The Strongest Live-in Son-in-law/C18 Wang Jian's Troubles
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The Strongest Live-in Son-in-law/C18 Wang Jian's Troubles
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C18 Wang Jian's Troubles

Cheng Yunfei began to meticulously read the contract. She hadn't expected much, but to her surprise, the terms were quite shocking.

It was an "unfair" contract, but not in the way one might assume. Surprisingly, it wasn't the Cheng family at a disadvantage, but Tiankang Pharmaceutical. They had actually offered to concede ten percent of the profits! Wasn't that essentially handing money over to the Cheng family?

Cheng Yunfei looked at Wang Jian with a mix of disbelief and skepticism. "Mr. Wang, are you sure there's no mistake in this contract? Perhaps you should review it once more?" she suggested, handing the document back to him.

Wang Jian accepted the contract with both hands, scrutinizing it once again. "No, it's correct. Do you see any issues?" he inquired.

After a moment, he seemed to realize what was troubling her. "You're referring to the ten percent profit concession, aren't you?" Wang Jian glanced at Lin Sheng before explaining, "Since this is our first collaboration with the Cheng family, we'll all be friends moving forward. Consider it a welcoming gesture."

Lin Sheng nodded in understanding. He looked at Wang Jian and responded, "Well then, thank you, Mr. Wang. We should definitely interact more in the future."

Wang Jian had extended such courtesy, and Lin Sheng was not one to be outdone in kindness. He mentally noted this act of generosity, planning to reciprocate when an opportunity arose.

"The pleasure is all mine!" Wang Jian was astute and could read between the lines. Lin Sheng's acceptance of the favor was precisely the outcome he had hoped for.

Turning to Cheng Yunfei, Lin Sheng instructed, "Yunfei, go ahead and sign the contract. Put your name down."

"My name?" Cheng Yunfei was taken aback. This was a deal she had negotiated on behalf of the Cheng family. Conventionally, it would be her grandfather, Cheng Shaan, the family patriarch, whose name would be on the contract.

"Yes, yours," Lin Sheng confirmed. "For this project, let's keep it directly under your management, without interference from others in the Cheng family. Wouldn't it be great for you to handle it personally?" He gave Cheng Yunfei an encouraging wink.

Cheng Yunfei instantly grasped Lin Sheng's implication.

Back with the Cheng family, she had always been an outsider.

Her grandfather's preference for males, particularly for Cheng Jin, led to her being marginalized by the other members of the Cheng family. Cheng Shaan had consistently turned a blind eye.

Now, with this contract in her possession, she'd have a voice within the Cheng family.

Even if the Cheng family were to consider abandoning her after achieving their goals, they'd have to weigh the consequences carefully.

Should they push her too far, Cheng Yunfei could easily sever ties with the Cheng family and manage the project on her own, making money effortlessly.

Cheng Yunfei was no fool; she had long realized that this move was in her best interest.

However, having grown up in the Cheng family, she had always endured the ostracism and even sabotage passively, never once considering rebellion.

But Lin Sheng's nudge had finally made her see that it was time to look out for herself.

Her beauty salon's business had plummeted, necessitating a cash infusion, and her father's severe illness required costly hospital treatment. She had sought assistance from the Cheng family, only to be met with cold indifference.

This had chilled her heart to its core.

With swift strokes, Cheng Yunfei signed her name on the contract and tucked it away.

She glanced at Lin Sheng, her gaze brimming with appreciation.

Armed with the contract, she felt a newfound sense of empowerment.

Lin Sheng, too, looked pleased. He turned to Wang Jian and said, "Mr. Wang, have you encountered any challenges lately? Feel free to share; perhaps I can be of assistance."

Lin Sheng had picked up on subtle cues in Wang Jian's demeanor earlier.

Despite Wang Jian's consistently warm smile, Lin Sheng detected an underlying anxiety, suggesting he was harboring some concerns.

Cheng Yunfei cast a surprised look at Lin Sheng. What was he up to?

It was their first meeting with Wang Jian, yet Lin Sheng had discerned his troubles.

Could Lin Sheng have a gift for reading people?

Wang Jian's face was a picture of shock, his expression one of utter disbelief as he exclaimed, "How did you know that?"

Lin Sheng offered a smile and replied, "I once had a Taoist priest as my master. He imparted some knowledge to me. My understanding is rudimentary, but I did manage to learn a bit."

Lin Sheng's explanation was vague; he didn't specify what the priest had taught him.

However, Wang Jian picked up on the crucial detail: a Taoist priest!

A priest could not only heal the sick and save lives but might also possess knowledge of Taoist magic!

The fact that Lin Sheng had immediately noticed something was amiss indicated that his skills were far from superficial; he had truly mastered them.

"Mr. Lin, I've indeed been facing some difficulties lately," Wang Jian admitted hesitantly. "A year ago, I purchased a house on the outskirts of Huacheng. Little did I expect that once we moved in, my family's fortunes began to decline."

"I had intended to sell it, but now that everyone is aware of the house's issues, it's impossible to find a buyer. My sister has fallen ill, and I'm planning when to move out. If the house simply can't be sold, I guess we'll just have to abandon it!"

Lin Sheng nodded thoughtfully and said, "I understand. Give me a couple of days, and I'll come over to have a look. I've studied some Feng Shui principles with my master, so perhaps I can be of assistance."

Today, Wang Jian had done Lin Sheng a great favor, and he saw this as an opportunity to repay him.

"That would be wonderful! I can't thank you enough, Mr. Lin!"

Excitement flickered across Wang Jian's face. Although uncertain about Lin Sheng's ability to resolve his issue, he knew that someone of Lin Sheng's standing would have connections to many influential figures.

If Lin Sheng couldn't find a solution, he might be able to refer him to another Feng Shui expert.

The mansion had cost him nearly ten million yuan, virtually his entire fortune, and the thought of just walking away from it was unbearable.

Once they had agreed on a time, Lin Sheng, accompanied by Cheng Yunfei, took his leave.

His father-in-law was still hospitalized with a grim prognosis, and he was eager to check on him.

"Lin Sheng, you know about Feng Shui too?" Cheng Yunfei asked, her curiosity piqued as they stepped outside.

Lin Sheng chuckled and said, "I can read a little. Wang Jian has been such a great help to us; I must find a way to repay him."


Cheng Yunfei nodded in appreciation. It was the contract that had Lin Sheng putting in so much effort.

"Yunfei, let's head to the hospital!"


Lin Sheng hopped on his electric scooter, with Cheng Yunfei riding behind him, and they set off for the hospital.

On their way, Cheng Yunfei clung to Lin Sheng's waist, feeling unusually content.

With the contract in hand, if she couldn't gather enough money for her father's treatment, she could rely on it to persuade the Cheng family to foot the bill.

However, before they could reach the hospital, Cheng Yunfei's phone began to ring.

It was her mother, Zhao Juann.

"Yunfei, where are you? Come quickly!"

From the other end of the phone came Zhao Juann's frantic crying, "Your dad, your dad is in a bad way! Hurry and come to see him one last time!"


Cheng Yunfei was terrified, her complexion draining of color. Her father's condition, though serious, had always been under control. How could his situation have deteriorated so suddenly?

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