The Sinister Lord's City Reign/C23 Ling Tianxie Is a White Face
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The Sinister Lord's City Reign/C23 Ling Tianxie Is a White Face
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C23 Ling Tianxie Is a White Face

Ling Tianxie approached the entrance of Second High School and noticed several watchful eyes fixed on him. These were likely the underlings sent by Mr. Bald to covertly protect Ling Yueer, yet they hadn't been present when he first arrived at the school.

He gestured to a breakfast diner across the street, prompting a strapping young man to dash toward him.

"Master Ling, what can I do for you?" the man inquired upon reaching Ling Tianxie.

"Where are Mr. Bald and Black Snake?" Ling Tianxie asked, scrutinizing the muscular youth before him.

"Mr. Bald and Black Snake led us to take care of some business last night. They're probably in a meeting at the company now," the young man replied, clearly the ringleader of the surveillance team. He was forthright with Ling Tianxie, indicating that Mr. Bald had likely instructed him to be transparent.

Ling Tianxie observed the young man: about thirty, with a posture as rigid as a javelin when running, methodical in his steps, his hands calloused, and an understated yet powerful presence. It was clear to Ling Tianxie that he possessed the strength of someone in the Acquired Late Period—a soldier turned martial artist, which was intriguing.

"Should anything happen to my sister, call me immediately," Ling Tianxie instructed, handing over his phone number.

It all made sense to him now. Mr. Bald was expanding his influence, and this young man was left to safeguard Ling Yueer, likely to prevent Ling Tianxie from accusing him of negligence.

This reassured Ling Tianxie considerably, as the young man's integrity seemed far more dependable than that of common thugs.

"Master Ling, rest assured. I, Zhao Zilong, guarantee that your sister will not face any threats," Zhao Zilong declared confidently.

"I trust the word of a soldier. Remember, you can also reach out to me if you face any trouble," Ling Tianxie expressed his admiration for Zhao Zilong. After giving him another appraising look, he turned and walked away.

Zhao Zilong's expression tensed as Ling Tianxie's penetrating gaze laid bare his background. Watching Ling Tianxie's retreating figure, he murmured to himself.

"What a formidable young man; it's as if there are no secrets he can't uncover."

Zhao Zilong was lured into service by Mr. Bald with a Solid Body Pill. He was formerly a member of an Elite Team in Huaxia.

After sustaining injuries that prevented him from enhancing his strength, he had no choice but to retire and return to Mingjing City.

Out of necessity and the need to make a living, he accepted Mr. Bald's offer and took the pill to heal his injuries and restore his cultivation level.

According to Mr. Bald, Ling Tianxie's abilities were at least at the Innate Stage. He hadn't anticipated that Ling Tianxie's cultivation was not only profound, but his tactics and cunning were also formidable.


Ling Tianxie sat in the taxi, contemplating the purchase of a car. He realized he needed to assimilate into society, as relying on Misty Shocking Swan for short distances and taxis for longer ones was impractical, especially for his sisters.

Upon arriving home, he invited his sister to join him in house hunting. Ling Yufei stepped out in casual attire, radiating youthful vibrancy.

Despite Ling Yufei's insistence, Ling Tianxie found none of the more affordable houses near the Village in City to his liking.

Aware of his sister's frugality, Ling Tianxie spoke up:

"Sis, I know you're trying to save money, but with my current capabilities, buying a house is no big deal."

Ling Yufei, faced with Ling Tianxie's resolute stance, conceded somewhat reluctantly:

"Okay, let's check out the houses near where I work. I might be able to get an employee discount."

Zhi Xin Real Estate Company

This was where Ling Yufei was employed.

As Ling Yufei escorted Ling Tianxie through the sales hall, many colleagues greeted her warmly.

Ling Yufei's approachable and amiable nature, coupled with her beauty and generosity, made her quite popular at work.

When Ling Yufei arrived with a young man in tow, her well-acquainted colleagues swarmed around, curious.

Upon learning that Ling Tianxie was Ling Yufei's younger brother, their gossip-fueled excitement quickly dissipated.

