The Sinister Lord's City Reign/C5 Ling Yufei
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The Sinister Lord's City Reign/C5 Ling Yufei
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C5 Ling Yufei

Ling Tianxie pondered to himself, "Why have I become so malevolent? What's going on with my body?"

"Why have I lost my self-control? Since when does the sight of a beautiful woman stop me in my tracks?" he questioned internally.

In the True Profound Realm, Ling Tianxie had encountered countless stunning celestial maidens and seductive enchantresses.

He never imagined that upon his return to Earth, he would be so vulnerable, nearly embarrassing himself in front of women on two occasions.

Liu Shanshan, however, caught the intense desire in Ling Tianxie's gaze and felt a surge of anger. She looked at him with scorn and warned sharply, "If you dare to look at me with that sleazy stare again, I'll gouge out your eyes and use them as light bulbs! You little creep..."

Unable to hold back, Liu Shanshan called out Ling Tianxie's lecherous look. But before she could continue her tirade, Qin Keqing covered her mouth.

Qin Keqing harbored some fondness for Ling Tianxie. Despite his eccentric attire, his robe was exquisitely crafted, and his abilities were both mysterious and formidable. He could effortlessly take down five strong men and grasp a dagger without sustaining any damage.

Women possess a natural curiosity for the unknown and mysterious.

Qin Keqing selectively recounted the events that had transpired on the mountain to Liu Shanshan.

Ling Tianxie had been curious about why a seemingly fragile woman like Qin Keqing would venture alone to Langya Mountain. After listening to her account, he learned that her driver had been bought off and had taken her there against her will.

With Qin Keqing's earnest explanations, Liu Shanshan grudgingly accepted that Ling Tianxie was not a kept man. Yet, she remained highly skeptical of his lecherous tendencies.

Eventually, through Qin Keqing's introductions, Ling Tianxie learned that the two men were brothers and served as her bodyguards.

The elder brother, Qin Da, stood at an impressive 1.9 meters tall.

The younger brother, Qin Er, was noticeably shorter at 1.6 meters.

Ling Tianxie could see that these brothers were formidable in the secular world, their Profound Arts having reached the Qi Sensing Realm. Their combat skills were commendable, and they had achieved the mid-stage of Body Training.

The two brothers, Qin Da and Qin Er, regarded Ling Tianxie with unfriendly eyes, their gazes laced with disdain. To them, Ling Tianxie's slick, greasy hair, heavy makeup, and bizarre attire seemed utterly ridiculous. What irked them the most was how Ling Tianxie seemed to be toying with their eldest sister, leading them to suspect that he was nothing more than a gigolo with ulterior motives.

The Qin siblings didn't bother to extend a greeting to Ling Tianxie, merely shooting him contemptuous glances. Ling Tianxie noticed their hostility but remained unfazed. He inwardly scoffed at their scorn. After all, why would a divine dragon from the Nine Heavens concern itself with the hisses of a mere earthbound serpent?

"Ling Tianxie, I'm going to treat you to a meal right now," Qin Keqing announced before heading toward the car that Liu Shanshan and the others had arrived in. Ling Tianxie noted that the vehicle was a Hummer H3—a clear sign of Qin Keqing's wealth. Any random car she owned was worth nearly four million, and she was guarded by a formidable practitioner of the Profound Arts. With these thoughts, Ling Tianxie confidently stepped into the car.

Qin Da took the wheel, with Qin Er in the passenger seat. Sandwiched between two beautiful women in the back seat, Ling Tianxie felt the occasional envious glances from the Qin brothers in the rearview mirror, which he chose to ignore. Their looks were envious, but not jealous, as they knew these women were out of their league—so much so that they dared not even look too long.

They considered Ling Tianxie incredibly fortunate, a stroke of luck that would likely never repeat itself. However, for Ling Tianxie, the experience was more akin to torture, with the incessant chatter and questioning from Qin Keqing and Liu Shanshan.

Questions like, "How can you catch a dagger with your bare hands? Are you an actor or a cosplayer? How long have you grown your hair? Your robe is so finely made, where did you have it tailored?"

