dare to retaliate.

"Kid, let's go one-on-one in a game of basketball. First to score three out of five wins. Pick any one of us; we'll make it as easy as beating a dog."

Lee Jiawei challenged Ling Tianxie with a sneer.

"Bring all three of you on! I wouldn't want to be accused of picking on the little guys."

Ling Tianxie's smile radiated confidence.

The three opponents, without a word, resolved to take down Ling Tianxie together.

On the half-court basketball game, Ling Tianxie stood just beyond the three-point line, dribbling the ball. As Zhang Jin and his companions positioned themselves to block him, Ling Tianxie's lips curled into a wicked smile. In an instant, he leapt up and lobbed a shot.

The trio's gaze dumbly followed the ball's arc, only to see it swish through the net.

"This kid's got some luck! But that's all it is—luck. It's our turn now. Let's crush him."

Zhang Jin rallied his teammates with a pep talk.

As Zhang Jin initiated the play, he eyed Ling Tianxie, who was closely guarding him. They prepared for a fast break, but how could one person defend against three? Just as Zhang Jin was about to pass to Li Jun under the basket, the ball vanished from his hands.

Ling Tianxie's voice rang out.

"Not a bad technique, slapping at the air like that."

Zhang Jin glanced over to see the basketball already in Ling Tianxie's grasp. With a swift jump, Ling Tianxie took a shot, and the ball swished through the net.

The third round began, and this time, the trio prepared to form a human wall to block Ling Tianxie. Although Ling Tianxie was only 1.8 meters tall, they each stood over 1.82 meters.

Ling Tianxie switched up his strategy. Dribbling the ball, he charged at the three players, who felt an overwhelming force hit them, leaving them with no chance to retaliate.

They fell to the ground, deflated like defeated roosters.

"Since I started with the ball, I'll give you guys another shot," Ling Tianxie quipped, taunting the trio.

"You sure put on quite a show. Bring it on..." Zhang Jin retorted.

The three players wore expressions of deep resentment.

For the fourth round, it was Zhang Jin and his teammates' turn to start. They had realized they were no match for Ling Tianxie's basketball prowess and physicality.

They decided to advance as a unit: one would handle the ball while the other two provided protection.

Zhang Jin dribbled, flanked by his two teammates guarding him on either side.

Watching Ling Tianxie seemingly helpless and stationary, Zhang Jin was thrilled. He was already envisioning a stylish two-handed dunk to finish off—since they were losing anyway, might as well go out with flair.

Protected by Lee Jun and Lee Jiawei, Zhang Jin approached within three meters of the basket. He sprinted, leaped high with the ball in both hands, and an excited grin spread across his face as he prepared for the two-handed dunk.

But in the next instant, Ling Tianxie's figure flashed before him. Zhang Jin's body stumbled from the impact, his hands suddenly empty.

Ling Tianxie, now with the ball in one hand, leapt straight up from where he stood, executing a 360-degree spin in mid-air. Effortlessly soaring over two meters, he slammed the ball into the hoop with such force that the backboard shattered.

"Was that 360-degree, single-handed slam dunk cool or what?"

Ling Tianxie said, looking at the three people who were completely astonished.

What kind of power was that?

The trio was taken aback and hastily scurried away.

The thrill of showing off is pretty awesome! It's no wonder so many people enjoy it.

Ling Tianxie spun around nonchalantly. He had barely taken two steps when a soft female voice called out from behind him.

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