The Smell/C9 You don't even have the guts to think about me?
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The Smell/C9 You don't even have the guts to think about me?
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C9 You don't even have the guts to think about me?

After getting off the car, the driver left. Brother Zi Fu brought us through the back door. Although the neon lights were flashing, we didn't start the business.

Brother Zi Fu took us directly to see a woman. Brother Fu told us that she was the boss here, Sister Gu.

Sitting in the logistics room, I felt extremely uncomfortable. Sister Gu looked at us from top to bottom as if we were goods. After a long time, she sent Brother Fu and Prince Zhou away, leaving me alone.

I looked at Sister Gu warily, wondering if she was a pervert like the teachers in the orphanage.

"Wait a moment, you stay by my side, do you understand?" Sister Gu's words were very concise, one sentence was enough for me to decide where to go next.

It's just that I don't really understand why I'm doing things differently from Zi-Fu and the others. When did they earn a hundred thousand yuan? That's why they are able to leave and take the next mission.

I hesitated for a long time before finally asking, "Auntie Gu, Zi, Brother Fu and the others want to earn money, do I not want it?"

Aunt Gu herself wasn't very impatient with me. She could even say that when she first entered, she swept her gaze over me from head to toe and didn't even look at me once.

However, after I asked out my doubts, Aunt Gu seemed very surprised. She once again placed her gaze on me. After looking at me for a long time, she finally laughed and asked. Of course, what do you think you're doing here? "

After obtaining the correct answer, I stopped asking questions. I knew that the last thing I needed to do was to earn enough money like Zi-Fu and the rest and be called qualified.

Aunt Gu seemed to have something else to say to me, but in the end she just frowned, smoked a cigarette, and led me into the office of the nightclub in Earthly Paradise.

At this time, there weren't many people in this place. Brother Fu and the others were wearing the clothes of a waiter, and they were busy within the bar. I was just about to call Brother Fu, but Auntie Gu turned around and glared at me.

Auntie Gu led me to the bar furthest away from Brother Fu, which seemed to be the main bar. Inside, there was a bearded uncle, who was adeptly fiddling with the wine, like a magician mixing several kinds of wine together, adding ice cubes and other things I didn't recognize. A beautiful cup of wine appeared in front of me.

This uncle Wang looks better than the uncle who adopted me, he doesn't have the strong and forceful look on his face like uncle Wang. Uncle Wang always has a serious expression on his face, but this tall and thin uncle Jiu Jiu, although he has a beard on his chin, he is always smiling, giving people a warm feeling.

This person pushed the wine he conjured towards Auntie Gu and raised an eyebrow. A smile rose at the corners of his mouth as he spoke. Beautiful wine as a gift to beauties, Sister Gu, please ~ "

I was a head taller than the bar. When the Drinking Uncle saw me, he gave me an interesting wink. Although I didn't know this uncle, I didn't have much of a guard against him. I only had a lot of doubts and interest.

The people here were all very respectful towards Auntie Gu. Only this uncle could speak to her so easily, and his smile was as gentle as my elder brother's.

"What, we haven't seen each other for a few days. Xia Zhangying, you're so fond of this young girl?" Aunt Gu glanced at me in fear, and said at a leisurely pace.

It made me instantly alert. Previously, the orphanage's Teacher Wang really liked young girls. Could it be that this seemingly gentle Uncle Xia who had a warm smile on his face was also such a person?

"Just as I was about to reject him, Xia Changying immediately waved his hands, looking like he didn't know whether to laugh or cry." Sister Gu, please spare me! The highest death penalty is in three years! "

Aunt Gu laughed coldly and downed that beautiful cup of wine in one gulp. After that, she sent me to Xia Zhangying's wine bar as she said this to me all of a sudden. "Your mission has begun, take a good look at how others earn money. All you have to do is not leave this bar and earn the same amount of money as Prince Fu and the others."

I'm not sure if this is difficult or simple. I only know that Aunt Gu left after she said those words and Xia Changying became my guardian for the night.

Xia Changying said the club was open until four in the morning. A woman helped him sell the wine, and the tip he earned was three to seven points with him.

I don't know how Zephyr and the others earned their money, but Xia Changying told me that this place is very dangerous. If I'm going to go to the toilet, I have to take out a hundred yuan and ask him to go with me.

I didn't think much of what Xia Changying said about the dangers. I knew that the nightclub was really opening, and the music was reverberating through the sky. Men and women were dancing close to each other on the dance floor, and their actions were similar to what Teacher Wang and Liu Lin had done in the classroom.

When the people around me didn't look at all like this, I started to panic, panic, and slowly calmed down. I understood what it meant when Aunt Gu told me not to leave the bar, and what it meant to give him a hundred yuan if Xia Zhangying wanted to accompany me to the toilet.

As long as I didn't leave the bar, even those men like Teacher Wang would not come near me to touch me no matter how vicious my eyes were.

As long as I don't leave the bar, there won't be a problem. I've also noticed that the female drinkers Xia Changying mentioned are able to hook up with men outside the bar. Only when they meet generous people will they be able to earn a tip.

So how do I make it?

While thinking about this question, a woman with thick makeup and reeking of alcohol walked towards Xia Changying with a tray full of money.

With a "pa" sound, she casually threw the tray on the counter. She divided the red notes on the tray into three portions, with two equal and one slightly more.

Xia Changying grabbed one of the few pieces, and casually touched this woman's exquisite face, clicking his tongue and looking at it for a long time. A pedestal lady, to be able to do this, she's really amazing! "

"Hmph, you're right, Xia Changying, that's because you don't know that there's a pretty young bartender over there. He has a forbidding and tempting look, making those men look like flies when they see sh * t!" The pretty elder sister carelessly hooked her arms around Xia Changying's neck as they spoke intimately to each other. After they finished talking, they even began to kiss each other, looking very wet.

Because I was standing next to Xia Changying, I could clearly see that across the counter, Xia Changying was kissing his sister while touching the two lumps of flesh on her chest. It looked like he was enjoying himself immensely.

"No matter how long they stayed together, I just watched them for. After that, Xia Changying pushed this woman away, stuffed all the money he just took back into her chest, and said those words with a smile that was not a smile." Every time you give me money, I will be seduced by you to earn it back.

"Sisi stuffed the money into her chest and put it back into her bag. She was laughing like a blossoming flower when she finally found me. She grabbed my chin across the bar and looked very surprised," she said. "Xia Changying, where did you find such a little demoness? The people in this shop aren't the kind of people who would fear the highest death penalty in three years!"

It was the same sentence again. The highest death penalty could be imposed in three years.

I've heard that anyone who rapes or kidnaps a girl who isn't too young will be sentenced to death of at least three years, just like Teacher Wang.

Xia Zhangying shrugged and said. It was delivered by Sister Gu. "

Sisi definitely knew Auntie Gu. After hearing Xia Zhangying talk about Sister Gu, she immediately let go of my chin, took out a few red notes from her bag, and stuffed them into my hands. She said this with a deeper meaning. "Little girl, even if you don't want to earn money from the wine bar, you still need beautiful clothes to support your face."

After saying so, Sisi turned her butt and left the nightclub seductively.

"I looked at the red notes a few times and heard Xia Zhangying laugh." It's your first time seeing Sisi so generous, so you're lucky! "

The money that Xia Zhangying had stuffed into Sisi's chest was a mess. Furthermore, I had a good memory, so when he put it in, he took out twelve of them.

I pushed all my money in front of Xia Chang-ying and said. " I want all the contacts for this Sisi. "

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