"Uh, I've practiced Qi Gong for a few years," Ling Tianxie replied. "As for my attire... I'm just an extra on a film set. And my hair? I simply haven't had the money to get it cut..."

Ling Tianxie was growing weary from the relentless barrage of questions from the two women. With a slight headache, he responded dismissively.

"Qi Gong? Do you really take us for fools? All those internet videos of people knocking others down with a single palm strike are clearly charlatans. And this long robe of yours, is it a prop from a film set? We've never seen material like this before; it must be incredibly rare and valuable!"

Both Qin Keqing and Liu Shanshan harbored these thoughts simultaneously.

They peppered him with various questions and even reached out to touch Ling Tianxie—though they limited themselves to feeling his clothes and hair.

As they moved, Ling Tianxie caught the scent of two distinct, subtle fragrances—not from any perfume, but the natural scent of Qin Keqing and Liu Shanshan.

The sight of the two stunning women, with their statuesque figures and alluring legs, reignited a fervor within him.

Ling Tianxie resorted to biting his tongue and closing his eyes, feigning sleep to quell the rising tide of lascivious thoughts.

"Ling Tianxie, what would you like to eat? Pick any place," Qin Keqing offered, mistaking his feigned slumber for boredom and swiftly shifting the conversation.

"Let's head to Snack Street. I haven't been there in ages," Ling Tianxie responded.

Liu Shanshan had expected Ling Tianxie to take advantage of the situation for an expensive meal, but his simple request surprised her. She promptly instructed Qin Da to drive them to the nearest Snack Street.

"Ling Tianxie, I'm giving you the chance to feast lavishly. You won't regret this, will you? Or are you trying to play the ascetic?" Liu Shanshan teased him.

However, Ling Tianxie's mood soured. Liu Shanshan seemed intent on provoking him. He wondered to himself, "Have I wronged you in some way? Or perhaps left you with a child?"

Ling Tianxie was not pleased. Despite her beauty, he refused to grovel at her feet.

He retorted icily, "I can't be bothered with you."

His message was clear: he, a man of stature, would not stoop to petty squabbles with her.

Liu Shanshan was gearing up to launch a verbal counterattack when the Hummer rolled to a stop at Snack Street. Noticing the tension between the two, Qin Keqing swiftly opened the car door, grabbed Ling Tianxie, and stepped out. Liu Shanshan felt slighted—her best friend had just ditched her for the handsome newcomer. With a huff, she followed suit and exited the vehicle.

As Qin Keqing and Ling Tianxie walked down the street, they turned heads, drawing the gaze of many onlookers. Standing at an impressive 1.8 meters, Ling Tianxie towered over the crowd, while both women stood tall at 1.65 meters. Without the proverbial third wheels, they might have passed for a golden couple.

Men ogled Qin Keqing and Liu Shanshan, almost in disbelief at their beauty, which seemed to surpass that of movie stars. However, the Qin family brothers' glowering looks quickly tempered the bystanders' stares.

Curious onlookers, ranging from young girls to women of all ages, eagerly whipped out their phones to snap photos of Ling Tianxie, a rare sight in his traditional attire. Yet, Qin Keqing intervened, and after a brief moment, she whisked Ling Tianxie away. Their abrupt departure left people wondering if he was a celebrity in disguise.

Qin Keqing cast a critical eye over Ling Tianxie's robe and knitted her brows. Decisively, she led him to a nearby clothing store and selected a set of well-fitting casual wear. Before he could change, she pulled a reluctant Liu Shanshan over for a quick photo with Ling Tianxie.

Then, addressing the elephant in the room, she broached the topic of his hair. Qin Keqing suggested a haircut, finding his waist-length locks a bit too conspicuous. Ling Tianxie was indifferent to the suggestion, agreeing that it drew too much attention.

As the stylist prepared to trim his hair, Qin Keqing had a sudden change of heart. She stepped in, scissors in hand, and snipped off Ling Tianxie's long hair at the nape of his neck, carefully wrapping the shorn locks to take with her.

