The Street Corner Tycoon/C3 A Gamble a Bicycle Turns into a Wheelchair!
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The Street Corner Tycoon/C3 A Gamble a Bicycle Turns into a Wheelchair!
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C3 A Gamble a Bicycle Turns into a Wheelchair!

After besting Liu Ergou and witnessing the shock, envy, and curiosity of the onlookers, Qin Fen's emotion points soared to a whopping 100,000!

With that amount, he was eligible for a Ten Draw in the system.

"System, is there any item that can enhance my talent?" Qin Fen inquired earnestly.

His Time-Space Distortions psionic power was a rare and unique talent among many, but his cultivation talent was the limiting factor.

"Of course, there is," the system retorted, its tone always brash.

Qin Fen's excitement surged upon hearing this.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Boost my cultivation talent, now!" he urged, unable to contain his eagerness.

"There are two options for enhancement," the system explained. "First, the Host can spend 100,000 points to purchase a Marrow Cleansing Pill. Alternatively, the Host can try their luck with the Ten Draws and attempt to draw the Marrow Cleansing Pill themselves."

A Marrow Cleansing Pill worth 100,000 points from the Ten Draws?

Qin Fen paused, biting his lip before asking, "What are the odds of drawing this Marrow Cleansing Pill?"

He had worked hard for these points, having given Liu Ergou a thorough thrashing to earn them. It would be a total loss if he gambled them away like a fool.

"The odds are quite favorable, at 90%," the system assured him. "And it's one of the abundant basic rewards."

A 90% chance?

Mulling over these odds, Qin Fen's resolve solidified. "I'll take my chances with the draw."

There's a common saying: risk it all, and a bicycle might just turn into a motorcycle!

"Initiating the draw!"

"Congratulations, you've drawn a bottle of Thousand Year Mountain Mineral Water, cool and refreshing."

"Congratulations, you've drawn another bottle of Thousand Year Mountain Mineral Water."


Nine bottles of mineral water later, Qin Fen was dumbfounded.

"This brand of mineral water... isn't it the same one I sold for a dollar?"

"No," the system replied.

A flicker of hope sparked in Qin Fen's heart.

"It's the kind you sold for fifty cents."

Fifty cents?

Was this some kind of joke?

Qin Fen shook his head in disbelief and turned his attention to the final draw.

The Fruit of Eden (ripe), a key ingredient for the Marrow Cleansing Pill, can achieve one-third of its intended effect when used directly!

Just one-third?

Honestly, it feels like a colossal waste!

Qin Fen was inwardly fuming. How could the odds of this draw be as rigged as those set by a man named Hua Teng from another dimension? It's downright outrageous!

Suppressing his inner turmoil, Qin Fen took a deep breath and carefully extracted the hard-earned Fruit of Eden.

The Fruit of Eden before him shimmered, its translucent surface casting an enchanting glow, resembling a perfectly ripe apple.

"While others go from a bicycle to a motorcycle, I'm going from a bicycle to a unicycle. Well, it's do or die."

Tomorrow is the end-of-term qualification test. Those who don't make the cut won't be able to take part in the subsequent warrior exams and will have to pursue an academic path.

Alternatively, they could abandon the route of psionic power and adapt it for civilian use.

Though the full potential of the Fruit of Eden is unlocked through proper refinement, Qin Fen lacked both the time and money for that. He had no choice but to steel himself and consume it.

With a crisp snap, Qin Fen devoured the Fruit of Eden in just a few bites.

Crackling sounds erupted from Qin Fen's limbs and bones as a surge of spiritual energy burst forth from his core, flooding his entire body.

In a flash, Qin Fen ascended to the black iron rank of five stars!

The ranking system for Psychics is straightforward: black iron, bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond, great master, legend. And within each major rank, there are ten sub-levels.

Until today, Qin Fen's talents had left him short of even the black iron rank, barely qualifying as plastic!

"Is that it? What about the profound cleansing and marrow transformation? The expulsion of black substances from my body? It seems that was all a myth."

With these thoughts, Qin Fen stripped off all his clothes, including his jacket, to inspect his body and also to let his still-standing belly relish a moment of freedom.

"My body seems to be perfectly fine. But who's there?"

Su Rou, clad in her high school uniform, burst through the door, locking eyes with Qin Fen.

"I've earned Su Rou's surprise, 1,888 points!"

Eye contact can be awkward.


"Hey, Qin, you keep busy. Dad sent me to let you know we won't have water for the next couple of days."

Su Rou whispered from outside the door.

"I've earned Su Rou's bashfulness, 10,000 points!"


The city was grand, yet the cryptids lurking beyond were not to be underestimated. They frequently inflicted significant damage.

Like cutting off the water supply.

"Okay, got it. Thanks."

Qin Fen inhaled deeply, a wave of relief washing over him.

His composure was intact; he hadn't shown any weakness!

"I'll head out then. Qin, I know you're swamped with studying, but don't forget to look after your health!"

Look after my health?

Qin Fen's smile seized up on his face. He wanted to clarify, but words escaped him.

Moments later, he resigned himself to reality, flopped onto his bed, and pulled out his old phone.

The exam schedule had long been announced.

Yet, at that moment, the class group chat wasn't abuzz about exams but engrossed in a video.

"Strongman caught on camera, overpowering a child with brute strength."

"What a bizarre headline."

Qin Fen clicked on the video with curiosity and immediately spotted Zhang Ning's rainbow hair and his own figure with the ponytail in hand.

"Collected 30,000 points from the netizens' shock!"

Qin Fen's eyes bulged at the prompt. He was amazed that he could score points from the netizens' astonishment.

"Wait, look. Doesn't that girl resemble Zhang Ning? And that guy, doesn't he look like Qin Fen?"

Someone in the group posed the question. Qin Fen couldn't resist giving a thumbs up. The young hero indeed had a keen eye!

"I've earned 666 points from Zhang Ning's anger!"

"Is he anything more than a failure who can't even pass an exam? Why bother with someone who's about to be out of here?"

Zhang Ning struggled to spit out the words, causing Qin Fen, who was on the other end of the phone, to burst into laughter.

Class Monitor: "Exactly, Qin Fen. He's just a loser. No need to waste our time on him."

This class monitor was the leader of Qin Fen's class at the Psionic Power University.

"Harvested 565 points from Zhang Ning's anger!"

Qin Fen didn't spare a glance for the class monitor's remarks. He reveled in the accumulating points of anger emanating from Zhang Ning.

With that thought, Qin Fen quietly approached the girl and murmured, "Zhang Ning, have you found the Nine-Taste Decoction to be effective?"

Nine-Taste Decoction?

"Collected 1888 points of anger from Zhang Ning!"

Qin Fen watched Zhang Ning's soaring emotional score and nodded in approval. He hadn't expected her to hold such a grudge.

Excellent, it seemed Zhang Ning was ready to be harvested like a crop, fair and square!

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