The Sinister Lord's City Reign/C7 Ling Yueer
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The Sinister Lord's City Reign/C7 Ling Yueer
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C7 Ling Yueer

Ling Tianxie stood at the school entrance, his face alight with anticipation and a tender smile. Internally, he was already strategizing about the future.

"First and foremost, I need to ensure my sisters live a life of abundance. They deserve to be treated like princesses, adored by everyone."

"With my abilities, I can use the Evil Nether Eye to amass endless wealth. However, my current strength is limited, and I can't use the Evil Nether Eye too often. I need to find a quick way to become wealthy."

Ding ling ling! Ding ling ling!

The school bell echoed, and soon a stream of students emerged, heading toward the entrance.

Ling Tianxie scanned the crowd, searching for his sister, Ling Yueer.

His keen vision quickly located her vibrant figure.

From a distance, she stood out at 1.65 meters tall, walking alongside a group of lively girls. She was dressed in a British-style school uniform, her long, straight legs accentuated by a skirt, black knee-high socks, and black heeled shoes.

Her raven hair cascaded over her shoulders, framing her bright eyes, delicate jade nose, and soft pink lips.

Ling Yueer was casually chatting with her classmates, occasionally forcing a smile, though a persistent sadness lingered in her eyes.

Suddenly, three students with hair dyed red, yellow, and green stepped forward, blocking their path.

Yellow Hair, in particular, spread his arms to bar Ling Yueer and her friends' way.

"Ling Yueer, I bought movie tickets for today. Come see it with me," Yellow Hair said, reaching out to grab her hand.

Ling Yueer quickly sidestepped, her expression one of anger and revulsion as she glared at Yellow Hair.

"Wang Pengfei, in your dreams! Move it, or I'm telling the teacher!"

Faced with harassment from such a delinquent, Ling Yueer resorted to threatening to involve her teacher, hoping to intimidate them.

Her classmates chimed in with support.

Yellow Hair glared back at the girls menacingly. "Even if the teacher shows up, I'll do as I please! Keep yapping, and I'll smash your faces right now!"

Several middle-aged individuals, who looked like teachers, witnessed the unfolding scene and quickly walked away, feigning indifference as if nothing was amiss.

A group of girls were instantly silenced by fear. They were just in their third year, far too young to handle such intimidation.

Wang Pengfei ogled Ling Yueer's stunning features and her shapely figure with lecherous eyes.

Ling Yueer had only recently transferred to Second High School, and she quickly became known as the most beautiful girl on campus. Wang Pengfei was captivated at first sight. Observing Ling Yueer commuting by bus each day, it was clear her family lacked significant influence. Wang Pengfei, who typically preyed on the weak and feared the strong, saw no reason to hold back.

He had considered courting her, but Ling Yueer had always rebuffed him. When gentleness failed, he contemplated force.

"Hehe, everyone in East City knows I roll with Mr. Bald. Even the East City police chief has to treat Mr. Bald with respect!"

"Ling Yueer, you're coming with me today. Tonight, you're mine, haha..."

Wang Pengfei's words were brash and unashamed, and his cronies, Red Hair and another, joined in his raucous laughter.

Ling Yueer clenched her teeth over her pink lips, her petite frame quivering with indignation. She was overwhelmed with a sense of injustice and sorrow.

Just three months prior, she had a loving family and felt like a cherished Little Princess.

But after the death of her doting parents and the disappearance of her protective brother, she was left with only her sister to rely on.

Ling Yueer resolved to shed no more tears; she had cried enough.

Her eyes, reddened from grief, struggled to maintain a facade of strength.

Ling Tianxie observed the situation with clarity. Upon hearing Wang Pengfei's remarks, a sinister gleam appeared in his eyes, and he swiftly approached.

Wang Pengfei, smug and swinging his legs, leered at Ling Yueer, confident he had her cornered.

Suddenly, he felt an intense pain in his waist, and his body was sent flying five or six meters through the air. He landed with a thud, curling up on the ground, writhing in agony.

"Yueer, I've missed you so much."

Ling Tianxie paid no mind to Wang Pengfei sprawled on the ground, his gaze filled with adoration as he softly spoke to Ling Yueer.

Watching her stare back at him blankly, Ling Tianxie gave a warm smile and opened his arms wide.

Ling Yueer hastened her steps until she stood before Ling Tianxie, then raised her pink fists and began pummeling his chest, murmuring, "I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you..."

"Yueer, be careful not to hurt your hands."

With concern, Ling Tianxie took his sister's small hands and tenderly massaged them with Profound Qi.

The next moment, Ling Yueer was in Ling Tianxie's arms, enveloped in her brother's warm embrace. She noticed that after three months apart, her brother's once slender frame had filled out, and he had grown taller.

Ling Yueer, comforted by the familiar warmth, tugged on Ling Tianxie's right pinky finger.

Understanding her silent request, Ling Tianxie took Ling Yueer's backpack and lifted her up, walking towards the school gates, leaving a trail of disarray behind them.

Meanwhile, Ling Yueer's classmates were abuzz with conversation.

"Wow, who is that hunk? He's so commanding! Just kicked that guy clear across the room," Zhang Lingling said with a thrill in her voice.

"Must be Yueer's boyfriend, huh? I never pegged Yueer for being so daring, hugging and all in public," Hsu Yahan remarked, somewhat astonished.

"That guy is so dreamy. If it were me, I wouldn't mind kissing him right here in front of everyone," Jin Beibei gushed, starry-eyed.

