The Sinister Lord's City Reign/C2 A Cold Heart
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The Sinister Lord's City Reign/C2 A Cold Heart
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C2 A Cold Heart

Ling Tianxie paused to take in the scene before him.

The woman, though seated on the ground with her back to him, was clad in a simple professional outfit that elegantly accentuated her shapely figure.

"A bunch of scoundrels!" she exclaimed, confronting a group of burly men. She then rose to her feet and dashed towards Ling Tianxie.

It was only then that Ling Tianxie got a clear view of her features.

She appeared to be in her early twenties, yet she radiated a mature and captivating charm. The seductive allure she naturally exuded was something beyond the reach of a mere ingenue.

Her long, black hair was swept up high, showcasing her straight, snow-white neck. Her eyes were deep and clear, her jade nose delicate, and her cherry-red lips all testified to nature's generosity.

Her ivory mini skirt further highlighted her enticing silhouette, and her creamy, slender legs were encased in flesh-colored stockings.

As she ran, she frequently glanced back, her curves drawn in an enticing arc. The black high heels she wore were undeniably slowing her escape.

Despite having encountered numerous enchanting fairies and Witches, Ling Tianxie found himself taking a second glance at this goddess-like beauty.

Watching the woman approach, Ling Tianxie marveled at her magnetic allure.

Despite her disheveled appearance, her tall stature was poised and dignified, and her every gesture naturally radiated an array of charms.

With his worldly experience, Ling Tianxie could instantly discern that her allure was genuine, not a contrived facade.

Upon nearing Ling Tianxie, the woman looked at him with a hint of surprise, realizing she had not noticed him in her earlier panic.

She halted before Ling Tianxie, grasping his wrist, intent on leading him away with her.

Ling Tianxie's face registered astonishment, genuinely taken aback by the woman's bold move.

Having just returned from the True Profound Realm, he had grown accustomed to its survival-of-the-fittest ethos, where people were driven by self-interest and would not lift a finger to aid even a child in distress, let alone an unrelated stranger.

Ling Tianxie hadn't expected the woman to be not only beautiful but also incredibly kind-hearted.

She seemed concerned that the menacing men might harm him, a young man alone in such a place.

Lost in thought, Ling Tianxie was suddenly being pulled away by the woman.

Behind them, a bald man's mocking voice rang out, "Hey, beautiful, we're coming to get you..."

Upon hearing this, the woman panicked, her high heels wobbled, and her grip on Ling Tianxie's wrist slackened. She was about to tumble to the ground.

Ling Tianxie quickly extended his right hand, catching the woman by her slender waist.

She ended up falling right into Ling Tianxie's arms.

A sweet scent enveloped him, and he couldn't resist taking a light sniff.

The group of burly men had caught up, with the bald leader taunting, "Miss Qin, there's no use resisting. This place is desolate, and there's no one to save you."

Hearing this, the woman's face turned ashen.

The bald man chuckled at her reaction, "Haha... I've heard Miss Qin is a beauty beyond compare, one of the Mingjing Three Sisters. I've seen her in online magazines, but seeing is truly believing! With such looks and curves, she's a stunner! We're in for a treat today, hehe..."

His words were crude, and his eyes gleamed with lewdness, while his companions laughed and jeered along.

Qin Keqing, her face pale with anger, retorted sharply, "Shut up, all of you! I can pay you handsomely if you just let us go."

The men then noticed Qin Keqing in the arms of a young man, surprised, they thought, "Huh? When did this kid show up?"

The bald man gave Ling Tianxie a disdainful glance and asked, "And who might you be?"

Ling Tianxie, inwardly exasperated, thought to himself, "I am the formidable Heaven Killing Evil Lord... No, am I, the Nine Nether Evil Lord, really so inconspicuous?"

A group of burly men looked Ling Tianxie over and burst into laughter upon seeing his slender frame.

One of them grinned at the bald man and chuckled, "Haha... Big brother, check this out. This kid must be out of his mind, right? Not only is he decked out in ancient garb, but he's also sporting a waist-length wig. This is just too hilarious!"


The men roared with laughter once more, glancing at Ling Tianxie's slight build and not taking him seriously in the slightest. They simply saw him as a frail pretty boy.

At that moment, the bald man turned to a man with a crooked mustache and a squint, saying, "Old Snake, give this kid a good thrashing. We've got real work to attend to."

Old Snake, as he was called, gestured and stepped in front of the woman, flashing a grin full of yellow, smoke-stained teeth. "Hehe... Miss Qin, as long as you play along with us, once we're done, we'll just snap a few sexy photos for keepsakes and won't harm you. Afterwards, if you sign the company transfer contract with our boss, we'll destroy the photos. But before that, I need to take care of this little guy."

With that, Old Snake pulled a sharp dagger from his coat and raised it to plunge into Ling Tianxie.

Just then, Qin Keqing shouted out, "Don't hurt him! He's merely a bystander. Don't harm an innocent person!"

Qin Keqing had made up her mind that she would rather die by biting her own tongue than be defiled by these villains. They were after more than just her humiliation; they coveted the Qin's Group she had worked so hard to establish!

Her face ashen, Qin Keqing thought to herself, "Will it be painful to die by biting my tongue? I can't stand pain! Is there a heaven after death? I've never done anything evil, so surely I won't go to hell... Ah! But even in death, I refuse to give in!"

In such peril, it was remarkable how many thoughts raced through Qin Keqing's mind.

Hearing Qin Keqing defend him, Ling Tianxie felt a jolt in his stoic heart. Despite her beauty, he remained true to the survival of the fittest, believing there was no need to lift a finger unless it concerned him directly.

Ling Tianxie had once nearly lost his life trying to save someone weaker than himself.

