The Sinister Lord's City Reign/C20 Void Pill Condensation Arts
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The Sinister Lord's City Reign/C20 Void Pill Condensation Arts
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C20 Void Pill Condensation Arts

The grades of pills span from the basic Grade One Pill to the pinnacle Grade Nine Pill. Each Grade One Pill, once completed, is categorized into ordinary, low, middle, high, and Top Grade Completed Pills. A low-grade Completed Pill doubles the medicinal effect, with each subsequent grade increasing the potency accordingly. A Top Grade Completed Pill is distinguished by the appearance of a Cloud Pattern, with the Grade One Top Grade Completed Pills displaying a single pattern.

Ling Tianxie, capable of employing the Void Pill Condensation Arts, can enhance the efficacy of pills within the same grade. However, it's the grade of the Completed Pill that ultimately dictates the degree of enhancement. To illustrate, the last time Ling Tianxie used the Void Pill Condensation Arts to craft a Top Grade Completed Body Stabilizing Pill without the infusion of Heaven Earth Spiritual Energy, the result was a pill with tenfold the potency of a standard Top Grade Completed Pill. With the incorporation of Heaven Earth Spiritual Energy, the potency would surpass that of a typical Top Grade Completed Pill even further.

Upon finding a suitable location, Ling Tianxie called forth the Hongmeng Purple Fire with a command, "Refine all with the Hongmeng Purple Fire, manifest!" Purple flames, shaped like a lotus, burst forth from his eyes and swirled into existence in the void. He retrieved herbs from the Origin Devouring Ring and held them aloft over the Hongmeng Purple Fire with his right hand. With another assertive cry, "Void Pill Condensation Arts, activate!" the Hongmeng Purple Fire instantly liquefied the herbs, which then coalesced into a mass.

Under Ling Tianxie's meticulous control, the Hongmeng Purple Fire shifted from melting to roasting. Moments later, the mass solidified into individual pills, releasing a delightful pill fragrance. Ling Tianxie, with a focused gaze, heard footsteps approaching. Despite the distraction, he couldn't afford to divert his attention; the pills were yet to absorb the Heaven Earth Spiritual Energy, and it was a crucial juncture.

With a swift motion, his left hand formed a sword gesture and sliced through the void, drawing the dispersed Spiritual Qi into the pills. The heaven and earth acted as a crucible, forging the pills to completion. Each pill now bore a Cloud Pattern, signifying their status as Top Grade Completed Pills, each radiating a dazzling light.

Releasing a breath of stale air, Ling Tianxie collected the five radiant pills from the air and secured them within the Origin Devouring Ring.

"Who are you?"

Sensing the approach of three figures, Ling Tianxie inquired with an icy tone.

Should these individuals harbor any ill will, he was prepared to eliminate them on the spot.

"Sir, my sons and I meant no disrespect. We failed to glimpse your true face yesterday, and have come today to offer our respects."

Wen Weiguo, upon hearing the detached voice and catching the glint of coldness in Ling Tianxie's eyes, felt a shiver of apprehension. Concerned that Ling Tianxie might act ruthlessly, he quickly spoke up.

He had only caught a distant glimpse of Ling Tianxie the previous morning and regretted not having seen his face.

Thus, Wen Weiguo, along with his sons Wen Hanwen and Wen Hanwu, had arrived early at Bright Clear Lake, eager to meet the young man rumored to be a Martial Dao Grandmaster.

To their surprise, as they drew near, they were greeted by the scent of pills, and following the fragrance, they found themselves interrupting Ling Tianxie in the midst of pill refinement.

Feeling an intense heat that seemed capable of scorching their very souls, they watched Ling Tianxie manipulate a Purple Lotus-shaped Purple Fire in midair, instantly recognizing him as a person of high standing.

"What business do you have with me?"

Ling Tianxie, detecting no malice in the elder's words, turned and spoke with a detached air.

Wen Weiguo was struck speechless by Ling Tianxie’s youthful appearance. He had expected the Grandmaster Expert to be a man not yet forty, not the youth before him.

Wen Hanwen, lacking any real concept of martial artists, saw nothing unusual in Ling Tianxie's youth and showed no sign of surprise.

Yet witnessing Ling Tianxie's ability to manipulate objects in the void shattered his understanding of the world, and he fell silent.

Was this the Grandmaster Expert his father had spoken of? Truly extraordinary!

"Holy shit! You... you..."