Ling Tianxie was momentarily at a loss for words, wondering to himself, "Does Qin Keqing have some kind of unique fetish?"

His hair, cut simply and neatly, along with his well-fitting casual clothes, transformed Ling Tianxie in an instant from a traditionally dressed handsome youth to a radiant young man.

Both Qin Keqing and Liu Shanshan's eyes sparkled with intrigue.

Qin Keqing thought Ling Tianxie was truly a natural when it came to fashion; he looked incredibly handsome even in the simplest attire.

Liu Shanshan agreed that he was quite handsome, but she couldn't help but think to herself with a bit of stubbornness, "He's definitely a kept man. Hmph, he certainly has the looks for a pretty boy."

The group settled into a snack bar, ordering a table heaped with dishes. However, the food disappeared almost as quickly as it arrived, all thanks to Ling Tianxie's rapid eating.

Ling Tianxie grew fond of the two women. Despite their extraordinary status, they lacked the pampered demeanor of typical heiresses and savored the street food with genuine delight.

Liu Shanshan was amazed, thinking he must have the appetite of a starving ghost reincarnated!

Qin Keqing, ever thoughtful, offered him a drink with the caring demeanor of an older sister.

Once they had their fill, Ling Tianxie asked Qin Keqing for two hundred yuan and departed with the bag containing his clothes.

Watching him walk away, Qin Keqing felt an unexpected pang of reluctance. Realizing her thoughts, she quickly reassured herself, "It's probably because he's the first man I've had such close contact with. Hehe, he must be just a boy."

Liu Shanshan watched her best friend and then the retreating figure, lost in contemplation.

She suspected they might have misjudged Ling Tianxie. His gaze towards her and Qin Keqing was devoid of any lasciviousness. Any other man would have been overjoyed and unable to stop ogling at such proximity.

But her prideful nature wouldn't let her admit it openly.


After a thirty-minute taxi ride, Ling Tianxie arrived at the location he remembered.

It was a tube-shaped building in the heart of the city, its simplicity and roughness apparent from a distance. The walls, mottled and peeling, spoke of its age and wear.

Due to his father's company changing hands, Ling Tianxie, along with his sisters, had no choice but to relocate to this modest place in the Village in City. Far from feeling disdain, Ling Tianxie's heart swelled with warmth. Filled with anticipation and a touch of familial shyness, he made his way forward.

Upon reaching the first apartment on the left side of the third floor, Ling Tianxie inhaled deeply, knocked on the door, and waited with a nervous heart.

"Who is it?" came a soft, timid voice from within.

Instantly recognizing it as Ling Yufei's voice, Ling Tianxie felt a twinge of emotion and softly replied, "Sis, it's me, Tianxie."

With a creak, the old wooden door opened slightly, revealing a radiant face.

Seeing that it was truly Ling Tianxie, Ling Yufei hastily opened the door wider. She examined Ling Tianxie closely, her shoulders quivering and her beautiful eyes quickly filling with tears.

Ling Tianxie gazed at his sister, as stunning as ever. Standing close to 1.7 meters tall, her long hair fell casually over her shoulders, and her elegant figure was accentuated by a tight-fitting black dress.

Without hesitation, Ling Tianxie opened his arms, and Ling Yufei rushed into his embrace, the siblings holding each other tightly.

Ling Tianxie looked at the beautiful face so near to his own. Her exquisite oval face, arched eyebrows, and sparkling, expressive eyes radiated a tranquil softness, while beneath her jade nose was a small, dewy mouth.

In that moment, her tear-streaked beauty was breathtaking.

Suddenly, Ling Tianxie, as if possessed, gently bit her crystal-clear ear.

"Ah!" Ling Yufei's body shook as she let out a startled cry, hastily pushing Ling Tianxie away and staring at him in disbelief.

Snapping back to reality and realizing he had acted inappropriately towards his sister, Ling Tianxie slapped himself hard across the face, the sound echoing sharply.

As Ling Yufei saw the trace of blood at the corner of Ling Tianxie's mouth, her lovely face was etched with distress.

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