The Strongest Live-in Son-in-law/C1 I Won't Divorce
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The Strongest Live-in Son-in-law/C1 I Won't Divorce
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C1 I Won't Divorce

"Move aside! Who wants your lousy water?!"


Outside the Civil Affairs Bureau, two women stared at Lin Sheng with icy contempt, their faces etched with scorn.

They were none other than Lin Sheng's wife, Cheng Yunfei, and his mother-in-law, Zhao Juann.

For two years since marrying into the Cheng family, he had endured nothing but disdain and reprimands.

He took care of all the household chores, and the slightest mistake would result in a torrent of verbal abuse.

The Cheng family's mother and daughter treated him worse than their pet dog.

Resigned, Lin Sheng pocketed the water bottle and asked earnestly, "Wife, I'm asking you one last time, are you sure you want a divorce?"

"Get lost, don't call me your wife!" Cheng Yunfei snapped.

Zhao Juann spat out in disdain, her words dripping with sarcasm, "Lin Sheng, just look at yourself, a complete loser. You're not even fit to carry my daughter's shoes! If it weren't for the fact that you once saved my husband's life, do you think someone like you could have stepped foot into our home?"

"You're just a lowly security guard, earning a measly salary. How do you expect to support my daughter?"

At this, Zhao Juann's anger flared, and she pointed at Lin Sheng's nose, berating him, "Get out of our house this instant. We have no use for someone as worthless as you. You might as well be dead."

Zhao Juann's contempt was palpable, and her loud insults drew the attention of many bystanders who stopped to watch the commotion.

"Isn't that the Cheng family's infamous son-in-law? The notorious live-in husband, an orphan with no connections."

"Exactly. And Miss Cheng is such a renowned beauty—it's a total waste!"

"He's nothing but a freeloader."

"You said it. If I were him, I'd be too ashamed to show my face."

Unfazed by his mother-in-law's abuse and the whispers of onlookers, Lin Sheng stood firm, his gaze fixed on Cheng Yunfei, awaiting a final decision from his wife.

"Let's divorce. It's better for both of us."

Lin Sheng's heart sank at Cheng Yunfei's conclusive stance.

"Yunfei, is something wrong? I'm still your husband. Tell me what's going on, and I'll definitely help you!"

Lin Sheng was aware that Cheng Yunfei had recently encountered some troubles.

"You? Lin Sheng, do you really think you can help Yunfei? That's laughable!"

Zhao Juann seemed to have heard the funniest joke, growing impatient and pushing for their divorce.

Cheng Yunfei let out a soft sigh, her face etched with distress, "I'm in trouble. The family's beauty shop is having issues, and we can't pay off the loan."

"Daughter, what's the point of discussing this with such a loser? Can he cough up three million?"

Zhao Juann crossed her arms and scoffed.

"Just three million?" Lin Sheng realized the gravity of the situation and faced Zhao Juann with a stern look. "Mom, if I can come up with three million, does that mean we don't have to divorce?"


Upon hearing this, Zhao Juann let out a scornful laugh. "Lin Sheng, we're talking about three million here. You'll never earn that in your lifetime. A lousy security guard, a penniless nobody—how do you plan to get it? Go rob a bank?"

"I can try to gather it."

Lin Sheng attempted to explain further, but Zhao Juann dismissed him with a wave of her hand and shoved him aside.

"Close your mouth. I'm not your mother anymore. Just hurry up with the divorce paperwork, pack your things, and get out of our house!"

Clearly, Zhao Juann was resolute in her decision to throw her good-for-nothing son-in-law out.

This would pave the way for Cheng Yunfei's admirer, Young Master Zhao, to step in with the three million.

"Mom, let's part on good terms."

Cheng Yunfei couldn't stand her mother's treatment of Lin Sheng.

After all, she and Lin Sheng had spent two years together, and he had never done anything to warrant such disdain.

"What good attitude can one have towards such a waste? If you're any sort of man, just get the divorce over with and stop wasting words." Zhao Juann took her daughter's hand and started pulling her towards the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Hearing Cheng Yunfei stand up for him, Lin Sheng's anxiety eased considerably.

Over the past two years, he had truly fallen for this kind-hearted and stunningly beautiful woman.

Despite enduring scorn and insults, Lin Sheng understood that Cheng Yunfei had also faced considerable criticism and mockery because of him. Her frustration and disappointment were solely due to his perceived inadequacy. However, Lin Sheng had his own difficulties.

"Beep! Beep!"

Suddenly, a car horn blared from behind the crowd. A group of tall bodyguards, dressed in sharp suits, marched through assertively. Then, a young woman whose beauty rivaled Cheng Yunfei's approached Lin Sheng with grace.

With a look of tender concern, she said to Lin Sheng, "Young master, you've been treated unfairly."

Lin Sheng furrowed his brow as he regarded the woman, but his expression betrayed little surprise.

Young, young master?

This address bewildered the Cheng family, mother and daughter, along with the onlookers.

"Did you push him just now?"

The woman strode up to Zhao Juann, towering over her with an icy stare as she interrogated her.

"And who might you be?" Zhao Juann retorted icily, maintaining her domineering demeanor. "What's it to you if I push my good-for-nothing son-in-law? Oh! You seem a bit off. You couldn't possibly be this loser's..."


A sharp slap struck Zhao Juann's face.

"Insult my young master? You think you're worthy?"


Another forceful slap followed, practically thrown at her.

The two resounding slaps left Zhao Juann dazed, standing there clutching her plump cheek, glaring at the young woman with venom.

"You wretch, how dare you strike me!"

Zhao Juann was not one to take things lying down, but as she began to react, the bodyguards closed in.

Realizing her position, Zhao Juann quieted down but still insisted on calling the police.

The young woman nonchalantly accepted a wad of cash from a security guard.

"You're not even slightly injured. What can the police do? I meant to hit you. Ten thousand dollars for a slap, here's twenty thousand!"

Twenty thousand dollars were flung carelessly aside, and Zhao Juann's eyes bulged as she witnessed such a display of wealth. In that moment, the thought of arguing or calling the police vanished from her mind. She quickly crouched down to gather the scattered bills, shouting excitedly to those around her, "Back off, this money is all mine!"

"Yunfei, hurry and grab the money. Twenty thousand dollars!"

Cheng Yunfei's face flushed with embarrassment, while Zhao Juann, still caught up in the excitement, scrambled to collect the cash, oblivious to the onlookers' whispers and stares.

"Two slaps for over ten thousand dollars, that's an incredible deal."

The beauty's gaze was icy as she disdainfully addressed Cheng Yunfei, "I am the housekeeper, here to bring the young master home. You're not good enough for him. You should divorce him quickly!"

A hush fell over the crowd. What was happening?

"This newcomer is even more attractive than the last, with a remarkable presence and, most importantly, she's wealthy."

"Absolutely, just look at her outfit and all that jewelry. She's easily wearing over a hundred thousand dollars."

"Is this woman truly from a prominent family?"

Cheng Yunfei was stunned. She could never have imagined that this wealthy and beautiful woman was actually there for Lin Sheng.

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