The Street Corner Tycoon/C4 Final Exam Qualification Test!
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The Street Corner Tycoon/C4 Final Exam Qualification Test!
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C4 Final Exam Qualification Test!

Qin Fen woke up early and was pleased to discover that Zhang Ning had racked up a substantial number of points the night before. After eagerly collecting them, he hopped on his bicycle and rode out of the neighborhood.

Today was the day of the qualification test!

To ensure success, Qin Fen had preemptively consumed the Nine-Taste Decoction, though it meant his already threadbare coat suffered even more.

"Qin, why are you up so early today?" Su Rou, a fellow freshman, was already up and helping out in a modest shop. Her cheeks flushed when she saw Qin Fen.

"Oh, I have a test today, so I got up a bit earlier," Qin Fen replied with a confident air, convinced that as long as he wasn't embarrassed about yesterday's events, no one else would be either.

"You have a test today, but didn't you...? You must be tired. Should I grab you some breakfast to eat on the way?" Su Rou's eyes flickered with concern, catching Qin Fen off guard and sending a shiver down his spine.

I promised my brother to forget yesterday's incident. We're still good friends.

Moments later, Qin Fen strode into the classroom and took his place in the last row's only vacant seat.

"Hey, isn't that Qin Fen? How do you have the nerve to show up for the test today?" someone sneered as soon as Qin Fen sat down.

"Exactly. I thought you'd at least have the decency to skip the test! Alas, I gave you too much credit," another voice chimed in with mockery.

Qin Fen's fists clenched at the taunts.

"Hey, why talk about Qin Fen like that? He's our classmate, too!" Qian Tong, the class president, quickly came to Qin Fen's defense with a pointed comment.

"Qin Fen, don't sell yourself short. It's natural that there's a gap between us. Your talent may be lacking, but your skills are commendable," Qian Tong said, feigning sincerity as he faced Qin Fen. "If you're interested, you can work with me after graduation, maybe help carry my things. I'll make sure it's worth your while."

A follower?

Clearly, Qian Tong was eyeing Qin Fen's space-time ability.

"Qin Fen, you should really thank the class president. This is an incredible opportunity for you!"

"Yeah, if the class monitor hadn't taken pity on you, what makes you think you'd deserve to tag along with them?"

Qin Fen smiled. "I've been thinking the same thing. My abilities are quite compatible with the class monitor's water-based psionic power."

Space-time abilities compatible with water? Was there something off with Qin Fen's thinking?

Upon hearing Qin Fen's words, the surrounding students paused, looking perplexed.

"If I work well with the class monitor, wouldn't that make me a mobile water tank? The class monitor could handle the extraction, and I'd manage the transport. Wouldn't that be perfect?"

Qin Fen spread his hands wide.

"Received 5666 points of emotions including anger and shock!"

"If you're not up for it, that's fine. I could just find a pump to do the job, though I wonder if you or the pump would be faster."

"Qin Fen!"

Qian Tong and Zhang Ning, who had just walked in, called out his name almost in unison. Zhang Ning had lost her previous air of arrogance, her hair disheveled and dark circles under her eyes.

"What happened to you? Did you end up getting stitches last night?"

Qin Fen gave Zhang Ning a quick glance, and she stood there, frozen, before hesitantly nodding.

"I'm so sorry, it's my fault. I didn't realize my own strength and you ended up needing stitches."

Stitches? What on earth had they been up to last night?

"Curiosity and other emotions received, 6666 points!"

"What are you all standing around for? Get back to your seats, now! Did you hear me?"

The class teacher, dressed in professional office attire, entered from the doorway, knocking firmly on the blackboard and speaking with authority. Qian Tong and Zhang Ning had no choice but to return to their seats.

"Today's test is straightforward: it's an attack power assessment. Anyone scoring 60 or above will be eligible for the final exam," she announced solemnly.

"Sixty points. I expect everyone in the class, except perhaps Qin Fen, to have no trouble. Just give it your all."

With that, the teacher adjusted her glasses and led the class to the Eastsea University stadium.

In the vast stadium, a line of testing equipment was set up in the center. The principal was there but wasted no time in gesturing for the test to begin.

End-of-Semester Qualification Test!

"Our Psionic Power class has consistently been the best in the school. You all need to perform well this time."

The class teacher offered one last reminder before the exam commenced.


Before the teacher could finish speaking, a student had transformed into a bear and delivered a hefty slap to the testing device!

"Ding! Black iron seven stars, seventy points!"

Upon seeing his score, the bear student shook his head in disappointment, having been convinced he could score at least 75 points.

"My turn."

Qian Tong inhaled deeply, summoning countless ice crystals around him that crashed into the device, instantly encasing it in ice.

"Qian Tong, bronze two stars, ninety points."


The teacher applauded. Water-type talents were common, but Qian Tong's innate abilities were exceptional, hence his impressive display of power.

"I'm up."

Zhang Ning stepped forward, envisioning the device as Qin Fen. She conjured a massive fireball with both hands and hurled it at the target.

"Zhang Ning, black iron nine stars, eighty-five points!"

After her attempt, Zhang Ning spat on the ground, leaving onlookers in a state of surprise.

"Qin Fen, you're next."

Upon hearing his name, Qin Fen nodded blankly and approached the device, his gaze vacant.

"Qin Fen? Isn't he just a useless guy who can only carry stuff? What's he going to show?"

"Yeah, with his level of strength, I could take on ten of him! If he passes, I'll do a handstand in the restroom!"

'Think you can take on ten like me?'

'Looking forward to that handstand in the restroom, are you? I bet you're just looking for a free meal!'

Qin Fen settled into a horse stance, his muscles coiled tightly, and threw a punch at the device without a flicker of emotion.

A punch that split the wind and clouds!

The device was sent flying, smashing through the dilapidated gymnasium wall before finally sputtering out black smoke and falling apart.

"Emotion of shock received, 23333 points!"

"Emotion of anger and panic from Shi Ji received, 1999 points!"

Shi Ji? The principal? Why does he look angry and panicked? Shouldn't he be pleased?

Upon receiving the notification, Qin Fen glanced at the principal, who had appeared beside him at some point. The principal's face was overcast, his expression vacant. His already sparse hair seemed even thinner at the crown, possibly nicked by flying fragments of the equipment.

Was the principal here to provide support to the central administration?

Qin Fen was taken aback.

"Holy smokes, this scene looks familiar! But last time, it was a bald guy."

"Is this really the kind of power a student can unleash?"

"Could even our teachers manage to pull off something like this?"

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