The Sinister Lord's City Reign/C8 Teacher and First Love
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The Sinister Lord's City Reign/C8 Teacher and First Love
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C8 Teacher and First Love

The decline in societal values was appalling!

Elderly men and women alike shared this sentiment.

The younger passengers on the bus, while finding public displays of affection a bit excessive, couldn't help but look on with envy at the striking pair of Ling Tianxie and Ling Yueer.

The sophisticated woman seated at the back was taken aback. She had finally gotten a good look at Ling Yueer and was surprised to see the usually studious and well-behaved top student so openly affectionate with a boyfriend outside of school.

Thankfully, after nearly half an hour of travel, the bus reached the Village in City station.

Ling Tianxie quickly ushered Ling Yueer off the bus.

Once off the bus, Ling Yueer wriggled free and took the lead, grasping Ling Tianxie's hand and pulling him toward their home.

"Ling Yueer! Wait for your teacher!"

Ling Tianxie turned to see a woman with an air of intelligence jogging toward him.

"Ms. Lo! Is something the matter?"

Ling Yueer's face turned pale as she quickly released Ling Tianxie's hand.

The woman was none other than Ling Yueer's language teacher and homeroom instructor, Lo Yun.

Lo Yun had high hopes for Ling Yueer, seeing her as a student with both academic excellence and strong moral character. She didn't want to see Ling Yueer's potential squandered by a premature romance.

Ling Tianxie offered Lo Yun a polite smile, feeling it was important to extend a gesture of kindness to his sister's teacher.

Yet Lo Yun misinterpreted Ling Tianxie's genuine smile as sleazy.

"He has the audacity to smirk at me! It's as if his eyes can see right through me," Lo Yun thought to herself, annoyed. To her, Ling Tianxie was a troublemaker, a bad influence on her exemplary student.

Ling Tianxie had taken an immediate liking to Lo Yun, perhaps because he had once harbored a secret crush on a teacher. He was naturally drawn to women with an intellectual aura.

Lo Yun's hair was neatly tied back in a ponytail, and she was dressed in a black blazer with a blue knee-length skirt. She wore flesh-colored stockings and a pair of white high heels, completing her professional look.

Her features were delicate, and she cradled a few books in her arms. The black-rimmed glasses perched on her bright eyes added a touch of scholarly charm to her intellectual beauty.

Lo Yun decided to overlook Ling Tianxie's presence. She refrained from immediately questioning Ling Yueer and resisted the urge to reprimand her. Raising the issue of premature romance in such a public setting was inappropriate and risked causing Ling Yueer distress. Lo Yun's greatest concern was that Ling Yueer might become defiant if mishandled.

With a calm demeanor, Lo Yun addressed the young girl, "Ling Yueer, please have your parents come to the school tomorrow. There are some matters I need to discuss with them." Having said her piece, Lo Yun strode away briskly in her high heels.

Watching Lo Yun disappear into the distance, Ling Yueer's anxiety intensified. "What am I going to do? Ms. Lo must have seen everything. She probably thinks I'm romantically involved! Brother, what should we do? Ms. Lo even wants me to bring my parents."

Ling Yueer was deeply troubled. Ordinarily, since Lo Yun lived nearby and was her teacher, they would typically travel to and from school together. However, the joy of seeing Ling Tianxie after school that afternoon had made her forget all about it.

Ling Tianxie gently smoothed Ling Yueer's windblown hair and reassured her, "Don't worry. I'm practically your guardian. I'll accompany you to school tomorrow and clear everything up."

"Okay, then. Well, I want you to give me a piggyback ride home," Ling Yueer said, playfully.

Unable to resist Ling Yueer's charm and not wanting to draw more attention, Ling Tianxie crouched down and hoisted her onto his back. He then executed the Misty Shocking Swan Movement Technique and swiftly made his way home.

As dusk fell and darkness crept in, Ling Tianxie moved with incredible speed. Passersby felt only a breeze and caught a glimpse of a fleeting shadow, which sent a chill down their spines as they hurried home.