While in the True Profound Realm, he had rescued a boy of about ten years old. To Ling Tianxie's surprise, as he turned to leave, the boy stabbed him in the back with a knife.

The boy's betrayal stemmed from his desire for a simple herb Ling Tianxie carried, which he believed could fetch a good sum of money.

What the boy didn't realize was that Ling Tianxie had intended to use the herb to heal his wounds.

Facing such heartlessness from the very person he had saved, it was clear that Ling Tianxie's own ruthlessness and detachment were shaped by the harsh world around him.

As Ling Tianxie gazed at Qin Keqing, he was struck by the realization that he was on Earth, a place with far less bloodshed and cruelty.

Just as the dagger wielded by the old snake was about to reach Ling Tianxie...

Qin Keqing, noticing Ling Tianxie's distracted gaze and his failure to react, instinctively stepped in front of him.

"Am I going to die? Is it going to hurt? I haven't had my fill of strawberry ice cream yet! I've never been in love! I've never even had a kiss..."

Qin Keqing cried out in alarm at the prospect of her imminent demise.

At that moment, Ling Tianxie's left hand swiftly caught the sharp dagger. Hearing Qin Keqing's outburst, he nearly stumbled, inwardly scoffing, "Scared of dying because you haven't had enough ice cream? Haven't dated or kissed?"

Ling Tianxie was at a loss for words. Didn't most people worry about leaving their parents and loved ones behind when facing death? This woman, with her mature air, seemed to be quite the innocent.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Qin Keqing's heart raced, yet the anticipated pain never arrived.

She wanted to open her eyes, but as she slightly parted her lids, she quickly shut them tighter, dreading the sight of something horrifying.

With a determined bite of her red lips, Qin Keqing braced herself and opened her eyes.

Qin Keqing noticed that the dagger hadn't harmed her; instead, it was firmly grasped in the left hand of the young man who held her in his embrace.

She focused on Ling Tianxie's left hand, where the sharp dagger contrasted sharply with his unprotected palm.

A shiver ran through Qin Keqing's heart. Had this young man really caught the dagger with his bare hand to protect her?

Her gaze then drifted to Ling Tianxie's profile – his impeccable features, angular eyebrows, well-shaped lips, and the hint of a mischievous smile. Dressed in the long hair and ancient robes of his cosplay, he looked every bit the dashing, traditional beauty of a young man. Qin Keqing found herself momentarily lost in reverie.

While she was spellbound, Ling Tianxie had already charged at the assailants, Qin Keqing still in his arms.

The sound of cracking bones followed as he swiftly dealt with the five burly men with a series of punches and kicks.

The men lay on the ground, groaning and howling in pain.

Qin Keqing watched the five men writhing on the ground, stunned for a good ten seconds before snapping out of her daze.

As she felt Ling Tianxie's arms around her delicate waist, and his gaze still intently on her, her cheeks flushed with a rush of embarrassment, and she squirmed in his embrace.

Ling Tianxie promptly released her waist.

His action made Qin Keqing's body quiver slightly.

The tremor was due to a sense of loss she felt as Ling Tianxie let go of her – an unexpected wave of longing.

"Such a comforting embrace. Despite his youth, he exudes a sense of safety," Qin Keqing thought to herself, her shyness intensifying as she inwardly chastised her own foolishness.

"Qin Keqing! He may be handsome and reassuring, but he's barely eighteen or nineteen. What are you doing, getting so carried away?" she scolded herself silently.

Ling Tianxie, observing Qin Keqing's dazed state, shook his head in mild amusement before turning to stride away.

It was then that Qin Keqing fully regained her composure. Glancing at the five men who were down for the count, and recalling her own smitten behavior, the blush on her face deepened to her ears.

Qin Keqing instinctively grabbed Ling Tianxie again and said in a rush, "Um... Sir, I truly appreciate your help! Without you, I would have been in a terrible situation! My name is Qin Keqing. May I have your name? And, is your hand okay?"

"I am Ling Tianxie. A simple dagger poses no threat to me. I must attend to an urgent matter, so I must take my leave now."

With that, Ling Tianxie pulled away from Qin Keqing's grasp.

The five burly men were not critically injured. Considering he was in the lawful society of C Country, Ling Tianxie decided not to eliminate these thugs to avoid unnecessary complications.

Just then, Qin Keqing's phone rang from her purse nearby. She quickly picked up the purse, retrieved her phone, and answered the call. She kept moving, intent on catching up with Ling Tianxie.

Ling Tianxie momentarily stopped in his tracks. He wanted to borrow the phone to check the date.

He waited patiently as Qin Keqing wrapped up her conversation. She had informed the caller of her situation and had already arranged for a ride.

"May I use your phone for a moment?" Ling Tianxie asked, turning to Qin Keqing.

Without hesitation, Qin Keqing handed him the phone.

Ling Tianxie checked the calendar, which read April 17th, 2020.

His face lit up with excitement, and his voice shook as he asked, "Tell me, is it really April 17th, 2020 today?"

"Yes, what about it?" Qin Keqing nodded. "I remember clearly. Today is April 17th, and I'm on my way to the city bureau to sign off on a demolition and reconstruction project for the Village in City."

Hearing this, Ling Tianxie's face beamed with joy. He couldn't believe that after nine hundred years in the True Profound Realm, only three months had passed on Earth!

This meant his sisters were still alive, and he still had a chance to make amends!

With a newfound urgency, Ling Tianxie quickened his pace to leave.

"Hmmph," Qin Keqing suddenly let out a pained sound. It turned out she had twisted her ankle while running in her high heels.

Ling Tianxie turned to see Qin Keqing's ankle had become red and swollen.

He observed the pained expression on her face, and his own eyes, soft as water, met hers.

Ling Tianxie found himself reluctant to leave her alone halfway up the mountain.

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