The Street Corner Tycoon/C18 Million Fans Weibo Master
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The Street Corner Tycoon/C18 Million Fans Weibo Master
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C18 Million Fans Weibo Master

[Received 300 resentment points from Class Rep Qian Tong.]

"Received 233 resentment points from Zhang Ning."

Upon hearing these notifications, Qin Fen knew without looking that there must be new messages about him in the class group chat, clearly irritating both Qian Tong and Zhang Ning.

"Right, I still haven't used the Marrow Cleansing Pill I got earlier. Now's a good time to take it." Qin Fen chuckled as he retrieved the Marrow Cleansing Pill from his space and swallowed it.

Moments later, Qin Fen felt a warm sensation throughout his body, as if a multitude of energies were radiating from within.

"This Marrow Cleansing Pill seems to be effective, but I wonder if it has enhanced my strength?" Qin Fen mused, throwing a punch into the air. He was met with a sensation akin to a sonic boom, and the space around him vibrated.

Qin Fen nodded in approval. His strength had increased by one star, reaching the rank of six black iron stars. He was confident he could improve further; it was likely that the full effects of the pill had not yet been absorbed since he had just taken it.

My talent must have advanced beyond the lowest rank, now at either D or C.

Qin Fen thought to himself that reaching the highest S rank so soon was out of the question.

Just then, someone in the group tagged him again.

"Fen, you're the talk of Weibo right now. Do you have an account? I'd like to follow you."

Qin Fen's interest was piqued by the message.

He had always heard people mention Weibo but had never signed up himself.

He quickly opened the app store, downloaded Weibo, and registered an account. What should his name be? How about Great Master Qin Fen?

He typed in the name, but before he could reconsider, the registration was complete, and the name was set.

"Well, that's that. Let's see what's interesting on here." Qin Fen smiled and browsed through the trending topics. Aside from celebrity gossip, he found videos of himself breaking stones with his chest.

He casually uploaded some photos and videos of himself and Zhao Mengyue running their street stall, along with a couple of pictures of his ID card for verification purposes, and added some photos and videos with Zhao Mengyue and her sister. After finishing, he logged out of Weibo.

Glancing at the clock, I realized it was nearly midnight. A wave of mild shock passed through me.

"Who would've thought that a quick browse through Weibo and catching up on news could enhance my talents and make time fly by? It's already this late."

Remembering the plan I had with Zhao Mengyue, I hurriedly opened WeChat.

I had already pinned their contacts to the top when I added them, and since my WeChat wasn't cluttered with many people, finding them was a breeze.

"Holy cow, Great Emperor Ruthless? Is that Zhao Mengqian's WeChat nickname?"

I was taken aback for a moment.

I was quite familiar with the character Great Emperor Ruthless—a striking figure from a novel. Although a supporting character, she was one of the few who stood at the pinnacle in that fictional universe.

Moreover, Zhao Mengqian's profile picture of a woman in red, exuding confidence and valor, fit her WeChat name perfectly.

I sent a message: "What were you discussing today? Fill me in."

After sending it and not getting a reply from Zhao Mengqian, I checked Zhao Mengyue's WeChat.

Mengyue's WeChat name was more down-to-earth: "Jade Rabbit."

Her avatar was an adorable little rabbit.

"Mengyue, here are the photos and videos we took at the street stall today." After a brief message, I sent the files, but again, no reply from Zhao Mengyue.

"Could the sisters have gone to bed?" I wondered, slightly puzzled. Shaking my head with a smile, I set my phone aside and drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, I woke to a persistent ding-ding-ding of notifications. It was relentless.

After a moment, I grabbed my phone and the screen lit up with Weibo notifications.

"What's happening? Why are so many people tagging me? 999+ tags, 999+ likes, 999+ comments." I was utterly stunned.

"What on earth happened?" I tapped into Weibo, only to find that I was the talk of the town, still trending.

Visiting my profile, I saw that my verification had gone through—I was now officially recognized as Great Master Qin Fen.

Qin Fen's account didn't really have any particular identity associated with it. If anything, it had gained some recognition from his recent appearances on the trending searches. But in the world of the internet, a hot topic is often all you need to make a splash.

He glanced at his verification info: "Star of the 'rock-breaking chest' video." What on earth was that about? But then he remembered the videos of him that were circulating online and he let out a resigned sigh.

After exiting the verification page, he aimlessly browsed through some comments, his expression growing increasingly grim.

"Great master, how did you manage to get these two beauties to willingly join you in setting up a street stall?" one user asked.

"The person above must be clueless. It's clear that the great master is exceptionally talented, captivating the ladies to the point where they can't help themselves. It was the beauties who pursued him," chimed in another user, eager to stir the pot.

"That's right, if beauties like them take the initiative, it's unlikely to land just one, let alone two."

"Envious of the great master's romantic fortune."

"Such long legs wasted if not shown off on a tricycle."

"Yeah, my head is really big."

"What are you even saying? I don't get it," someone replied with an innocent-faced emoji.

Qin Fen felt his head throb as he read through the comments. What were these people on about? He couldn't make heads or tails of it.

While muttering to himself, Qin Fen followed a few profiles that caught his eye—beautiful women whose pages were filled with alluring photos.

"Wow, my followers have already hit the 10,000 mark? That was quick. Do these netizens ever sleep, or do they just roam around Weibo all night?" Qin Fen was amazed by their fervor. At this rate, he'd become a Weibo influencer with a million followers in no time, and then, he'd be raking in money from promotions.

Noticing an envelope icon next to the comments section, which looked quite attractive with a '99+' notification, he clicked on it. Instantly, he was bombarded with messages from countless accounts, all featuring stunningly beautiful women.

"Hey handsome, you're in Jiang City, right? How about meeting up at the food street tonight?"

"Handsome, you seem pretty tough. I'm curious about your other talents. How about we go to XXX? You can pick the place."

"Big brother, could you teach me the technique to shatter a stone with my chest?"

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