Some of the women, taken by Ling Tianxie's good looks, were interested in getting to know him better. However, noticing that Ling Tianxie's attention was elsewhere, they returned to their duties, albeit reluctantly.

Ling Tianxie was examining a building model when his phone rang. He answered the call with a casual inquiry.

"Mr. Wen, is there something you need?"

From the other end, Wen Weiguo's voice emerged.

"Mr. Ling, it's been too long, and I find myself missing your company. Are you free for lunch? Why don't you come over to my place? We hit it off so well today; it's like we've been friends forever."

After considering his schedule, Ling Tianxie accepted the invitation.

"Sure, I just need to wrap up a few things first."

Wen Weiguo was thrilled to hear this. He planned to have his granddaughter come over at noon to get acquainted with Ling Tianxie and immediately proposed:

"Great, where are you at the moment? I'll send Hanwen to fetch you. Ever since he returned, he's been too excited to go to the office, practicing his martial arts in the backyard."

An ordinary person gaining the powers of a martial artist and experiencing extraordinary strength would naturally be ecstatic.

With a chuckle, Ling Tianxie replied, "As it happens, I'm at Hanwen's Real Estate Company, looking to purchase a property."

Upon hearing this, Wen Weiguo responded eagerly,

"My dear friend, you've been incredibly generous to the Wen family, and I'm at a loss for how to repay you. Hanwu has already arranged a house for you. If you'd move in, we'd be neighbors. I was planning to hand you the keys when you visited for lunch."

Before entering, Ling Tianxie had noticed Zhixin Real Estate and recognized it as part of Wen Hanwen's Zhixin Group.

He hadn't intended to leverage his connections to secure a house, and he quickly clarified:

"Mr. Wen, any house will do for me. I'm mainly looking for something that will be convenient for my sisters."

Wen Weiguo feigned indignation at Ling Tianxie's response.

"Now, Mr. Ling, buying a house from Hanwen's company would be like a slap in the face to us. Hanwen has already set aside a villa by Bright Clear Lake for you. I'll have him come to pick you up right away."

Ling Tianxie, sensing Wen Weiguo's urgency, decided not to refuse. The Wen family wouldn't rest easy unless he accepted their gesture, especially after the great kindness he had shown them.

Ling Tianxie spotted his sister in the hall and was just about to tell her that he had secured a house.

Just then, a grating voice echoed through the space:

"Hey, isn't that our university's campus goddess, Ling Yufei?"

A gaudily dressed woman approached, clinging to the arm of a man in his fifties. She was the source of the comment.

Ling Yufei's expression chilled at the sight of the woman, clearly harboring no fondness for her.

The woman, noticing Ling Yufei's displeased look, smirked triumphantly.

"Yufei, you were the goddess of our college days. Look at these cheap clothes you're wearing now. I never imagined our goddess would fall so far."

Ling Yufei dismissed Zeng Lili's taunts with indifference. As classmates, Lili had always targeted her throughout their four years at university. She simply remarked,

"Zeng Lili, you haven't changed one bit."

Ling Tianxie couldn't stand to see his sister slighted. He glared at the provocatively dressed Zeng Lili and let out a disdainful snort.

"Such a racket. If you've never seen custom-made clothes, that's one thing, but to speak so shamefully is your own fault. With that outfit, one might mistake you for someone who works nights."

Zeng Lili, interpreting Ling Tianxie's defense of Ling Yufei as a sign of a romantic relationship, sneered coldly.

"Yufei, I'm not trying to criticize you, but a woman should treat herself well. What's the point of being with a pretty boy? Can he buy you a house? I'm here to purchase a property worth five million yuan. Did this young man bring you here to rent, perhaps?"

Meanwhile, the older man, captivated by Ling Yufei's stunning beauty, spoke with an air of arrogance,

"Five million yuan is a mere trifle. My dear, you must be Lili's classmate. I am Zhao Linjun, the marketing manager of Zhixin Group. Should you need anything, feel free to reach out to me."