Wen Hanwu, more outspoken, blurted out an expletive in his astonishment, finding himself at a loss for words.

Ling Tianxie observed the trio before him, their expressions a mix of shock and bewilderment, and he offered a slight smile.

"Hey, if there's nothing else, I'm going to head out."

Ling Tianxie found the conversation with the father and sons lacked substance and was ready to take his leave.

"Wait, wait! We were merely astonished by your youth. To think someone as young as you could achieve the Grandmaster Stage! You are indeed a rare talent, unparalleled in this world!" Old Master Wen, seeing Ling Tianxie about to depart, quickly clarified his intentions. He was eager to make an acquaintance with Ling Tianxie.

"The Grandmaster Stage? Is that a level of the Martial Dao Stage beyond the Innate Stage?"

Ling Tianxie was hearing about the 'Grandmaster' for the first time. The bald man and the others had limited knowledge, only aware of the Acquired and Innate Stages.

"Oh? Sir, are you not at the Grandmaster Stage? But I've seen you manipulate objects through the air and cleave a large tree with a mere flick of your sword in the void," Old Master Wen remarked, puzzled. Ling Tianxie clearly demonstrated the skills of a Grandmaster, yet seemed unaware of the Martial Dao Grandmaster Stage.

"Oh, I'm genuinely unaware of the divisions within the martial artist's realm. Could you enlighten me, please?" Ling Tianxie asked, genuinely intrigued by how martial artists' strengths were categorized, turning to Wen Weiguo for answers.

"To be honest, I only know a bit myself..." Wen Weiguo assumed Ling Tianxie was new to the martial world and was thrilled when Ling Tianxie sought his guidance. This was a chance to forge a beneficial relationship with a Grandmaster Expert.

Thanks to Old Master Wen's clarifications, Ling Tianxie came to understand the four stages of martial artists: Acquired Martial Artist, Innate Martial Artist, Grandmaster Stage, and Heaven Connecting Stage. The Grandmaster Stage was equivalent to Ling Tianxie's current Profound Connecting Stage.

Ling Tianxie mused to himself about his current capabilities at the Profound Connecting Stage, coupled with the emergence of his Divine Soul Power. He was eager to test whether he could stand toe-to-toe with a martial artist at the Heaven Connecting Stage.

"Sir, my name is Wen Weiguo. This is my eldest son, Wen Hanwen, and my second son, Wen Hanwu. May I have the honor of knowing your name?"

Old Master Wen approached the young Grandmaster with due reverence, his tone respectful as he spoke.

"Old Master Wen, there's no need for such formality. My name is Ling Tianxie."

Observing Wen Weiguo's demeanor, Ling Tianxie sensed an aura of a seasoned warrior, likely a soldier who had seen battle.

Ling Tianxie held a deep respect for those in the military.

"Old Master Wen, I notice your vitality is waning due to injured meridians, a condition that has persisted for some time. I fear your lifespan may be limited."

Ling Tianxie, feeling a sense of affinity for Elder Wen, candidly disclosed his hidden ailment.

"Mr. Ling is truly divine, to diagnose my condition with a mere glance.

Three years ago, I survived an assassination attempt by someone from the People Of Japan. Though I managed to kill the assassin, my meridians were damaged."

Old Master Wen spoke with an air of nonchalance.

"Mr. Ling, do you have a remedy? If you can heal my father, I am ready to serve you in any way you need."

Upon hearing Ling Tianxie pinpoint Old Master Wen's condition with just a few words, Wen Hanwu eagerly stepped forward to inquire.

"Mr. Ling, it seems you might have a solution. Please, treat my father. I, Wen Hanwen, will be eternally grateful for your help."

Wen Hanwen, more composed than his counterpart, showed a glimmer of hope on his face.

"Elder Wen has battled for our country since his youth; he should not meet his end by the hand of a villain. This pill should resolve your condition!"

Ling Tianxie said, producing a Body Stabilizing Pill.

"I'm in awe. I caught the scent of a pill earlier, and now I realize it was you refining it! Mr. Ling, to possess such skill at your age is truly remarkable!"

Old Master Wen exclaimed, then added:

"I'm thankful for the pill, sir. I've collected Body Stabilizing Pills before, but their potency was limited."

Ling Tianxie offered a slight smile, "The pill I offer you is a Top Grade Completed Pill."

Old Master Wen, puzzled, listened as Ling Tianxie elucidated.

"Ha! How little I knew. Meeting Mr. Ling today has indeed been an enlightening experience."

