The Smell/C19 To be the bait
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The Smell/C19 To be the bait
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C19 To be the bait

I don't know why Brother Fu and Wang Chuan reacted so dramatically, but their expressions were extremely ugly, especially Wang Chuan. After Uncle Wang left, he turned around and slammed his fist on the thick wall of the living room.

PENG * It sounded painful, but Prince Zhou didn't seem to care about the pain at all.

"Remember when you were in the orphanage? He probably wants you to do something similar to what I did as a spy in the orphanage. " Brother Zi Fu explained to me with a gloomy expression. His expression was extremely cold, and I didn't know what he was enduring.

"Brother Zi Fu's words had just left his mouth when Wang Zhou thought of something and turned around to grab Wang Tong and me. He then turned around and left, repeating the same words over and over again." No, I have to send the two of you out to hide for a while to prevent him from finding anyone else, or let Brother Zi Fu and I do it. "

As soon as he opened the door, he saw a tall, burly man standing outside, with his legs apart and his hands behind his back, like a gatekeeper.

"After seeing us, he nodded at us and said." Boss Wang has instructed me that from now on, the two ladies don't have to go to Earthly Paradise. Furthermore, I will be in charge of your safety before Boss Wang comes tomorrow. "

I never would have thought that there would be someone guarding the door, not to mention that even the heavens wouldn't let me and the prince's pupils go.

"Bam!" Prince Charming hit the wall and glared fiercely at the bodyguard, before slamming the door shut with a loud bang, and cursing out loud while gnashing his teeth. "That bastard Wang Kun!"

I thought to myself, today I saw Uncle Wang at school because of Liu Xiaomeng, and Uncle Wang even asked me a question. Could it be that Uncle Wang and I want to use my eyes and the eyes to catch that criminal driver?

If I had to capture that bad guy who harmed Liu Xiaomeng, I think I would do it even if it meant encountering danger. This is the only thing I can do for Liu Xiaomeng right now.

"It's alright, I've been there with sister Zi Meng before, and I'll protect Zi Lian." When I was considering whether or not I should secretly call Xia Changying to ask him what he should do, Prince's Eye grabbed Prince Zhou's hand, his wooden face, and his tone was still as cold as ever.

However, her words were fiery hot and she had vowed on it. In an instant, I didn't hesitate to believe that if Wang Tong said that she would protect me, she would definitely protect me.

Wang Chuan didn't say anything, he just tightly gripped Wang Tong's hand until the sound of a door being knocked continuously came from outside, along with that little brother who had been bringing us to the Earthly Paradise, he continuously urged Brother Fu and the others to go to the Earthly Paradise.

After Zi Fu and Prince Zhou left, Wang Tong put down his schoolbag and began to do his homework in the living room without the slightest bit of panic, as if she had no idea that she was going to do something dangerous tomorrow.

I told Prince Tong that I would put my bag in my room and go to the toilet. As soon as I entered the room, I immediately took out the cell phone that Brother Zi Fu had given me earlier and hid inside the toilet, dialing the number that I clearly remembered.

"It took him about three or four calls before he finally answered. His tired voice came over the phone, he said." Little devil! Did laozi give you a phone number to call out of boredom? "

After hearing that Xia Changying's manner of speaking was no different from usual, I was relieved. I thought that the incident that happened in the school during the day made me worry ever since I came back from school that Xia Changying would part ways with me.

Fortunately, he didn't mention what had happened in the teaching office during the day, just like how I didn't resist Xia Changying during the day.

"I heaved a sigh of relief at this time. I let Xia Changying feed me impatiently twice before I scolded him." "Brat, are you looking for trouble? You can't even say a single word to laozi after so long!"

Upon hearing this, I quickly opened my mouth to say that I didn't.

Before Xia Zhangying was angry enough to hang up on me, I quickly and clearly told him about Uncle Wang coming to pick me and Wang Tong up tomorrow, how he even gave us a leave of absence from school, and how we didn't even have to go to the Earthly Paradise.

Xia Changying remained silent for a long time. When I started to suspect that he had thrown his phone to the side to smoke, he finally spoke. Do you know why Wang Kun took you there? "

I didn't understand why Xia Changying would ask this question in such a low voice, but I honestly told him my guess.

"Heh, you little rascal, you still have your head on today!" I heard Xia Changying's sarcastic voice coming from the phone, ignoring all his sarcastic remarks as if it was nothing out of the ordinary.

No matter what Xia Changying meant by that, I just told him my thoughts of helping Liu Xiaomeng make up for it.

"The moment my words landed, Xia Zhangying sneered and said." "Then let me give you a sentence, better to die than to live, what are you going to do if you don't have any life left!"

After saying that, Xia Changying hung up the phone, and all I could hear was a busy beeping sound.

Originally, he wanted to ask Xia Changying what he should do, but before he could do so, he ended the call.

I was in the bathroom, looking at my cell phone for a long time, thinking about what Xia Changying had said to me, and for a moment I really didn't know what he was trying to tell me.

After exiting the toilet, Wang Tong is still working on her homework. She really likes to read books. I don't know how to chat with her, so I just stayed in the room and didn't go out.

It wasn't until the next morning that Uncle Wang knocked on my door and said it was time for me to leave.

Although Brother Fu and the others had very serious and ugly expressions, they didn't have the guts to stop us.

Uncle Wang didn't wear his police uniform today, nor did he drive his police car. Wang Tong, Uncle Wang, and I sat in the back seat of his SUV today.

While we were driving, Uncle Wang was sitting beside me with his eyes closed. He didn't tell us anything, and I didn't dare ask too much, until the driver circled around the city, mostly around the middle school.

This kind of action was really too weird. I couldn't help but whisper to Uncle Wang. Uncle, are we not going to get off? "

Uncle Wang finally opened his eyes. Ming Rui's sharp eyes were overbearing. He looked at me and only asked. Do you know what happened on Saturday? "

I nodded, certain that Uncle Wang was going to capture the prisoner.

"Those people were part of a gang. If Liu Xiaomeng didn't call her family, the result wouldn't be as simple as being raped." Uncle Wang said every single detail of the criminal driver with a deadpan expression.

I thought that the rapist driver was already guilty of an unforgivable crime. Who knew that Uncle Wang would tell me that they were part of an organized gang?

It was unknown if Uncle Wang was able to see through my doubts or if he was just doing his business and told everything to me and Wang Tong.

he said again. "When they rescued Liu Xiaomeng at that time, she was already in a box, and the driver had long disappeared, probably because of a phone call. According to the traces left at the scene, it was the same as many cases of child trafficking, so we are sure that the driver was one of those people."

"Do you want us to be bait and eliminate them in one fell swoop?" Wang Tong suddenly opened his mouth to speak, and I saw that her eyes were staring at Uncle Wang like torches.

"After receiving Uncle Wang's affirmation, she pointed at me and said." "She's a burden, I can do it alone."

I looked at Wang Tong in shock. I didn't know why she would say that. She clearly cared about me before.

Although I know that Wang Tong's fight was very fierce, and I've heard that he started it before Uncle Wang adopted him, Wang Zhuo and the other boys combined couldn't beat her.

If something really does happen, I won't be able to escape, but Wang Tong has the chance.

That being said, Prince Tong was telling the truth when he said that I was a burden.

However, I still want to catch that bad guy and do something for Liu Xiaomeng.

Just when I thought Uncle Wang would listen to Wang Tong and refuse me to go, Uncle Wang actually denied it and pointed at me. " "No, only Lara can recognize the driver, and …"

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