The Strongest Live-in Son-in-law/C16 Wang Jian Personally Welcomed Him
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The Strongest Live-in Son-in-law/C16 Wang Jian Personally Welcomed Him
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C16 Wang Jian Personally Welcomed Him

Several more security guards approached Lin Sheng and Cheng Yunfei, eyeing them with hostility. They all bore menacing expressions when they glanced at Lin Sheng, but their gazes turned lecherous when they ogled Cheng Yunfei, particularly fixating on her waist and hips.

"What seems to be the problem here?" inquired a tall man with tattooed arms, striding over with an air of superiority. It was apparent that he was the leader of the security team.

"Captain, these two are sales reps, and we can't seem to get rid of them," the frontmost guard reported, nodding toward Lin Sheng.

"Oh, salespeople, is it?" The captain sized up Lin Sheng and Cheng Yunfei with ill-intent and asked, "What are you selling? Let's hear it. Considering this lady's beauty, I might just patronize your business."

They were clearly bored and, taken with Cheng Yunfei's attractiveness, were looking for some amusement.

The others joined in with smirks and snickers, teasing, "Yeah, do tell. What are you selling? If it's Brother Wei, I might just try one out!"

"Try one out, my foot! You don't even have a girlfriend. Taking Brother Wei might just make you keel over!"

"There's a gorgeous woman right here, I won't be keeling over anytime soon! Hahaha..."

Cheng Yunfei's brow furrowed at their crude remarks. She hadn't expected the security staff at a reputable company like Tiankang Pharmaceutical to be so unprofessional. If not for the significance of this contract to her, she would have walked away long ago.

Lin Sheng's expression turned icy. "As I've said, we're here to sign a contract!"

He continued sternly, "Either step aside or go report this. If there's any more disrespectful talk, don't expect me to remain civil!"

He was already showing considerable restraint by not responding physically to their comments about Cheng Yunfei.

"Oh, look at you, too proud to be polite?" one guard taunted. "I'm curious to see just how you're going to be impolite."

Lin Sheng, slim and undoubtedly handsome, might not seem like a match in a brawl, but his stature belied his capability.

In contrast, the security guards were a formidable bunch, each one burly and muscular. They seemed confident that any one of them could easily take Lin Sheng down and leave him searching for his teeth on the ground.

They planned to claim that Lin Sheng was there to stir up trouble and that they had merely disciplined him.

While one of them was speaking, he reached out to shove Cheng Yunfei.

Enraged, Lin Sheng acted swiftly. Just as the man's hand was about to make contact with Cheng Yunfei, Lin Sheng extended his arm and firmly grasped the man's wrist.


The security guard, who had intended to manhandle Cheng Yunfei, let out a piercing scream.

His wrist felt as though it was trapped in a vice, the bones crackling under Lin Sheng's grip as if they might shatter at any moment.

With a single squeeze from Lin Sheng, the man crumpled to the floor, his complexion ghostly pale and beads of cold sweat streaming down his forehead.

The onlookers were stunned.

They hadn't anticipated Lin Sheng's prowess; with one move, he had floored a man.

"Kid, what do you think you're doing? Release me now!"

"You're looking for trouble? Have you even considered where you are?"

"Exactly. If you have any sense, beat it. Or we'll make sure you leave with broken legs!"

Seeing that Lin Sheng was not to be messed with, they started to accuse him of being a troublemaker.

Unperturbed, Lin Sheng kept his grip on the security guard with one hand, while with the other, he pulled out his phone and called Liu Yunhua.

"President Liu, you're not playing games with me, are you?"

Lin Sheng's tone was icy as he spoke, "We've arrived at Tiankang Pharmaceutical and can't even get through the front gate."

"What? You can't get through the gate?"

Liu Yunhua was so alarmed that he jumped to his feet, speaking with a mix of fear and urgency, "That's impossible! I had already finalized arrangements with Wang Jian, the top leader of Tiankang Pharmaceutical in Huacheng!"

"It's all my fault! I should have arranged a proper reception for you. I'm calling Wang Jian right this moment!"

After ending the call, Lin Sheng casually tossed the security guard he had been holding to the ground. The other guards were blustering nearby, yet none dared to confront Lin Sheng directly.

They never expected that Lin Sheng, who didn't seem particularly robust, would possess such strength!

"Listen, kid, I'm warning you one last time. Beat it if you know what's good for you! Make trouble at Tiankang Pharmaceutical, and no matter how capable you think you are, I guarantee you'll be looking at a few years behind bars!"

These security guards were used to throwing their weight around, but when faced with a tough nut like Lin Sheng, all they could do was talk big.

"Lin Sheng, maybe we should leave for now and come back after everything's been verified," Cheng Yunfei suggested with a hint of concern.

She was eager to sign the contract but didn't want to see Lin Sheng get into any trouble.

Lin Sheng stood protectively in front of Cheng Yunfei and reassured her, "Yunfei, don't worry. Their boss will be out to meet us soon."

"Hahaha! Am I hearing things? This guy actually thinks our boss is going to come out to meet him?" The security guards laughed as if it was the most hilarious thing they'd ever heard.

"He must be delusional! Totally out of his mind!"

"He should take a good look in the mirror. Does he even know what our boss looks like?"

"If our boss actually comes out to greet him, I'll write my name backwards!"

Cheng Yunfei also doubted it was likely. Tiankang Pharmaceutical's willingness to partner with the Cheng family was already a significant concession. Why would they bother to come out and greet them? Yet she kept her thoughts to herself, not wanting to undermine her own authority.

Lin Sheng remained silent, waiting patiently.

He was determined: today, he would secure that contract by any means necessary, even if it meant calling upon the resources of the Lin family.

Lin Sheng was known for his integrity; he had never broken a promise, especially not to Cheng Yunfei, the woman he cherished above all else.

While the security guards were doubled over with laughter, a flurry of activity erupted inside the building as a group of people hurried out.

Each of them was impeccably dressed in a suit and leather shoes, exuding an air of distinction. They had the look of business elites!

The security guards were caught off guard, some with their mouths still agape, as the smiles vanished from their faces.

"What are you waiting for!? Line up and salute, now!"

The head of security was the quickest to snap to attention. He had never witnessed such a large number of executives mobilizing at once!

It seemed like the entire staff from Tiankang Pharmaceutical's building had emerged, creating an intimidating spectacle!

Leading the pack was none other than the big boss himself, Wang Jian!

The security guards quickly formed a line and saluted the group with utmost respect.

"Mr. Lin, my apologies for not greeting you properly upon your arrival!"

Wang Jian, a genteel and courteous man in his forties, was quick to offer his apologies to Lin Sheng.

Previously, Liu Yunhua had approached Wang Jian to discuss a potential collaboration. Wang Jian had initially considered offering a modest contract worth a few hundred thousand yuan as a courtesy to President Liu.

After all, Cheng's Group hardly caught his attention. Were it not for Liu Yunhua's intercession, Wang Jian would have never considered partnering with Cheng's Group in his lifetime.

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