Old Master Wen was determined to forge a strong relationship with the young man before him. Accepting the pill from Ling Tianxie, he promptly tilted his head back and swallowed it. The pill dissolved into a powerful warm current that revitalized his damaged meridians. As the meridians were restored by the warm current, the excess energy converged into his dantian.

Old Master Wen's entire body vibrated, and his presence became as impressive as a rainbow. His strength, which had plateaued at the Acquired Peak for years and had even begun to decline, now surged through the breakthrough to the Innate Stage thanks to the warm current.

Moments later, Old Master Wen burst into a joyous laughter. He turned to Ling Tianxie, his eyes filled with gratitude, and exclaimed, "Haha, Mr. Ling, I cannot thank you enough for this pill. It has propelled me into the Innate Stage! I could easily live another thirty years now!"

The Wen brothers were visibly elated, yet they remained silent as their father spoke.

Ling Tianxie offered a modest smile and bowed with his hands clasped. "Old Master Wen is a soldier worthy of the highest respect. It was but a small effort on my part."

Old Master Wen regarded Ling Tianxie with eyes brimming with respect. "Mr. Ling, your magnanimity at such a young age is remarkable. You are like a hidden dragon in the abyss! No, you have already ascended as a true dragon in the heavens! Haha..."

Despite the praise, Ling Tianxie's demeanor remained calm and composed, devoid of the youthful arrogance or restlessness one might expect. Old Master Wen couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration.

"Mr. Ling, I feel as though we've known each other for ages. May I have the honor of calling you Little Brother Ling?" Old Master Wen genuinely appreciated Ling Tianxie's humble nature and now wished to address him as a brother.

"Haha, Tianxie holds the deepest respect for a soldier like you, Mr. Wen, who would gladly lay down his life for his country. Please, there's no need for formalities between us."

Ling Tianxie sincerely admired the old soldier who had dedicated his life to serving his nation. Meanwhile, the Wen brothers couldn't help feeling a bit bemused. They were already middle-aged, and suddenly they had a new 'uncle'—an 'uncle' who was still a student, no less.

"Mr. Ling, might I inquire if you would be willing to sell me a pill?"

Wen Hanwu could hardly contain his excitement. He eagerly rubbed his hands together and looked to Ling Tianxie with great anticipation.

Before Ling Tianxie could respond, Old Master Wen smacked Wen Hanwu on the head.

Ling Tianxie couldn't suppress a chuckle at the sight. Wen Hanwu, though not adorned with medals, stood in his military uniform with the stride of a dragon and the stance of a tiger, his face etched with the authority of high office. Clearly, he held a significant rank in the military.

Yet, he cowered under Old Master Wen's reprimand.

Wen Hanwen, on the other hand, was the picture of calm and wisdom, his demeanor as profound as the ocean, signaling an equally complex identity. This suggested that the Wen family was no ordinary clan.

Ling Tianxie, himself from a notable family in Mingjing City, had never heard of the Wen family, which implied his own circles were perhaps not as elevated.

"Mr. Ling is not a title you can casually use. He's my little brother; you should be calling him 'uncle.' With such a miraculous pill, what could you possibly offer in exchange?"

Old Master Wen's reprimand to Wen Hanwu carried a hidden message.

Ling Tianxie caught on immediately. Old Master Wen was subtly inquiring about how to purchase the pill.

Despite Old Master Wen's indirect approach, Ling Tianxie was far from offended.

It showed that Old Master Wen didn't consider him an outsider. Anyone with a bit of sense could grasp the subtext; Old Master Wen would have been much more cautious and concerned about causing offense if he were dealing with a stranger.

His directness was a testament to his confidence in Ling Tianxie's magnanimity.

"Mr. Wen, let's just address each other by our names," Ling Tianxie suggested, looking at the middle-aged Wen brothers before him, deciding it was only respectful to do so.

The Wen brothers were delighted by this proposal. They couldn't ignore Old Master Wen's directive, but the idea of calling a young man 'uncle' was decidedly uncomfortable.

"Then, Little Brother Ling, feel free to call them by their first names from now on. It's friendlier that way."

Old Master Wen, seeing Ling Tianxie's willingness, didn't press the issue. After all, with Ling Tianxie's destined success, the honorific of 'uncle' would be a bargain.

"Let's leave it at that."

Ling Tianxie understood Old Master Wen's intentions; he was seeking a closer relationship.

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