Ling Tianxie harnessed the Profound Qi to shield them from the wind's force, ensuring Ling Yueer wasn't discomforted by the strong gusts.

Ling Yueer was astounded, the figures of pedestrians blurring on either side of the street!

She bombarded Ling Tianxie with a flurry of questions, to which he could only respond that he had learned martial arts during his three-month absence, offering a vague explanation.

Ling Yueer was overjoyed at Ling Tianxie's newfound strength, quickly dismissing any concerns about the reasons behind his transformation. After all, he was still the brother who adored her.

Upon reaching their building, Ling Yueer was reluctant to dismount. With a sigh, Ling Tianxie resigned himself to carrying her up the stairs.

Resting on Ling Tianxie's back, Ling Yueer savored the warmth and happiness of the moment, whispering, "Brother, Yueer likes you so much, really, really likes you."

Hearing Ling Yueer's gentle murmur, Ling Tianxie assumed it was the affection of kinship and responded, "Yueer, your brother likes you too."

At his words, Ling Yueer's cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and delight. She chided herself, "Oh no! How did I let my inner thoughts slip out? Ah, how embarrassing..."

She pressed her small face against Ling Tianxie's back, falling silent once more.


Ling Tianxie, with Ling Yueer on his back, entered their home through the open door.

Ling Yufei, tidying the table, looked up to see them and immediately chastised Ling Yueer, "Yueer, you're not a child anymore. You shouldn't have Tianxie carry you around as if he were a beast of burden. It's quite unseemly."

"But sister, brother is no beast! He's become a legendary martial artist, carrying me all the way from the station!" Ling Yueer boasted, reveling in Ling Tianxie's affection.

Surprise and a hint of envy flickered in Ling Yufei's eyes. She was about to inquire about Ling Tianxie's remarkable stamina when a voice called from outside.

"Ms Yufei, dinner is served."

The voice belonged to Wang Xue.

In their old-style apartment complex, each floor shared a kitchen and bathroom facilities, which meant that everyone cooked in the communal kitchen at the end of the hallway.

Upon entering the house, Wang Xue immediately caught sight of a familiar, strikingly upright figure of a young man, and her eyes lit up with a mix of surprise and delight.

"Tian... Mr. Tianxie!"

Ling Tianxie gazed at the charming girl before him, triggering a flood of memories.

Wang Xue was holding a large bowl of steaming soup, and in her excitement, she nearly dropped it.

Ling Tianxie's quick reflexes saved the day as he reached out to steady the bowl. His palms seemed impervious to the scalding heat as he carefully placed it on the nearby table without spilling a single drop.

He looked at Wang Xue with a smile. The girl he had always considered a close friend now struck him as unexpectedly sweet and adorable.

Wang Xue's jet-black hair framed her face, her eyebrows arched like crescent moons above her clear, water-like eyes that shimmered with emotion. Her petite, cherry-like lips seemed irresistible, and her ears flushed red, complementing the flawless, pale skin visible from her chin down to her chest.

She was dressed simply in a T-shirt and capri jeans, with sneakers on her feet that showed off her fair calves and shapely ankles.

The girl-next-door's pure and unadorned charm was unmistakable.

"Mr. Tianxie, it's me, Xue!" Wang Xue said, her voice trembling as if she were on the verge of tears.

Ling Tianxie approached Wang Xue, opening his arms wide as he drew near.

Wang Xue's heart fluttered with excitement: "Ah! Mr. Tianxie is coming towards me! And he's opening his arms! Is he going to hug me? I'm so shy, so thrilled! He's getting closer! Mr. Tianxie's smile is so enchanting, yet there's a hint of mischief that's utterly captivating!"

Ling Tianxie stepped closer, his hands resting on Wang Xue's shoulders, and she felt a delicate quiver run through her body.

Close up, Ling Tianxie seemed even more dashing than she remembered, his mischievous grin lending an irresistible allure to his handsome features.

