The Strongest Live-in Son-in-law/C11 Compensate
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The Strongest Live-in Son-in-law/C11 Compensate
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C11 Compensate

As Lee Dong listened, he casually nibbled at his meal.

His expression was one of detached amusement, devoid of sympathy, with a barely perceptible smirk playing across his face.

"Lee Dong, you're truly accomplished and capable. To think you've become a department manager at Tiankong Pharmaceutical at such a young age."

Zhao Juann pleaded earnestly, "This time, our family is in dire need of your help. If you can assist us through this difficult time, we will be sure to repay your kindness."

Lee Dong mulled it over, nodding slowly.

He turned to Cheng Yunfei with a suggestive look. "Yunfei, is everything your aunt is saying true?"

He wasn't about to agree just like that. Zhao Juann could kneel before him and it wouldn't make a difference to his pride.

Lee Dong was after Cheng Yunfei's demeanor, her earnest request. That would be his chance to make demands of her!

The partnership with Tiankang Pharmaceutical was currently the Cheng family's top priority. Cheng Yunfei, setting her personal feelings aside for the moment, confirmed with a nod, "It's true."

Upon hearing Cheng Yunfei's confirmation, Lee Dong exaggeratedly shook his head. "I really didn't expect your family to have fallen on such hard times! Yunfei, you should have come to me for help."

With a tone of condescension, Lee Dong then addressed Lin Sheng, "Lin Sheng, you're the man of the house now. You need to step up and shoulder your responsibilities! With the family in this state, if you don't strive to improve, people will talk. They'll say you're nothing but a weakling!"

Lin Sheng's lips twisted into a cold smirk. "My affairs are none of Young Master Lee's concern."

Realizing that Lin Sheng wouldn't be fawning over him, Lee Dong was unfazed.

Now, even within the Cheng household, they were the ones seeking his favor, and Lee Dong held the upper hand in the conversation.

Lee Dong gave Cheng Yunfei a look of feigned concern and went on, "Yunfei, I'm currently overseeing a project worth around half a million. I could indeed direct it towards the Cheng family, but..."

Upon hearing the news, Zhao Juann and Cheng Yunfei's faces lit up with excitement!

Securing a half-million yuan project was a significant deal for the Cheng family!

In the grand scheme of Huacheng, the Cheng family was merely a second-tier clan with total assets amounting to just a few million yuan.

The partnerships the Cheng family had managed to secure were typically small contracts in the tens or hundreds of thousands. Lee Dong's mention of a half-million yuan deal was an unexpected and thrilling prospect.

Within the Cheng family, there were those who viewed Cheng Yunfei unfavorably, fearing future disputes over the inheritance. They had long been looking for a way to push her family out.

Landing this contract would solidify their standing within the Cheng family, ensuring that no one could oust them again.

Furthermore, this deal could propel Cheng Yunfei into the inner circle of the Cheng family, possibly positioning her to inherit a portion of the family's wealth in the future!

"Little Dong, you simply must secure this contract for us!" Zhao Juann exclaimed, clutching Lee Dong's hand. "You'll be our family's greatest benefactor from here on out!"

Lee Dong's eyes betrayed a flicker of distaste as he subtly withdrew his hand.

He was interested in Cheng Yunfei's response, yet Zhao Juann kept interjecting.

With a hint of disappointment, Lee Dong said to Cheng Yunfei, "However, I'm not the sole decision-maker on this project. There's also Chief Zhang, and I'm afraid he might be tough to convince!"

"Here's an idea, Yunfei! When you're available, let's invite Chief Zhang out for a meal. A few toasts in his honor might just do the trick."

Lee Dong, having enjoyed a few drinks, was noticeably more relaxed, his gaze lingering a bit too freely on Cheng Yunfei's ample figure.

Accompany him for drinks?

Cheng Yunfei was well aware of Lee Dong's reputation.

If she agreed to go, she feared she might not return home that evening.

"In that case, let's not," she decided.

Cheng Yunfei concluded, "I'll find my own way to negotiate the deal with Tiankang Pharmaceutical. There's no need to involve you further."

Cheng Yunfei never really held out much hope for Lee Dong, which meant she didn't have to worry about being in his debt.

"What solutions can you come up with?"

Zhao Juann's voice rose sharply, "All we need to do is invite Director Zhang for a meal! What's there to worry about? Lee Dong will be there too! I've made up my mind. You two will invite Director Zhang to dinner tomorrow."

The prospect of a 500,000 yuan contract was irresistible to Zhao Juann. She insisted, "No, it has to be tonight!"

Watching Zhao Juann lose her temper, Lee Dong sipped his drink with a smile, observing the unfolding drama.

It was at this moment that he appreciated Zhao Juann's usefulness.

To get Cheng Yunfei on board, Zhao Juann had to take action. Once Yunfei agreed to accompany him, he could triumphantly bring her back from the evening's event.

"Mom, I won't go!" Cheng Yunfei couldn't fathom what Zhao Juann was thinking. Was she really willing to throw her into the fire for the sake of a contract?

Lee Dong's earlier gaze had been lecherous, as if he couldn't wait to devour her, clearly indicating his ill intentions.

"If you don't go, you're pushing your father and me to our deaths!"

Zhao Juann was adamant. "We can't even afford your dad's medical bills, and he doesn't have long left. Once he's gone, I might as well jump off a building. Then you can do whatever you please!" Tears began to stream down her face as she spoke.

"Auntie, please don't cry. Maybe Yunfei is just caught up in the heat of the moment. I'm sure she'll agree, right, Yunfei?" Lee Dong said, standing up and offering Zhao Juann a tissue.

Cheng Yunfei bit her lip, at a loss for what to do.

The Cheng family was in dire straits. Without securing this contract...

The more Yunfei thought about it, the more her mind spun into chaos. She knew that going along with them was like walking into a lion's den, yet she found herself unable to voice her refusal.

"Yunfei is not going!"

At that moment, Lee Dong's voice boomed, brooking no argument.

Cheng Yunfei shivered, feeling utterly overwhelmed. Lin Sheng's words enveloped her in a profound sense of security.

Yet, if she chose not to go, what would become of the contract?

Time was running short before the Cheng family's deadline!

Lee Dong looked on in astonishment. When Zhao Juann had previously pressured Lin Sheng, he had opted for silence, which clearly labeled him as utterly useless.

But now, Lin Sheng was suddenly standing his ground. Had he realized Lee Dong's intentions toward Cheng Yunfei and reached his breaking point?

Lee Dong sneered internally, convinced that he would have his way with Cheng Yunfei and that Lin Sheng couldn't stop him.

"You worthless fool! Shut your mouth! Do you think you have a say here?" Zhao Juann spat out, furious like a cat whose tail had been stepped on. Cheng Yunfei's reluctance was irritating enough, and after Zhao Juann had finally managed to sway her, Lin Sheng had the audacity to speak up?

"I've said it before, I'll handle the contract with Tiankang Pharmaceutical. We'll have a resolution within a week."

Lin Sheng was resolute; when he set his mind to something, he saw it through.

If Liu Yunhua couldn't secure the contract, he would take matters into his own hands. Of that, there was no question.

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