The Smell/C18 Like a pug
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The Smell/C18 Like a pug
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C18 Like a pug

As he said, I am indeed useless. As a ten-year-old kid, no matter how painful the experience is, I will never be able to hide the fact that as a child, no matter how angry I am, I am still powerless.

But if I didn't do anything, my guilt wouldn't diminish.

Just when I was thinking of whether I could drive the aunt in the classroom crazy and send me to meet Liu Xiaomeng, Xia Changying grabbed the hair on the top of my head and forcefully dragged me to the teaching director Xu Dongqing's office.

Standing outside the door, I could hear the sound of weeping from inside, as well as the voice of a young man, who said, " "Mrs. Liu, we know you're upset, but if you don't tell us what happened, and if you don't tell us the only witness, we won't be able to find the prisoner …"

I've heard this young man's voice before. In the orphanage, when Uncle Wang barged into the classroom full of girls to let me avoid Teacher Wang's obscenities, it was this young man who praised Uncle Wang's power …

I was startled. That little brother is here, is Uncle Wang also inside?

Before I could think of what I should say to Uncle Wang, Xia Changying raised his leg and kicked open the door of the Education Bureau. With a slovenly look, he dragged me inside with him, and under the gazes of everyone inside, he found a bench and sat down without a care.

He said, "Yo, isn't this our disciplined Officer Wang Kun? What a coincidence, we met each other here for the first time! "

I don't know if it was my imagination, but I always felt that the strict discipline that was deliberately emphasized by Xia Zhangying sounded sarcastic.

Uncle Wang didn't seem to be surprised to see Xia Changying, moreover, he didn't seem to care at all about Xia Changying finding trouble with him. He waved at me with his usual cold and serious face. "Come here, Pitiful Appearance."

I felt that when Uncle Wang said to let me pass, Xia Changying tightened his grip on my hair, making my scalp ache again.

However, even though it hurts, I still struggled to get Xia Changying to let me go, because Uncle Wang was the only person I knew who said he knew Principal Lu Yao. He also said that my brother was taken away by Lu Yao.

I didn't have much strength to struggle, so after Xia Zhangying inexplicably grabbed me tightly, he suddenly let go of me. I didn't know why, so I quickly walked over to Uncle Wang's side and obediently sat on the chair designated by Uncle Wang.

"The moment I sat down, I heard Xia Zhangying say this in disdain." What an obedient pug. "

I felt my back stiffen. I knew that Xia Changying was talking about me, but I was thinking that Xia Changying would be unhappy just because I listened to Uncle Wang's words. What I cared about the most was whether he wouldn't teach me.

Luckily, after he said that, he didn't say anything else. Uncle Wang also asked me about Liu Xiaomeng, causing me to divert my attention to other matters.

I told them in detail about what happened that day. My memory should be good, so there shouldn't be anything that I missed. However, the little brother behind Uncle Wang was sighing to himself. "Aiya, it's not like I don't know their license plates, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack."

When that guy said that, I immediately remembered the license plate number of that car. At that time, I watched Liu Xiaomeng leave before leaving, I remember the license plate.

Thus, I immediately told Uncle Wang the license plate number that I knew. As for that person's appearance, if I were to see him again, I would definitely recognize him.

The young man behind Uncle Wang was pleasantly surprised and wrote down everything I said in his notebook. He even told Aunt Mad that there was hope.

Because of this, Crazy Auntie looked at me much better. I think she also wanted to catch the culprit that hurt Liu Xiaomeng.

The investigation only went so far. When Uncle Wang and the others left, he said that if any suspects were to find out, he would let me testify.

Although Crazy Auntie didn't hate me as much as before, when I asked if I could visit Liu Xiaomeng, she once again viciously looked at me and said in a sharp voice. Do you still want to harm our Xiaomeng!? "

There was disappointment, but Mad Auntie's mood wasn't stable so I didn't dare to say another word as I watched them walk away.

"Just when I was disappointed that I couldn't get Liu Xiaomeng's mother to agree to go visit her, I heard Xia Zhangying's taunting laughter." Yo, little pug can be disappointed, I thought you only knew how to listen to Wang Kun's words! "

I didn't take Xia Changying's mockery to heart, because he had never spoken kindly to me before, especially when I asked him to teach me how to make money on earth, and how to make Aunt Gu happy.

This time, it was only a little harder.

I don't know if it was because I didn't answer Xia Changying, but he didn't feel good. He stood up from the bench, and fished out a cigarette from nowhere, and lit it up before stuffing it into my mouth as if he was exhaling air. Watching me puffing out the cigarette and coughing, he laughed arrogantly, then left with large strides.

I really don't know what Xia Changying is crazy about. He was just mocking me with just a few words just now. The next second, he burst out laughing again.

Just as I was about to return to the classroom, Xu Dongqing, who was sitting in the teaching office, called out to me.

"She changed back to her false appearance as a teacher. She only asked me one question." Do you know how dangerous Xia Changying is? "

Danger? I know that Xia Changying is very strong, very rogue. Previously, the people at the head of the plane were all scared when they heard his name, I don't care if he's dangerous, as long as he can help me teach him.

My answer to Xu Dongqing's question was to shake my head, but I was neither curious nor confused about it, so after answering Xu Dongqing's question, I prepared to leave.

"Humph, Zi Meng, that girl will end up like you in the future. It's the same for everyone else around him, including Xia Changying!" Xu Dongqing coldly said something behind me.

I heard the name 'Zi Meng' once again. I heard that Sister Zi Meng was taught by Xia Changying too. Will I die the same way as Sister Zi Meng?

I was puzzled, but I wasn't at a loss. As long as I could complete Uncle Wang's task and find my brother, I didn't care about the results.

When I returned to the classroom, everyone in the classroom seemed to be very distant from me. Even Lin Xiao Ying, who usually didn't like me, didn't dare to provoke me this time. I didn't even need to think to know what that scoundrel Xia Changying looked like, everyone would be afraid.

I'm not interested in what my classmates think of me, so I just let them think I'm a child of the Xia clan's eldest son. It wasn't long before I left for class with Wang Chuan and the rest.

Originally, I was planning to go to the Earthly Paradise once I let go of my schoolbag, but who would have known that Uncle Wang would be sitting in the living room. In these past two to three months, this is the first time I've seen Uncle Wang in this house.

Just as I was about to go in, Zifu and Wang Zhou blocked me and Wang Ziyi behind them, and went in first.

I'm a bit confused, I don't understand what Zifu and Wang Zhou are doing.

After entering the living room, Uncle Wang waved us over, he said. From tomorrow onwards, Zi Lian and Zi Tong will not need to go to class anymore.

You don't want me to have lessons with Wang Tong? I don't understand what Uncle Wang means. Is it because Prince Tong and I performed very well or very poorly in the Earthly Paradise, making us stay there every day?

"Before I could ask anything, I heard Prince Zhou shouting at Uncle Wang." Dad! If there's anything I have to do, I'll go. Zi Tong is not good with words, but Zi Lian is too weak! "

Zi Fu also told Uncle Wang that he was the best and had a better reaction ability than all of us, so he went.

Both of them said they were going, but I didn't even know where I was going.

At this time, Uncle Wang stood up. He was a tall and strong man with a strong build. He cast a glance at Zi Fu and Wang Zizhou and said. I am here to inform you, not to seek your opinions. Zi Lian and Zi Tong, you two can wait for me here in the morning to pick you two up. "

With that, Uncle Wang left. The entire living room fell into a deathly silence.

I couldn't help but ask. " Brother Zi Fu, where are Zi Tong and I going? "

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