After finishing his sentence, Zhao Linjun extended a business card. Zeng Lili, on the other hand, looked visibly upset. She had only just managed to charm this wealthy prospect, and now he was showing such warmth towards Ling Yufei right in front of her.

Zeng Lili felt a surge of jealousy. Back in university, Ling Yufei was the one everyone adored. Fueled by envy, she began to stir the pot:

"Brother Zhao, don't be fooled by her innocent appearance. She's quite the manipulator. In university, she had a string of men wrapped around her finger, completely besotted.

And now, look at her, latching onto a pretty boy. Once he's outlived his usefulness, she'll just..."

Before she could finish, Ling Tianxie was ready to silence this woman for good!

With a loud smack, Zeng Lili's rant was cut short as Ling Yufei stepped forward and slapped her across the face.

Then, with an icy tone, Ling Yufei said:

"Zeng Lili, did you really think I was unaware of your petty antics during our four years at university? I've tolerated you as a classmate, but that doesn't give you the right to insult my character."

Ling Yufei glanced at Ling Tianxie's retracted hand and silently breathed a sigh of relief.

Ling Tianxie inwardly sighed; his sister truly knew him well. That slap had spared Zeng Lili. Even if he hadn't ended her, he would have made sure she learned her lesson.

Zeng Lili looked as if she had been struck dumb. Throughout university, Ling Yufei had never once lost her temper or resorted to violence.

Zhao Linjun's admiration for Ling Yufei grew with each passing moment. Her attire didn't suggest she came from a privileged background. And as for Ling Tianxie, Zhao saw him as nothing more than a kept man.

Growing more eager by the second, Zhao Linjun blurted out:

"Miss, your grace captivated me the moment I laid eyes on you. May I have the pleasure of your company? Perhaps we could share a cup of coffee."

Hearing this, Zeng Lili seethed with anger. This man had previously professed his affection for her, yet here he was, fawning over the even more beautiful Ling Yufei.

Ling Yufei, with a look of revulsion, responded:

"Yet the sight of you turns my stomach. A man in his fifties, sneaking around behind his wife's back."

Zhao Linjun was far from ashamed; instead, he was brimming with pride as he boasted:

"It's because I'm capable. Just stick with me and take good care of me, and I'll buy you a mansion worth ten million. Look at this guy—total loser material. What can he offer you? As a woman, you'd be wise to keep an open mind."

Initially, the onlookers were merely spectating from a distance, but Zhao Linjun's brash words drew them in closer, prompting whispers and stares. A few of the younger men looked like they were on the verge of confronting him physically.

Undeterred, Zhao Linjun puffed up with self-importance, raising his voice as he continued:

"I'm the manager at Zhixin Group. I can get a 70% discount on houses here. My dear, you really should consider your options carefully. This guy? He can't give you anything."

Feeling his sister grip his hand tighter, Ling Tianxie offered her a reassuring smile and gestured towards the model housing complex, pointing to the standout number one villa and confidently stated:

"I can give her that one, and it won't cost a dime."

The crowd gave Ling Tianxie looks of disbelief, and the saleswomen couldn't help but shake their heads in silent pity. They couldn't back up Ling Tianxie's claim even if they wanted to.

Zhao Linjun burst into laughter upon hearing Ling Tianxie's bold claim about acquiring the number one villa without payment:

"Haha, are you here for laughs, kid? These villas aren't for sale. If you're trying to impress, you should at least do your homework. That's reserved for our chairman..."

"Mr. Ling requires the number one villa, and of course, Hanwen wouldn't dream of charging him," interjected a middle-aged man, cutting Zhao Linjun off mid-sentence.

The newcomer was none other than Wen Hanwen.

Upon noticing Wen Hanwen, Zhao Linjun hurriedly greeted him:

"Director Wen, what brings you here?"

Wen Hanwen barely gave him a glance, instead approaching Ling Tianxie with due reverence, he apologized:

"Mr. Ling graces us with his presence. Hanwen regrets not having provided a proper welcome."

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