The Street Corner Tycoon/C15 Brother Is so Handsome!
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The Street Corner Tycoon/C15 Brother Is so Handsome!
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C15 Brother Is so Handsome!

"Do you really think you can take me down with that machete?" Qin Fen said, sneering at the young man before him.

The young man was visibly intimidated by Qin Fen's commanding presence. He hadn't expected Qin Fen to approach him so boldly and brazenly.

Baldy, witnessing the scene, cursed loudly, "Damn it, are you still hungry or what? Go on, chop him! I've got your back."

Bolstered by Baldy's words, the young man's face twisted into a snarl once more. He hoisted the machete and swung it down towards Qin Fen.

Qin Fen let out a cold laugh. To him, the machete's descent seemed almost laughably slow, thanks to his mastery of the Intercepting Fist. His heightened awareness of his surroundings made everything appear in slow motion.

Catching a glimpse of Su Rou's worried look, he felt a slight reassurance. Then, with a swift half-step forward, he delivered a sharp kick to the young man's abdomen. The force of the kick caused the machete to spin out of the attacker's grasp, and Qin Fen caught it by the handle with ease.

Su Rou let out a terrified scream, the scene unfolding before her eyes was overwhelmingly intense. She had feared for a moment that Qin Fen's hand had been struck by the blade. Could he have lost his left hand?

"Thank heavens," she sighed in relief upon realizing that Qin Fen had skillfully caught the machete, rather than being injured by it.

Qin Fen chuckled to himself, proud of his Intercepting Fist skills. He thought to himself that the ten thugs present were hardly a challenge.

The crowd gasped as Qin Fen took possession of the knife. The hooligans, in particular, recoiled in fear, retreating several steps in unison.

"This guy's formidable even without a weapon. What chance do we stand if he's armed?" they all thought, suddenly reevaluating their approach.

But Qin Fen didn't wait for them to act. He launched another attack, this time taking the offensive. Swinging the machete with the ferocity of a warrior descended from the heavens, he struck fear into the hearts of the hooligans. They scattered, running for safety. Qin Fen toppled one with a solid kick, and as a young man in a white shirt turned to face him, ready to fight, Qin Fen's foot found its mark in the man's gut.

"Oh!" The young man immediately doubled over, contorting his body like a shrimp.

Intercepting Fist is known for its direct strikes at an opponent's vulnerabilities. Once the opponent had assumed a stable stance, their lower body was inevitably exposed. Qin Fen saw the opening—why hesitate to kick?

Without giving the opponent another glance, Qin Fen approached another young man in a white shirt. As the man threw a punch, Qin Fen swiftly landed a kick to his face, sending him flying three to four meters back.

Qin Fen had only used half his strength; otherwise, the guy's face would have swollen like a pig's head, and he'd have been launched six or seven meters!

Having seen Qin Fen's prowess, the remaining youths were shell-shocked. None dared to engage, standing frozen as if petrified, while Qin Fen methodically knocked each one down with precise punches.

The whole encounter lasted less than thirty seconds. Aside from Baldy, Qin Fen had neutralized the combat effectiveness of the other thugs.

"You've got some moves, kid, but it's your misfortune to come up against me, Baldy," the bald man boasted, still brandishing his machete.

"That guy earlier was too fancy with his moves and couldn't handle a knife, but I'll show you what a true knife fighter is," Baldy declared, charging at Qin Fen with surprising speed.

Qin Fen, however, tossed aside the machete. Lacking the finesse to wield it effectively, it was more of a hindrance than a help.

Baldy breathed a sigh of relief at this, his confidence bolstered.

This kid was so arrogant, thinking he could catch a machete with his bare hands? It was utterly ridiculous.

As they crossed paths, Baldy didn't hesitate to swing his machete down at Qin Fen.

Qin Fen surged forward, landing a punch that skewed the other man's nose. The machete continued its deadly arc, a testament to Baldy's resolve to end Qin Fen.

But Qin Fen was quicker, delivering a hand chop to Baldy's wrist, causing the machete to clatter to the ground.

"You're playing dirty, kid!" Baldy howled in pain, clutching his nose and glaring at Qin Fen with fury.

Qin Fen let out a sly chuckle, sidled up to Baldy, and teased, "Seems like you're not quite convinced by what just happened, huh?"

He playfully tapped Baldy on the head, still wearing a grin.

Baldy shrank a little and forced a smile, "No way, Big Brother, I wouldn't dare make fun of you. It's a long story."

"Bro, that was awesome!" The young man who had stepped in to help, only to receive a punch from Qin Fen, said excitedly as he watched the scene unfold.

Baldy's anger flared up. He stood up and bellowed at the young man, "You looking for trouble, kid?"

Qin Fen's eyes widened as he challenged, "Oh? You got a problem with that?"

While speaking, he casually patted Baldy's cheek, his eyes narrowing.

Baldy hastily gestured with his hands and offered an apologetic smile, not daring to act up again.

Qin Fen turned to the rest of the patrons, still enjoying their meals, and reassured them with a smile, "Folks, please don't let the commotion spoil your appetite. Carry on with your meal."

He then led Baldy to a secluded corner inside the residential area and instructed, "Hands on your heads, everyone. Stand on one leg!"

The gang of ruffians hesitated at first, but a stern look from Qin Fen quickly reminded them of their place.

"Thinking of causing trouble at the kebab stand again in the future?" Qin Fen asked Baldy, still smiling.

Baldy couldn't help but feel a shiver down his spine at Qin Fen's grin.

"No, Big Brother, I wouldn't dare," he stammered.

Qin Fen nodded in approval, then pointed to himself with his thumb and laid down the law, "Just so you know, this kebab stand is under my watch. Mess with them, and you mess with me. If I catch you again, I'll toss you all into the mountains to be wolf chow. Believe me?"

The hooligans didn't respond, prompting Qin Fen to raise his voice and ask again. They quickly nodded and agreed, "We believe you, Big Brother!"

Qin Fen let out a cold snort before lunging at the group once more, delivering several harsh kicks to each of them.

"Shock value +10,086!"

The ruffians inwardly lamented, feeling unjustly treated. "Why is he still attacking us? Didn't we just explain ourselves?"

Once he finished doling out the punishment, Qin Fen yanked Baldy to his feet.

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