The Strongest Live-in Son-in-law/C14 Lin Sheng Was a Technician in the past
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The Strongest Live-in Son-in-law/C14 Lin Sheng Was a Technician in the past
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C14 Lin Sheng Was a Technician in the past

Lin Sheng swiftly carried Cheng Yunfei into the bedroom.

The room was modest in size, yet it housed two beds.

The large bed in the center belonged to Cheng Yunfei, while a smaller one nestled in the corner was Lin Sheng's. Since their marriage, Lin Sheng had always slept there.

Gently, Lin Sheng laid Cheng Yunfei down on her bed. Currently, she was clad only in a towel that did little to conceal her flawless figure, exposing a vast expanse of her fair skin to Lin Sheng's gaze.

Embarrassment flushed Cheng Yunfei's cheeks, somewhat diminishing the pain in her waist.

Lin Sheng had no time for distractions. Though they had not shared a bed, he had caught glimpses of Cheng Yunfei's body a few times, living together as they did. Now, his priority was to administer treatment without delay.

"Yunfei, lie down on the bed," he instructed.

Lin Sheng assisted Cheng Yunfei into a prone position and draped a blanket over her, leaving her waist exposed.

Cheng Yunfei breathed a sigh of relief, but the pain in her waist soon became more pronounced.

"Yunfei, I'm going to start the treatment. It may hurt initially, but try to endure it," Lin Sheng warned.

He concentrated his true qi into his palm and gently pressed it against Cheng Yunfei's waist.

A wave of soft, silky sensation flowed from Lin Sheng's hand.


Despite being forewarned of the pain, Cheng Yunfei couldn't help but exclaim as a sharp ache shot through her waist when Lin Sheng's palm made contact.

However, the pain quickly subsided, replaced by a cool, soothing sensation. Eventually, Cheng Yunfei's waist was free of pain and even felt somewhat comfortable.

Lin Sheng continued to channel his true qi, mending the strained muscles in Cheng Yunfei's waist. By the end of the treatment, not only was her injury healed, but he had also cleared the meridians surrounding the area.

After Lin Sheng's treatment, Cheng Yunfei should no longer be at risk of spraining her waist.

Gradually, an unusual sensation began to emanate from Cheng Yunfei's waist.

Her body tingled, as if countless ants were marching across her skin, leaving her unsure whether the sensation was unpleasant or soothing.

Particularly when Lin Sheng's True Qi flowed into Cheng Yunfei's body, she felt a jolt, as though she had been zapped by electricity.


Cheng Yunfei involuntarily began to squirm and emitted a soft moan.

"Yunfei, are you still in pain?" Lin Sheng inquired.

"No, it's gone."

Cheng Yunfei snapped out of it, her body tensing up, and she no longer dared to move.

She was well aware of the sensation she had just experienced. How mortifying would it be if Lin Sheng discovered it?

If Lin Sheng could have seen Cheng Yunfei's face, he would have noticed her cheeks flushed and her eyes glistening, as though she were tipsy.

"Yunfei, you're simply overworked."

Lin Sheng suggested, "How about I give you a full-body massage to help ease your fatigue?"

Upon his initial contact with Cheng Yunfei, Lin Sheng had detected several minor ailments, but he was confident that a few massages would resolve them completely.

"No, no!"

Cheng Yunfei quickly grabbed the blanket and wrapped herself up snugly.

"Lin Sheng, my waist is fine now. You should go ahead and get some rest!"

Internally, Cheng Yunfei grumbled, curious about where Lin Sheng had learned such a massage technique that was both comfortable and therapeutic.

The brief waist massage had nearly caused her to lose her composure. She dreaded to think what might happen during a full-body massage!

Had Lin Sheng been a masseur before?

Even more unsettling was the thought that Lin Sheng might have been... a male masseuse?

"Lin Sheng, where... who taught you these medical skills?" Cheng Yunfei finally voiced her concern.

Even though she and Lin Sheng did not share a conventional marital relationship, he was still her husband in name. The idea that Lin Sheng might have been a male masseuse in the past, attending to many other women, was something she found utterly unacceptable.

"When I was a child, I encountered a priest who taught me some medical techniques and martial arts," Lin Sheng explained.

He mentioned a priest as a precaution, so that if a time came when he needed to demonstrate his martial prowess, Cheng Yunfei would inevitably inquire about his teacher.

Claiming to have a Taoist master now would provide a ready-made explanation later.

"Oh..." Cheng Yunfei breathed a sigh of relief, turned her back to Lin Sheng, and faced the wall, ending their conversation.

In the past, Lin Sheng would have taken the hint and gone to sleep on his own.

However, this time, he remained seated at the edge of Cheng Yunfei's bed, making no move to leave.

On the surface, Cheng Yunfei appeared composed, but her heart had begun to race.

What was Lin Sheng up to?

After all, Lin Sheng had just secured a two-million-yuan contract for Tiankang Pharmaceutical for her family and helped them secure a three-million-yuan bank loan. He was no longer the Lin Sheng of old.

Cheng Yunfei wasn't without compassion. Lin Sheng had been generous to her family, and she couldn't bring herself to rebuke him as she might have before.

Now, if Lin Sheng didn't want to sleep alone and preferred to share her bed, what was she to do?

They were married, and she would struggle to find a reason to refuse him...

Cheng Yunfei's mind raced with thoughts. If Lin Sheng could hear her musings, he'd surely comment on how much women overthink.

Lin Sheng truly adored Cheng Yunfei and intended to cherish her for a lifetime.

Given Cheng Yunfei's stunning allure, it was impossible for Lin Sheng to be without desires. Yet, if he ever wished to become intimate with Cheng Yunfei, it would only be with her full consent.

"Yunfei, do you know why our beauty salon's business has taken such a sudden downturn?"

The decline in the salon's fortunes was a constant worry for Cheng Yunfei.

At the mention of this issue by Lin Sheng, her brow furrowed.

With a look of concern, she replied, "It's because Zhao Hongbin has been relentlessly targeting us."

In Huacheng, the Cheng family might be considered second-tier, but the Zhao family was undeniably top-tier.

Cheng Yunfei's beauty salon, let alone the entirety of Cheng's Group, pales in comparison to the might of the Zhao family.

Zhao Hongbin had been deliberately stifling Cheng's beauty salon to coerce Cheng Yunfei into submission, a tactic clear to any observant onlooker.

Lin Sheng nodded, adding, "Zhao Hongbin's efforts to undermine us are certainly part of the problem. Yet, over the years, our salon has built up a substantial base of loyal customers. His attempts alone haven't brought us to the point of desolation."

Cheng Yunfei looked puzzled. She turned to Lin Sheng with a curious gaze. It appeared he might know something she didn't.

She was also taken aback. Previously, Lin Sheng was only familiar with domestic chores, such as laundry and cooking, and was of no assistance with business matters. They had never really connected on that level.

How had Lin Sheng suddenly changed so drastically?

Lin Sheng went on, "It's not just Zhao Hongbin's external pressure; we also have a mole sabotaging us from within."

"A mole?"

Cheng Yunfei sat up, startled, her focus entirely on the salon. She hardly noticed the blanket slipping from her shoulders, revealing a swath of pale skin to Lin Sheng's view once again.

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