The Sinister Lord's City Reign/C4 Evil(2)
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The Sinister Lord's City Reign/C4 Evil(2)
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C4 Evil(2)

Gradually, Qin Keqing's arms, as white as lotus roots, found their way around Ling Tianxie's neck, seemingly fearful he might escape.

Ling Tianxie was suddenly aware of a soft pressure against his back, igniting a fiery sensation within him. His hands, moving of their own accord, caressed Qin Keqing's thighs, unwittingly employing the Red Soft Palm technique.

Qin Keqing felt the warmth of his palms on her thighs, her body tensing immediately. She wanted to resist and to voice her protest to Ling Tianxie.

Yet, those hands seemed enchanted, blurring her thoughts with their touch.


Qin Keqing, feeling Ling Tianxie's increasingly bold actions, lost her composure and let out an involuntary cry.

Ling Tianxie was startled by her reaction. He mused, "This Nine Nether Inheritance is peculiar. What's with this Red Soft Palm? It's more like the Hand of a Lustful Demon!"

"I'm sorry, it wasn't intentional," Ling Tianxie offered by way of explanation.

His excuse seemed feeble. If it wasn't intentional, why were his hands on her thighs?

Qin Keqing was both startled and ashamed. Her gut feeling was that Ling Tianxie wasn't the type to rush into things, yet her mind labeled him a wolf in sheep's clothing!

Ling Tianxie knew he needed to clarify. An Evil Lord like him could not be mistaken for a lecher!

He slowed his pace, turned to face Qin Keqing, and explained, "You've been wearing high heels for so long, I was simply helping to repair the damaged veins in your legs."

Hearing his earnest explanation, Qin Keqing was at a loss for words, scoffing internally, "Keep pretending, go on."

Ling Tianxie wasn't bothered by Qin Keqing's lack of response. As long as his conscience was clear, that was enough for him.

Then, he pushed the Misty Shocking Swan Movement Technique to its extreme, and soon they reached the base of Langya Mountain.

There, Ling Tianxie spotted two men and a woman approaching with urgency, their faces etched with concern, hastening in his direction.

The trio must be the ones Qin Keqing had called for help earlier.

Upon noticing Qin Keqing's contact had arrived, Ling Tianxie released her.

As he was about to leave, Qin Keqing caught hold of his arm.

"Is this woman fond of grabbing arms?" Ling Tianxie quietly mused.

Having run in high heels on the mountainous terrain, her legs should have been aching, yet Qin Keqing now felt surprisingly agile.

Reflecting on Ling Tianxie's previous remarks, despite some reservations, she chose to trust that Ling Tianxie's intentions were not dishonorable.

Feeling somewhat guilty for having seen Qin Keqing's body, Ling Tianxie suspected that her firm grip was a prelude to confronting him about the earlier indiscretion.

He attempted to wriggle free, only to find Qin Keqing's grasp tightening.

The three onlookers had by now approached and were taken aback by the sight of Ling Tianxie and Qin Keqing's tussle, their expressions one of utter astonishment.

The woman among them hurried to Qin Keqing's side, taking the arm that was latched onto Ling Tianxie, and softly exclaimed, "Keqing, you've given me such a fright! Let me have a good look at you..."

Liu Shanshan then became aware of their peculiar stance.

She then cast a teasing glance at Qin Keqing.

Piecing together the struggle she had witnessed with a woman's vivid imagination, Liu Shanshan had conjured up various scenarios involving Ling Tianxie and Qin Keqing.

Liu Shanshan surmised that Qin Keqing was supposed to be on a date with Ling Tianxie. Perhaps an argument had ensued, prompting Ling Tianxie to attempt departure, while Qin Keqing desperately clung on, refusing to let him go.

Qin Keqing's call claiming she had been kidnapped must have been a ruse. Could it be that she had asked Liu Shanshan to bring reinforcements just to keep this young man here?

Observing Ling Tianxie's slender and unassuming appearance, Liu Shanshan was skeptical that he could have single-handedly taken down five burly men in a flash.

Ling Tianxie's initial impression on Liu Shanshan was that of a stereotypical weakling.

Having pieced the entire story together, Liu Shanshan couldn't help but mentally applaud herself.

Qin Keqing, catching the mischievous glint in Liu Shanshan's eyes and her sly grin, could easily guess her best friend's thoughts, which left her feeling quite disheartened.

Qin Keqing was tempted to remark, "It's truly a shame you're not a novelist."

Unbeknownst to Qin Keqing and Liu Shanshan, they were held in high esteem by Ling Tianxie at that very moment.

Ling Tianxie silently shook his head in admiration, "What a pair of best friends! Their thought processes are extraordinary!"

He then deactivated the Evil Nether Eye.

"It's best not to overuse the Heart Knowing Nature Watching feature of the Evil Nether Eye," Ling Tianxie mused to himself.

Earlier, to discern Qin Keqing and Liu Shanshan's intentions, he had employed the Heart Knowing Nature Watching function of the Evil Nether Eye.

This ability was nothing short of fearsome.

True to its name, Heart Knowing Nature Watching allowed one to cut through deception and peer directly into someone's heart.

But now, Ling Tianxie was feeling the toll on his body. Reflecting on it, the Evil Nether Eye's defiance of natural law meant it would naturally consume a significant amount of Profound Qi.

He had already spent a full five minutes channeling Profound Qi into his palm to heal Qin Keqing, followed by the activation of Heart Knowing Nature Watching.

Such a defiance of the natural order was bound to have a substantial energy cost!

Feeling somewhat resigned, Ling Tianxie was now both hungry and exhausted.

His current level of cultivation was not yet at the stage where he could forgo food and drink.

"Miss Qin, considering I saved you, could you possibly treat me to a meal? And maybe spare me two hundred yuan?" Ling Tianxie asked without any pretense.

He was in a bind. The Origin Devouring Ring was dormant and unusable, and he was completely out of money. Even the Evil Lord had to resort to making such requests.

Ling Tianxie's request for the two hundred yuan wasn't without reason. His home was a considerable distance from the suburbs, and if he continued to use the Misty Shocking Swan Movement Technique, he wouldn't have enough Profound Qi to sustain it. Taking a taxi home seemed like the wiser option.

Liu Shanshan gazed at Ling Tianxie as though she had encountered a creature from another world.

In Mingjing City, whether one was a promising young talent or the scion of a distinguished family, they would always treat two beauties with the utmost care. Yet, such blunt speech was unheard of in their presence.

Upon scrutinizing Ling Tianxie once more, she was convinced that this young man was nothing more than a pretty boy, clearly angling for a handout from Qin Keqing.

Ling Tianxie observed Liu Shanshan, noting that she was in her early twenties, with wine-red hair tied back in a ponytail, framing her petite, finely chiseled face. Her figure was svelte, accentuated by a smart business suit, and her long legs were encased in black stockings, ending in a pair of striking red high heels.

She was a beauty who matched Qin Keqing in every aspect, though Keqing's figure was slightly more voluptuous.

As Ling Tianxie's gaze lingered on the two women, a heat stirred within him, and he found himself almost physically responding.

With a subtle bite to the tip of his tongue, he induced a sharp pain that snapped him back to reality.

The surge of desire he had just experienced left Ling Tianxie rattled, the intensity of his inner longing nearly overwhelming him.

"What's gotten into me? Why am I harboring such dark thoughts?"

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