Wang Xue was ready to melt into Ling Tianxie's embrace, longing to breathe in his essence. Her eyes grew hazy with desire, and her face flushed with a dreamy glow.

After years of harboring a secret crush, Wang Xue was finally close enough to feel Mr. Tianxie's presence, her heart brimming with expectation.

But the long-awaited warm embrace never came. Instead, Ling Tianxie simply patted Wang Xue on the shoulders.

"Bro, I didn't expect to run into you here. I'm so happy, haha..."

Ling Tianxie finished with a pinch on Wang Xue's cheek.

Then, he just stood there, smiling at Wang Xue.

Wang Xue's heart sank, and the flush of excitement and anticipation vanished from her face. She inwardly fumed, "Stinky Mr. Tianxie, you're nothing but a pig-headed, mean, rascal, heartbreaker... Hmph! After all this time, not even a hug! And here I've been thinking of you every single day."

Her gaze fixed on Ling Tianxie with a mix of resentment and longing.

"Hehehe..." Ling Yufei, who had been observing the exchange, couldn't contain her laughter. Xue's encounter with a clueless guy like Tianxie was like a princess pining for an oblivious prince, or a stream flowing unaware of the fallen petals' affection.

But as the old saying goes, 'a woman chasing a man is separated only by a thin veil,' and it's just a matter of time before that veil is pierced.

Soon after, Ms. Yufei invited everyone to start the meal.

"Ms. Yufei, Tianxie and I will go to my place to grab some stools," Wang Xue said, pulling Ling Tianxie out the door.

Ling Yufei looked on with an amused expression, while Ling Yueer's face turned serious as if bracing for battle, clearly perceiving Wang Xue's not-so-innocent intentions toward Ling Tianxie.

Once at Wang Xue's home, Ling Tianxie took in the surroundings, noting the size of the space was similar to his own.

As he was looking around, he suddenly felt a waft of perfume and a warm body hugged him from behind.

Ling Tianxie gently removed Wang Xue's hands from his waist and turned to her with a puzzled look, asking, "Xue, is something the matter?"

"Mr. Tianxie, I've missed you so much. When I heard you were missing, my heart shattered into pieces. Seeing you safe and sound fills me with joy!" Wang Xue said, her eyes brimming with tears as she gazed at Ling Tianxie.

"Thank you for your concern. I've missed you too. I never imagined that besides my family, you would be so constantly in my thoughts. Xue, I really appreciate it. You truly are a great friend," Ling Tianxie said warmly, his eyes tenderly meeting Wang Xue's tearful face.

After their emotional reunion, Wang Xue resolved to reveal her true feelings to Ling Tianxie.

Previously, Wang Xue had been terrified of confessing her feelings, fearing that a rejection would mean the end of their friendship. But now, she refused to live with any regrets.

"I don't want to be just a friend. Mr. Tianxie, I like you, and it's not the way a friend does. I've had feelings for you since junior high," she admitted, looking at Ling Tianxie with hopeful eyes.

Ling Tianxie responded with a mischievous smile and began, "I don't like..."

Struck by his words, Wang Xue felt as if lightning had hit her. Did Mr. Tianxie not reciprocate her feelings? Tears streamed down her face as the love she harbored for years seemed doomed before it could even begin.

"Can we still be friends, then?" she asked, her voice trembling.

Ling Tianxie remained silent.

Heartbroken, Wang Xue was about to flee from the place that now held such sorrow for her.

Ling Tianxie caught her small hand, "Xue, this is your home. Where would you run to? Besides, won't you let me finish what I was saying?"

Wang Xue could only bow her head and weep.

"I'm sorry for making you cry. What I meant to say is that I don't like being without you. Xue, I like you too," Ling Tianxie clarified.

In the past, Ling Tianxie had been too naive to understand love.

Now, reflecting on it, he fully recognized the depth of Wang Xue's sincere affection for him.

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