The Smell/C3 Sneaking a peek at the dean's room
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The Smell/C3 Sneaking a peek at the dean's room
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C3 Sneaking a peek at the dean's room

I widened my eyes and forgot about struggling for a moment as I stared blankly at the small figure slowly approaching Teacher Wang.

"Teacher Wang also laughed sinisterly because I did not resist him." "This is what a good child should be like. Let teacher be alright …"

Before Teacher Wang could finish his sentence, the person who was standing next to Teacher Wang smashed something on her head. Teacher Wang let out a blood-curdling screech, but it didn't knock Teacher Wang unconscious; it only made Teacher Wang roll down from my body. He covered his hair and let out a scream like a pig being butchered.

I lost all my weight. Due to the severe pain in my head, Teacher Wang didn't have the time to take care of me. That little figure pulled me up from the bed at lightning speed. I didn't even bother to put on my shoes as I ran outside.

After running out of the room, where there was light, I could clearly see that he was a boy half a head taller than me. He took me into the forest of the orphanage.

I blinked and looked at him blankly, and then he looked up at me, too, and I don't know why he suddenly turned his head. When I didn't understand what was going on, he took off his clothes and threw them on me.

Teacher Wang tore my pajamas. I didn't feel it when I ran out, but now that I stopped, I felt the cold wind blowing at me.

After I put on the clothes he gave me, I pulled his hand and said, "Little brother, can you take me to the principal and auntie's room? Teacher Wang said that my brother is in the principal's room, I want to go look for my brother."

The boy did not refuse me, but held my hand and walked around the grove until he came to a lighted window and whispered to me, "This is the window of the rector's room."

He let me sit on his shoulder so I could see if my brother was there.

As he wobbled, I finally got on the windowsill and carefully looked inside.

In the gap between the curtains, I could see that my aunt, who usually wore a lot of clothes, was now naked, leaning against the wall, her hands hanging high from the rope.

I opened my eyes wide, because the gap between the windows was too small, I could not clearly see the principal and aunt's expression, I could only vaguely see a figure walking out from the washroom. The clothes he wore were different from my brother's, it was the clothes the military uncles in the television wore.

The person held a whip in his right hand and a white candle in his left hand. I watched as he casually raised the small whip in his right hand and whipped the dean and aunt, just like my father and that beautiful woman did in the living room.

I heard the sound of the headmistress's breathing, the sound of her breathing, just like my father's, the voice of the man in the dark blue uniform who was no different from my brother, dripping wax from the candle on my aunt's body.

This scene was exactly the same as when my brother and I were hiding in the crack of the door. At that time, my brother covered my mouth to prevent me from making a sound, and then my father was killed by my mother.

My heart began to race. Would the Mother Superior be killed like my father?

And this person, is he my brother? Just when I wanted to see more clearly, there was suddenly a rustling sound from within the forest. The next second, the big brother who was holding me up against the window suddenly pulled me down, and we fell together under the thorns that were half the height of a person.

When I wanted to ask something, my big brother covered my mouth and we were lying in the grass outside the principal and aunt's window. In the small forest, there was Teacher Wang's sinister voice, and behind the window, there was a soft and fragmented moan. It was only later that I realized that it was a joyous sound, not the sound of pain that I thought I heard when I saw the scene.

I didn't have time to care if the one whipping the principal and aunt was my brother or not, because now Teacher Wang's voice was getting closer and closer to us.

If it wasn't for the arrival of spring, the thorny branches would have turned green and were as tall as half an adult. Teacher Wang would have discovered us long ago.

"Little bitch!" I've already discovered you guys, hurry up and come out! Let teacher love you all together! " Teacher Wang's voice was like that of a devil from hell. Her words were always threatening, causing my body to tremble uncontrollably.

My mouth was tightly covered by my little brother, just like when he was at home, he covered my mouth and didn't let me speak. The same warm palm made my fear gradually lessen.

I don't know why, but Teacher Wang was getting closer and closer to us, but after a few seconds, he left again.

He lowered his voice and muttered viciously to himself, "Where have we two little bitches gone to?!"

It sounds like he just said he found out we were cheating.

After lying on the grass for who knows how long, Teacher Wang left for a long time. When the lights in the principal and auntie's room went out, I was pulled up from the ground by my little brother.

At this time, I was wearing the clothes that my big brother had given me and was shivering from the cold. I kept sniffing as my big brother led me out of the room. I looked back at the room with the lights out and the words of Teacher Wang echoed in my mind.

Is that really my brother? Was his brother really like the little ghost in the orphanage said, sleeping with the principal and aunt, and thus being treated well by the principal and aunt?

The younger brother didn't send me back to the room where my brother and I lived. Instead, he bent over and took me to where the children lived together in the orphanage.

Inside, there were eight people living on the bed. My little brother sneakily brought me into this room, and everyone inside had already fallen asleep. My little brother put me under a blanket on the bed, and just as I was about to say thank you to my little brother, there was the sound of leather shoes on the floor.

The big brother quickly got under the blanket and hugged me. Once again, he covered my mouth to make sure I didn't make a sound.

Our quilt covered our heads, and our big brother put down his mosquito net. Within a few minutes, we heard the key open the door outside, and the sound of our leather shoes was very similar to the sound of Teacher Wang's approach to my room.

Fear spread within my heart. Could it be that Teacher Wang knows that we are here?

I clung to my brother and stiffened, not daring to move. The sound of leather shoes passed through our bed and stopped in front of a bed in front of us. I also heard the confused sound of a child waking up on that bed.

"Teacher Zhang?" "I, I …" It was a boy's voice, I remember it, and he had a fight with me before, and he wanted to be a little overlord, but he was terrified now.

He was afraid and wanted to say something, but before he could finish, his mouth was covered and only a whining sound could be heard. He heard the rustle of children struggling and the clatter of shoes as they walked into the room, and then the door was closed again.

Only when the sound had receded did the little brother let go of my hand and stop covering my mouth.

I tightly grabbed onto my big brother's collar as I fearfully asked. Little, little big brother, he … "Will he …"

Would it be like what I did just now: Teacher Wang took off my clothes? If it wasn't for you saving me, Teacher Wang would have taken off all my clothes. Although that boy had fought with me before, I didn't want him to be bullied like me.

My big brother patted my back and whispered into my ear, "Don't be afraid. It's alright. Teacher Zhang is different from Teacher Wang. That kid was only carried away to take a bath."

Bath? Why did bathing make the boy so scared? When we were fighting, that boy was still as fierce as ever. He was fearless, and even though he was beaten to tears, he didn't forget to complain.

I learned later that a bath can kill people, because I didn't dare to take a bath for a month …

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