The Street Corner Tycoon/C6 Deceit!
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The Street Corner Tycoon/C6 Deceit!
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C6 Deceit!

"This Nine-Taste Decoction is amazing stuff. It can significantly enhance a Psychic's physical condition, and even ordinary folks can experience a surge in strength after drinking it. Don't pass up on this chance!"

"Really? Look at you, though. You're not exactly the picture of strength. Why don't you boost your own physical condition first?" a young man with a buzz cut asked with a hint of skepticism.

His comment was clearly not meant as a compliment.

"Brother, you've got it all wrong. Who says I'm not strong? I'm incredibly powerful – I could take on ten guys single-handedly," Qin Fen boasted, flexing his right arm to show off his muscles.

However, the young man was unimpressed by Qin Fen's less-than-imposing biceps and walked away, shaking his head in disdain.

The crowd was curious, but few were actually buying.

"Hey, handsome, we'll take two bottles of your mosquito repellent," two attractive young women said as they crouched in front of the stall, their eyes roving over the items displayed on the carpet before settling on the repellent.

The varying shades of light playing across the carpet almost tempted Qin Fen's relatives to try the Nine-Taste Decoction themselves.

To distract from his reaction, Qin Fen quickly turned to grab the repellent, but the side view was even more revealing, and both girls noticed.

Just then, the recorded message from Qin Fen's loudspeaker called out, "Take a look! Nine-Taste Decoction can greatly improve your physical fitness. Don't miss out as you walk by!"

One boldly dressed girl chuckled and said, "Hey, handsome, you look pretty buff. Have you been using your own Nine-Taste Decoction?"

Caught in the act, Qin Fen grinned and decided to play along. He picked up two bottles of the repellent and, with a flirtatious smile, said to the pretty junior, "That's right. Would you like to test out how effective it's been on your senior?"

The other junior, who had a more innocent appearance, spat out in mock disgust, "Creep."

A young man passing by eyed the two attractive juniors before reluctantly moving on. He then turned to Qin Fen with a sarcastic tone, "Qin Fen, you're still peddling your wares on the sidewalk?"

Qin Fen shifted his attention from the blushing girls and, recognizing the newcomer, said with sudden recognition, "Oh, it's you, Zheng Xu. Haven't you seen the video in our class group chat?"

Zheng Xu was momentarily taken aback by Qin Fen's comment. "What video are you talking about? Oh, that's right, you failed the test today. Looks like you're destined for a street vendor's life, huh? But maybe that's for the best, considering your talent has always been rubbish. No surprise there."

Qin Fen's eyes narrowed at the insult. The kid was asking for it. If he didn't teach him a lesson, he'd almost feel guilty.

"If you're clueless, no worries, I'll find the video for you." Qin Fen pulled up the video of him thrashing Liu Ergou from the class group chat and hit play. Liu Ergou's pained screams filled the air, leaving Zheng Xu increasingly unsettled.

Despite some differences, Zheng Xu, as an old classmate, recognized Qin Fen in the video, which explained his astonishment.

"Damn, that tough guy in the video is you?" After watching, Zheng Xu's thoughts were in disarray. The video had utterly dismantled his worldview.

"Authentic, and just so you know, I aced the test today. Perfect score," Qin Fen declared with a smug look, sensing Zheng Xu's shock and amazement growing.

Nowadays, Qin Fen was much more composed about such matters. He still valued the emotional feedback, but he was no longer as naive and excitable as he once was.

Zheng Xu's reaction was to be expected, and the other classmates likely shared his sentiment.

"Xu, do you know how I went from being nearly worthless to a five-star black iron rank in just a few days?" Qin Fen clapped Zheng Xu on the shoulder, adopting the demeanor of a caring older brother as he spoke with a grin.

Zheng Xu, still reeling from shock, responded mechanically, "Why?"

Qin Fen felt a surge of empathy for Zheng Xu as he sensed his emotional turmoil.

Meanwhile, the hawker's cries from the loudspeaker snapped Zheng Xu out of his daze.

"Is it because of the Nine-Taste Decoction?" Zheng Xu ventured uncertainly, and another shout from the loudspeaker confirmed his guess.

"Exactly. The Nine-Taste Decoction gives you incredible strength. You know the saying, 'With great strength comes miracles.' If you buy a few more liters, you can keep the miracles coming." Qin Fen, determined to fleece Zheng Xu thoroughly, did his utmost to convincingly sell the idea.

"Will I become as strong as you in the video if I drink it?" Zheng Xu mused, recalling how Qin Fen had pummeled Liu Ergou with fervor.

If he could be as formidable as Qin Fen, his standing among his peers would soar. Perhaps then, Lili might even consider being with him.

With that thought, Zheng Xu knew he had to get his hands on the Nine-Taste Decoction.

"Qin Fen, how much for the Nine-Taste Decoction? I'll take... one liter." Zheng Xu bit his lip, resolute in his decision.

"One liter will cost you 10,000 yuan," Qin Fen replied, grinning.

At the mention of the price, Zheng Xu's expression turned grim.

"What? 10,000? Are you kidding me? Qin Fen, I absolutely detest this kind of extortionate pricing. Even if I end up a total failure, scorned and expelled from the Psionic Class, I refuse to buy your Nine-Taste Decoction!" Zheng Xu was so incensed he felt like banging his head against a wall.

Having vented his frustration, he felt a bit relieved. Yet, upon reflection, if the Nine-Taste Decoction truly had the power to enhance his physical abilities, then perhaps the price was justified.

"Hey, Qin Fen, any chance you could give me a discount? We're classmates, after all. If your Nine-Taste Decoction really works, I'll be sure to promote it. Plus, I'll be a repeat customer, won't I?"

Considering the potential benefits of the Nine-Taste Decoction, Zheng Xu immediately put the Universal Law of Fragrance to the test, shamelessly buttering up Qin Fen in hopes of a better deal.

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