The Street Corner Tycoon/C21 What Happened to the Side Effects?
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The Street Corner Tycoon/C21 What Happened to the Side Effects?
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C21 What Happened to the Side Effects?

"What side effect?" The teacher asked, feeling a bit relieved. If it was a remedy for food poisoning, then it seemed the crisis could be averted.

Qin Fen wasn't exactly deceiving anyone. If the system claimed it could detoxify, then it surely could handle food poisoning. Claiming it was a specialized treatment wasn't incorrect.

"The side effect might be something like promoting bowel movements, you know," Qin Fen said, unsure of the exact outcome but reasoning that the expired coke, dating back to 1982, would likely just cause a bad stomach that could be relieved with a trip to the bathroom.

The teacher, hearing this, nodded without much concern and pointed to Qian Tong, who was unconscious on the ground. "If it treats food poisoning, then it should work. Let's try it quickly; he's in bad shape."

Zhang Ning, standing nearby, expressed her skepticism. "Teacher, just because he claims it treats food poisoning, does that mean it does? We should think this through. What if it doesn't cure him but makes things worse? Besides, he and Qian Tong seem to have some beef."

The teacher, visibly annoyed, retorted, "Do you have a better solution?"

Zhang Ning fell silent at that, prompting the teacher to give her a pointed look before turning to Qin Fen. "Bring out your remedy, now."

Qin Fen nodded and retrieved the expired coke from his space.

Since everyone was classmates and aware that Qin Fen possessed Time-Space Distortions, there was no need to hide his actions.

Qin Fen took out a large bucket of expired coke and, to minimize side effects, poured just a small cup for the teacher, then stowed the rest away.

If the small cup proved ineffective, he could increase the dose. However, if the side effects were too severe and harmed Qian Tong, the damage would be beyond repair.

The system's products were top-notch, so the expired coke was sure to detoxify without causing further harm to Qian Tong's body. But Qin Fen couldn't predict the side effects. The Six Flavor Tonic had previously enhanced his strength but also led to some embarrassing hyperactivity. Who could say what the expired coke might do this time?

I was just trying to save Qian Tong's life, so I'm sure he'll understand my actions.

I definitely didn't give him the coke out of spite.

Meanwhile, everyone watched as the teacher and Zhang Ning gave Qian Tong the coke. His complexion improved slightly, but there was no significant change, and he remained unconscious. This left everyone feeling puzzled and skeptical.

No one could be sure if the coke was as effective as Qin Fen claimed. What if Qin Fen had acted out of a desire for revenge?

Though it might sound a bit malicious and like a conspiracy theory, it did align with the facts. Qin Fen and Qian Tong had just had a disagreement, and it was unclear what Qin Fen might do on impulse.

Turning to Qian Tong, we saw him suddenly break out in a sweat, his previously pale and unresponsive face now glistening as if he'd been boiled or steamed in a sauna, his clothes soaked through.

Quickly, Zhang Ning pointed to Qian Tong's finger and exclaimed, "Look, Qian Tong's finger is moving!"

Following this, everyone saw Qian Tong's eyelids twitch before he opened his eyes.

"He's waking up!" Everyone turned to Qin Fen, amazed that his remedy had worked so quickly and effectively.

Qian Tong, looking confused, asked, "Teacher, what happened?"

Zhang Ning replied with concern, "Class monitor, you passed out from food poisoning. Don't you remember?"

Qian Tong nodded, "Ah, that explains it. I thought there was something off about the beans in the cafeteria. Zhang Ning, was it you who saved me?"

While talking, Qian Tong felt something around his mouth. Wiping it away, he discovered a mass of white foam.

"What in the world? My image is ruined! Did I not clean my teeth properly at lunch?"

Qian Tong realized that his reputation among his classmates had been irreparably damaged, beyond any hope of redemption.

Thankfully, I came out of today's bout with food poisoning unscathed. It seems like my luck held up, despite the scare.

Zhang Ning shook her head and clarified, "It wasn't me."

All eyes in the classroom turned to Qin Fen. While they didn't believe he would deliberately harm Qian Tong, they were astounded by the effectiveness of Qin Fen's expired coke, which had seemingly worked wonders in reviving Qian Tong in no time at all.

"Who was it? I need to know so I can thank them properly," Qian Tong expressed earnestly.

Biting her lip, Zhang Ning gestured towards Qin Fen and informed, "It was him."

The teacher confirmed with a nod, addressing Qian Tong, "How are you feeling now? It was indeed Qin Fen who came to your rescue."

Qian Tong paced back and forth, feeling more robust than ever, as if he had the strength of a superhero.

"Teacher, I feel completely rejuvenated, even better than my normal self," Qian Tong declared with heartfelt sincerity.

It was only then that it hit him—the teacher had said Qin Fen was his savior. How awkward. He had previously had issues with Qin Fen, even resorting to mockery, and now, Qin Fen had turned around and saved him with medicine. It seemed he would no longer be able to face Qin Fen with the same bravado.

He had underestimated Qin Fen, who had shown no concern for past grievances and had generously used his valuable medicine to cure him.

"Fen, I was wrong before. I didn't expect you to overlook my petty actions and save my life. I swear I'll never ridicule you again," Qian Tong said with genuine remorse.

Qin Fen scratched his head, his face showing an embarrassed yet gracious smile.

What was happening? Where were the side effects? Why was everything fine, and this guy still bouncing around energetically?

"When it really counts, Fen is the man."

"I've made up my mind. From now on, Fen is my big brother. Sticking with Fen is definitely the right move."

The individuals who had previously ridiculed Qin Fen were now heaping praise upon him. Qin Fen was somewhat embarrassed by the sudden shift in their attitude, but he found them considerably more agreeable now.

"Fen, oh my god, my stomach is killing me. Do you still have that medicine? Could I have a sip? I'm in agony."

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