The Strongest Live-in Son-in-law/C15 Beauty on the Electric Car
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The Strongest Live-in Son-in-law/C15 Beauty on the Electric Car
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C15 Beauty on the Electric Car

"Are you referring to Cheng Jin?" Cheng Yunfei responded incredulously. "That's impossible. I've always been vigilant around him. I've personally managed the beauty salon, and he has no authority to meddle in its affairs."

However, Cheng Yunfei couldn't help but feel something was off. Her regular customers had gradually vanished without explanation.

Despite being busy, she had arranged for staff to follow up with these customers, yet to no avail.

Lin Sheng revealed, "Cheng Jin has bribed several key employees at our salon. They've been overcharging and providing terrible customer service. Worst of all, they've been suppressing any complaints from our clients."

The more Cheng Yunfei heard, the more alarmed she became. If this was true, she had effectively been sidelined!

But Cheng Jin was her own kin; why would he go to such lengths to undermine her?

"How did you come to know this?" Cheng Yunfei inquired.

"Liu Yunhua informed me," Lin Sheng explained. "He mentioned that Cheng Jin's actions were instigated by Zhao Hongbin."

"It's so difficult to defend against betrayal from within the family!" Cheng Yunfei was livid, her frustration palpable.

If Zhao Hongbin was behind Cheng Jin's actions, then everything fell into place.

Yet, with the beauty salon teetering on the brink of closure, even knowing the cause seemed futile.

"Don't be upset, Yunfei. Now that we're aware of the reason, we can rebuild the salon," Lin Sheng consoled her.

Cheng Yunfei shook her head in resignation, "Our reputation has been tarnished. Unless we start anew in a different city, reviving the business in Huacheng is virtually impossible."

"Besides, my father is currently hospitalized, and the Zhao family is eagerly watching our every move. I'm considering shutting down the salon in a few days."

A hint of sorrow crossed Cheng Yunfei's face as she spoke.

Growing up in the Cheng family, where sons were favored over daughters, she faced constant marginalization, which shaped her into a fiercely independent and strong-willed individual.

The beauty salon was her own creation, rising from obscurity to eventually expanding into over a dozen branches. Now, it faced the prospect of closure once more...

Cheng Yunfei had poured years of dedication into the Chen family's beauty parlor, treating it as if it were her own child. She would never have considered closing it if she hadn't been utterly out of options.

"Yunfei, don't!"

If the beauty parlor were to shut down, reopening it would be a daunting task. Lin Sheng couldn't bear the thought of Cheng Yunfei living with regret.

"Let's not close the beauty parlor just yet. I'll visit the hospital tomorrow to see if there's a chance I can cure Dad's illness," he suggested.

"As long as we put in the effort together, I'm confident that the beauty parlor will thrive once more," Lin Sheng declared, his gaze unwavering and his face radiating assurance.

His confidence was so palpable that it even began to rub off on Cheng Yunfei.

"Lin Sheng, do you really believe our beauty parlor can recover?" Cheng Yunfei asked, her expression one of uncertainty, as though she was questioning both Lin Sheng and herself.

"Yes!" Lin Sheng affirmed. "If we don't give up, we'll always have hope. But if we close now, we'll lose everything."

Cheng Yunfei nodded in agreement. After all, if the beauty parlor closed and the Cheng family disowned her, what other options would she have but to find work elsewhere?

"Lin Sheng, I can't thank you enough for today. I'll figure out how to cover Dad's medical expenses. You should get some rest," Cheng Yunfei said before lying back down and closing her eyes, ready for sleep.

She hadn't taken Lin Sheng's promise to treat her father seriously. His illness was complex enough to baffle top-tier hospitals, and Lin Sheng's modest medical knowledge was hardly sufficient for such a serious condition.

Lin Sheng noticed Cheng Yunfei's skepticism about his medical expertise but chose not to defend himself. After all, he had yet to demonstrate his abilities, so her doubt was understandable.

Tomorrow would be the day of truth.

He was intimately familiar with his father-in-law's medical condition and confident in his ability to treat it with ease. His reluctance to intervene earlier was simply to avoid drawing attention to his skills.

His injuries had completely healed, and his memory was fully restored. He was confident that he could handle any situation, even if his secret was revealed.

Lin Sheng checked the kitchen and saw that the turtle soup was nearly done. After tidying up the space, he showered and then lay down on his small bed. Watching Cheng Yunfei's peaceful sleeping form, he gradually drifted off to sleep.

The following morning, Lin Sheng rose early to make breakfast. Cheng Yunfei and Zhao Juann got up to eat, and after the meal, Zhao Juann hurried Cheng Yunfei to get to Tiankang Pharmaceutical to sign the contract. She herself took the turtle soup Lin Sheng had prepared and left to care for her husband in the hospital.

"Yunfei, how should we get there?" Lin Sheng inquired. "Do you want me to give you a ride on my bike, or should we take a taxi?"

Cheng Yunfei used to own a car, but due to her beauty salon's poor performance and mounting family debts, she had sold it.

"Ride me there on your bike!" she replied. Money was tight, and with her father's hospital bills looming, every penny counted.

"Alright!" Lin Sheng agreed, rolling out his modest electric scooter. He placed a soft cushion on the rear seat for Cheng Yunfei to sit on, then pulled out his phone to use for navigation as they set off.

Dressed in a smart professional suit for the contract signing, Cheng Yunfei's impeccable curves were on full display. Her long legs, encased in black stockings, turned heads and drew admiring glances from many men along the way.

Despite her striking appearance, which suggested she belonged in the passenger seat of a luxury car, Cheng Yunfei was content to ride on the back of a worn-out electric scooter. Many men envied Lin Sheng for this.

"Ah, such is love!" they thought.

One man, driving his own modest car, questioned his lot in life, "How did I lose out to him? To think such a stunning woman would choose to live this humble life with him!"

Another woman, looking on with envy, scoffed at Cheng Yunfei's situation, "What good is beauty if you're still living a life of poverty?"

Lin Sheng was unfazed by the idle chatter; such gossip couldn't even turn his head.

Cheng Yunfei, however, was somewhat embarrassed. Clinging to Lin Sheng's waist, she buried her forehead in his back, too ashamed to meet anyone's gaze.

After more than half an hour, they finally reached the Huacheng branch of Tiankang Pharmaceutical.

"Hold it, what are you here for?" A security guard approached and blocked Lin Sheng and Cheng Yunfei, speaking with impatience. "This is an office area, not a sales floor."

He scrutinized Lin Sheng with a look of contempt. Those who gained entry here were usually the big bosses with business ties to Tiankang Pharmaceutical, arriving in their luxury cars, exuding wealth and influence. Lin Sheng, with his modest appearance, was an anomaly to the guard.

Cheng Yunfei, however, caught the guard's eye, prompting him to take a second glance. A woman of her striking beauty was not a common sight for him.

Lin Sheng parked the electric scooter and explained, "We're here to sign a contract. This is Miss Cheng Yunfei of the Cheng family. If you're still unsure, feel free to verify with her."

"Scram!" The guard lost his patience, waving his hand dismissively. "You're obviously here to peddle something. Signing a contract? You must be dreaming!"

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