"I just want to know if this guy is looking for a girlfriend. If not, would he mind having one more?" Liu Yan quipped, her comment laced with mischief.

"Pfft, you're all so lovesick. That's Yueer's brother," Xu Wei interjected, unimpressed.

"Xu Wei, that's pretty harsh. Are you suggesting they're fated to be nothing more than siblings?" Liu Yan shot back at Xu Wei.

Xu Wei felt exasperated. Why didn't anyone believe her when she spoke the truth? She had heard Ling Yueer talk about her brother before and had even seen his photo.

If they chose not to believe, so be it. But who were they trying to convince with their jealous facades?

Ling Tianxie cradled his sister in his arms as they exited the school gates, making their way toward the bus stop. He was out of cash and couldn't afford a taxi ride at the moment.

Held close by Ling Tianxie, Ling Yueer's face was lit up with a contented smile as she gazed at her brother's profile. Three months had passed since their last meeting, and her brother's face had shed its youthful softness, now exuding confidence, steadiness, and a touch of mischievous charm.

They were surrounded by murmurs and judgmental stares, but the siblings paid them no mind.

Ling Tianxie was always ready to indulge his sister's wishes, even if their closeness seemed a tad improper.

"The moral decline is real. Youngsters today have no sense of decorum! Flaunting their affection in public, what has become of propriety?" one onlooker remarked.

"Look at the girl, still in her school uniform, barely fifteen or sixteen. That boy is behaving like an animal! Our nation's future, tarnished just like that," another lamented.

"I need to keep a closer eye on my daughter when I get home!"

"Indeed! My granddaughter's the same age. What if she gets led astray by such influences?"

The comments from the crowd were relentless.

It was only when they reached the bus stop that Ling Tianxie set Ling Yueer down, noting her slight dissatisfaction.

Ling Tianxie realized it was time to impart some wisdom to his sister. "You're growing up, and I can't just pick you up whenever I want anymore. We're siblings, and too much closeness can draw criticism," he explained gently.

"Hmph, that just shows how strong our bond is. I couldn't care less about what others say," Ling Yueer retorted, her lips pursed in defiance.

Ling Tianxie chuckled at her adorable pout, reaching out to ruffle her hair. He then presented her with a chocolate he had bought earlier.

"Here you go, your favorite filled chocolate," he said warmly.

Ling Yueer accepted the chocolate, her eyes sparkling with joy. Her big brother always remembered her favorite treats, and that made her incredibly happy.

She stood on her tiptoes and planted a soft kiss on Ling Tianxie's cheek.

Her face flushed with a rosy blush after the kiss, the first time she had ever been so close to her big brother.

"Big brother, this is my first kiss!" Ling Yueer said to Ling Tianxie with a coy blush.

Ling Tianxie felt as though they were acting like an intimate couple.

"This is the first and last time. I'm your big brother, and it's not appropriate for you to kiss me."

Seeing that Ling Tianxie was genuinely upset, Ling Yueer whispered, "Oh, I understand."

But Ling Yueer wasn't bothered; she liked her brother and thought there was nothing wrong with being close to him.

After a few minutes, they boarded a nearly full bus.

Ling Yueer spotted an empty seat and guided Ling Tianxie to it, nonchalantly pushing him down into the seat before sitting on his lap herself. She pulled out some chocolate and began to eat, oblivious to the curious stares of the surrounding passengers.

Ling Tianxie felt somewhat helpless. He wanted to reprimand her but decided it was better to wait and talk to her in private due to the number of strangers around them.

A few seats behind them, Lo Yun, a woman with an intellectual air, glanced their way.

Lo Yun hadn't been paying much attention to the disturbance on the bus until now. The girl's silhouette seemed familiar, reminiscent of a student from her class, which made her furrow her brows in thought.

At that moment, Ling Tianxie was feeling quite embarrassed. The girl sitting next to them kept eyeing him and his sister as if to say, "Do you have to be so daring with your public displays of affection? Sitting in each other's laps and feeding each other so much PDA!"

Ling Tianxie was truly uncomfortable. Ling Yueer's body was pressed against his, her form soft and yielding, and her subtle scent wafted over him, making it a challenge to keep his emotions in check.

Not far from Ling Tianxie's seat was the priority seating area. Several seniors couldn't stand by any longer, thinking it was their duty to give these young ones some guidance, and they began to speak up.

"Young man, you're both so young, you should be concentrating on your studies, not getting involved in relationships so early."

"Son, your thinking isn't mature yet, you're just chasing the thrill of something new. This kind of public display isn't appropriate."

"Yeah, it looks like this girl has been tricked by that boy. So young, and already causing trouble for young ladies. What will become of him in the future?"

Ling Tianxie could only offer a wry, helpless smile. His sister really had no inhibitions, he mused, resolving that such behavior couldn't continue.

Ling Yueer's lips quirked up mischievously, a glint of slyness in her eyes, before she turned and planted a soft kiss on the corner of Ling Tianxie's mouth.

Even Ling Tianxie, with his nine centuries of cultivated Dao Heart, struggled to contain the warmth that surged within him at that moment.

"This Little Demon!"

Ling Tianxie inwardly cursed, pushing Ling Yueer away as he rose to his feet. He gripped the carriage's handrail, his face growing stern.

The onlookers were in an uproar.

They began to gossip and point fingers at Ling Tianxie and Ling Yueer.

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